
Saturday, February 8, 2014

The American Character

Charlotte Student Mr. Teacher Course Name 17 kinsfolk 2011 The American Character Clouds of smoke and rows of hands in grubby or red c everyplace the field. Sounds of drums and gunshots lead the air. Cannons be blare and passel are f every(prenominal)ing. This is 1776 through 1781 during the combat for Americas independence from the British. This war established a mindset that we as Americans carry on today. The American grammatical case contains conglomerate ideas such as concurrence of the great deal, freedom to let prohibited opinions, and a sense of patriotism. First and foremost, while the American large number fought the revolutionary war, a common desire grew to be a unified country. This idea of unification would spread throughout the states and to a greater extent and more families would join the patriots in the fleck for Americas independence. A union is a assembly of people who perform together for a common purpose. This unity of the people is showed in The Patriot when two men, one clear and one ghastly, are getting ready for battle. The sportsmanlike hu homosexualness turns to the black man and says I am honored to be struggle near to you. In the beginning of the movie the same white man was mocking the black man for the fact that he couldnt read. Today in America our nation is close up unified. afterward 9/11 everyone in our country was devastated by the tragedy that occurred. Every person in America was touched by this event; we were unified in thoughts and pain over all the lives lost. Unity is important because it brings our nation together and makes us stronger indeed more secure. In addition, the American people regard in being able to verbalize their opinions freely. The whole solid ground the Americans fought in the revolutionary war was to break away from England in rescript to set up their own government. With this new government, the people could express their individual opinions and have a v oice in what goes on, for example, voting f! or who is going to govern them, and what taxes will be given. This is distinct from the British...If you indispensableness to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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