Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay --
Review of Prediction Models for Annual Hurricane CountsELserner, J. (2006). Prediction Models for Annual US Hurricane Counts. American Meteorological Society, 2935-3951.HURRICANESThis paper provides a Bayesian approach towards growth a prediction model for the occurrence of coastal hurricane activity based on historic hurricane data from 1851 to 2004 from US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A hurricane is defined as a tropical cyclone with maximum sustained (1min) 10-m winds of 65kt (33 m s-1) or greater. 1A Hurricane landfall occurs when a storm passes over land after originating in water. A hurricane can make more than one landfall. A landfall may occur even when the exact centre of low pressure remains offshore(eye) as the eyewall of the hurricane extends a radial distance of 50km. The literature review in the paper suggests a significant effect of El Nino Southern Oscillations (ENSO) on the frequency of hurricanes forming over topics and a less significant effec t over sub tropics. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) also plays an important role in altering hurricane activity (Elsner 2003 Elsner et al. 2001 Jagger et al. 2001 Murnane et al 2000) has been stated.The hurricane observations considered in the model fulfills the following criteria1The storm hits the US chaste atleast once at hurricane intensity.2The storm is recorded in the US continent only except Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin IslandsThe discrepancy associated with the in stock(predicate) data of hurricanes is about the certainty of the records for before 1899 ie the hurricane record from 1851-1898 are less certain than records available after 1899. The challenge here is to achieve such a model that gives accurate predictions even if t... ...June. Therefore the partial season count excludes hurricanes of May (1 occurred) and June (19 occurred) from the summate of 274 hurricanes from 1851 to 2004. A total of 20% data is eliminated from 274 hurricanes.MODEL FOR ANNUAL HURRICAN E COUNTPOISSON REGRESSION MODELh Poisson (lamdai )lamdai =exp(o+ Xi )Ln(lamdai)= o+ Xi o and define a specific model and are calculated on Bayesian approach. The model assumes the parameters (intercept and coefficient) to have a distribution and that evidence is made by computing the posterior probability density of the parameter conditioned on the discover data.The Bayesian approach combines Prior belief f() and just about frequent likelihood to give the posterior Densityf(h) proportional f(h/ ).f()The posterior density talks about the belief of parameter values after considering the observed counts.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Postion Paper: Nature Vs. Nurture -- essays research papers
Position Paper Nature vs. NurtureThe controversy of nature vs. nurture has been tone ending on for many years, and adecision has not yet been reached in which one is the most affective. Using the results ofthe countless tests done, everyday situations, and the twins experiment, I leave alone prove thatnature is a larger contributor to the outcome of our personalities than nurture.Firstly, many psychologists and Universities, such as Harvard, conducted countlesstest to determined which traits of our personalities seemed to be inherited, and whichseemed to be demonstrable from our own life experiences. For most of the traits measured,more than half the variation was found to be due to heredity. Among these traits werethings such as leadership abilities, traditionalism, obedience or deficiency of, and surprisinglyenough, the strict enforcement of rules. An not all the things tested were based on statureand parental ways. Some that tested out at least 50% due to heredity included a sense ofwell-being, zest for life alienation vulnerability or resistance to stress and fearfulness orrisk-seeking. all(a) these factors have to do directly with our personality. Our goals forachieving and future were another thing that tested out to be largely due to heredity andgenes. The need to achieve, including ambition and drop to work hard towards goalsis an example of that. All these points simply prove that there are very many trai...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Benito Juarez Essay -- essays research papers
Benito Juarez was one of the most prominent and resourceful leaders in Mexicos history. He raised the received of living and championed the poor. However, it took Juarez half his life to become such a dominant political figure.&9He was born in San Paulo Guelatao in the Mexican dry land of Oaxaca. His parents were Indians, and he was raised a shepherd boy. His parents died when he was three, leaving Benito to his unmarried uncle. His uncle believed that the only way for him to better his place in society was to become a priest. So, on December 18, 1818, Benito at the age of twelve ran away to the city to learn. He entered the city penniless, and didnt even speak the language.&9He short got a job helping a bookbinder, and attended a parish school. He soon left the school because of discrimination, and social class divisions. He worked, and was then suitable to enroll in the Holy Cross Seminary. Benito did not want to become a priest, but the free education kept him there. Then, at 22 he entered the Institute of Sciences and Arts, and he studies Physics, and then law.&9In 1831 he finished his studies, and went to work in a law office. That same year, at age 25 he was elected to the position of city alderman. Then, in 1833 he was elected to the Oaxaca State legislature. Next, in 1834 he became the attorney for the state. Governments changed, as was characteristic in Latin America, and he was thrown in jail. He then was released, and gained support of both Libe...
It’s Time to Remove Cameras from the Courtroom :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Its Time to Remove Cameras from the Courtroom Is Judy still keeping audiences entertained by tolerant the court system a new attitude? Will court systems ever get back its self-respect? Not as long as the cameras still role. Cameras in the courtroom harbor been really beneficial in certain cases, but it has caused a lot of harm. The human race has taken the solemnness of these meetings, and has changed it to a form of entertainment only clowns would be involved with. The public is so involved with this newfound form of fun, that they dont realize the actual damage that it is causing in the judicial system as well as human life. I feel that even though cameras are a very innovative appearance to educate people about unknown situations, they need not be in courtrooms involved with high profile cases. The biggest trial of the century has been said to shake off been the O.J. Simpson trial. People flocked to their favorite public places to be with friends so they could watch the tr ial together. Some even gave up sleep so to get as frequently information about the case as possible. The Simpson trial seemed to be a lot more popular for entertainment than watching movies or even the watching the Super Bowl. In Time magazine, journalist Jill Smolowe, quoted Don Hewitt, executive producer of 60 Minutes, about the atrocity of making trials a spectator sport. Hewitt said, I dont exchangeable the idea that a murder trial has been turned into an entertainment special. There are certain moments in American life that have certain dignity (38). The judicial system is a very complex system and deserves the respect and dignity that is required. It needs to be taken seriously. The public has no right to happen upon it into a game. This is a serious process of bringing criminals to justice. Some people say that by watching the court system in action, what once was very unknown and unfamiliar, has now become familiar and useful in helping people become more knowledgeable of what happens inside courtrooms. Most people have not been in a courtrooms and only have the perspective that T.V. gives to them. Now they are able to see what really goes on and now can violate understand and relate. Sure having court proceedings on T.V. can help us really understand and become educated about them.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Digital Diversity Essay -- Writing Composition Education Internet Essa
Digital DiversityDoes the international scope of the Internet entail an end to the heathen and historical diversity of style in composition?In the past several decades, technology has led to a giant connected network of computers. This unsanded Internet (and mainly the World Wide Web) has become a new communication and information exchange tool. All data that used to be transmit by voice, paper, radio, television, or other mass media device can now be done so digitally, and these messages can be personal as swell up as broad-scoped. Throughout the ages, the style of messages being delivered has reflected upon the culture and history of their origin. Although the Internet r distributivelyes most places in the world, it will not homogenize the style of content fix on it.Significant portions of the Internets origins lie in American history. In the early 1960s, scientists began to seek a way of better communicating with each other, mainly for the purpose of sharing information in a fast and easy manner. Due to developments in packet switching technology, the concept of wide force field computer network could be realized. Researchers at DARPA began work on ARPANET, which, through a series of improvements and modifications, would eventually become the groundwork for the modern Internet. These networks were originally built by connecting one computer at a time, and adding more as they were needed. Still, ARPANET was an American military creation constructed during the Cold War as a rapid and more high tech communication framework.However, the other use for the budding Internet was information sharing by scientists all across the globe, not except ones at American institutions. Furthermore, the World Wide Web was developed by Tim Bern... ...the style of others they see because there is an individual inside each computer user who doesnt want to be the exact same as everyone else. With its global scope, the Internet may end up promoting diversity instead of forcing homogeneity. BibliographyBrenner, Steven E. Perl Routines to Manipulate CGI stimulanthttp//, Lev, online archive http// Manovich, Lev, The Engineering of Vision from Constructivism to Computers, online Ph.D. Dissertation, 1993.Rubinstein, Geoffery, Printing History and Development,http//, Nathan, online papers http//, Nathan, The Digital WorldSullivan, Danny, Foreign Language Internet Search Engines,http//
Digital Diversity Essay -- Writing Composition Education Internet Essa
Digital DiversityDoes the international scope of the Internet entail an end to the cultural and historical kind of style in composition?In the past several decades, technology has led to a giant connected engagement of computers. This new Internet (and in the main the World Wide Web) has become a new communication and information exchange tool. All data that used to be transmitted by voice, paper, radio, television, or other mass media device can now be d unmatchable so digitally, and these messages can be personal as well as broad-scoped. throughout the ages, the style of messages being delivered has reflected upon the culture and history of their origin. Although the Internet reaches most places in the world, it will not homogenize the style of content found on it. square portions of the Internets origins lie in American history. In the early 1960s, scientists began to seek a way of better communicating with each other, mainly for the figure of sharing information in a fast and easy manner. Due to developments in packet switching technology, the concept of wide area computer network could be realized. Researchers at DARPA began work on ARPANET, which, through a series of improvements and modifications, would eventually become the groundwork for the modern Internet. These networks were originally built by connecting one computer at a time, and adding more as they were needed. Still, ARPANET was an American military creation constructed during the Cold War as a faster and more lavishly tech communication framework.However, the other use for the budding Internet was information sharing by scientists all across the globe, not just ones at American institutions. Furthermore, the World Wide Web was developed by Tim Bern... ...the style of others they see because there is an individual inside each computer user who doesnt hope to be the exact same as everyone else. With its global scope, the Internet may end up promoting diversity instead of forcing homoge neity. BibliographyBrenner, Steven E. Perl Routines to Manipulate CGI inputhttp//, Lev, online archive http// Manovich, Lev, The design of Vision from Constructivism to Computers, online Ph.D. Dissertation, 1993.Rubinstein, Geoffery, Printing History and Development,http//, Nathan, online papers http//, Nathan, The Digital WorldSullivan, Danny, Foreign Language Internet Search Engines,http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
Principles of Public International Law Essay
Law forget never re completelyy play an effective part in globalist relations until it cornerstone annex to its own sphere m only of the matters which at present lie within the domestic jurisdiction of the several utters. Discuss The principles and regulations schematic in a community by some agentity and applicable to its people, whether in the form of legislation or of custom and policies cutd. The aforementioned is a definition of practice of legal philosophy as defined by the American Heritage dictionary of the English Language.If we apply this definition of community in its strictest sense it becomes progressively difficult to subscribe to the view that there is an international community at large. If we begin to analyse statistics that show that there argon over 7000 languages in the world, more or less 10,000 distinctly different religions, and a disputably infinite number of ethnic groups across just the 195 countries that comprise our international society, then it becomes patently clear that we would be mitigate off highlighting our divisiveness rather than our prospects as a global community.Our collective history as human existences, however, tells a different story about our ordinary worry and the way in which we sport formally raised and torn down barriers to promote the same. We have, on the other hand, been separated on the basis of differing ideologies and the exercising of exclusive nationalism. Since the latter is a sentiment which resides in particular nations which have at their core a dictated effective framework validating their truly existence and their interaction with other nations, it is essential to any study of laws application to international relations.How does a sovereign nation reconcile its real reign with its growing need to be integrated into a shrinking global society with its concomitant shrinking global economy? It is clear that some compromises mustiness be made. Before we consider any specific cases in which states have decided to relinquish some of their sovereign power, we must consider the implications of the edge sovereignty itself, the elements of sovereignty and its importance to a nation-state. Much has been written on the topic of sovereignty.Definitions vary slightly from one text to the other hardly they all have at their core, when specifically referring to the idea of state sovereignty, the idea of legitimate authority. In Sohail H. Hashmis discourse on sovereignty in the book present sovereignty, Change and Resistance in International Relations, he asserts, referring to the concept of legitimate authority, that it is a broad concept non a definition only when a wide category that unites most of sovereigntys tradition. He further notes that authority can be defined as The right to direct and correlatively, the right to be obeyed and is only legitimate when it is seen as right by those living under it. It is to be noted that legitimate authority is not merely the idea of more power. R. P. Wolf, the twentieth century political philosopher and individual anarchist, illustrates the difference more sharply in a classical example in which he argues if I am forced at gun localize to hand over my money, I am subject to power if I pay my taxes even though I think I can cheat I am recognizing legitimate authority. We must realize, however, that though legitimate authority is the overarching principle on any discourse on state sovereignty, there are specific elements of state sovereignty that are crucial, which every sovereign state implements dear to it and attempts to retain heedless of seemingly necessary or stipulated concessions of power, influence or authority to the international community. They include International Legal Validation (of a sovereign state), Interdependence Sovereignty and Domestic Sovereignty. International Legal Validation can be viewed as the right of the state to be a sovereign entity as prescribed by inte rnational law.It is legitimate authority as a legal construct or as Hashami puts it legitimate authority that is prescribed by the law. (Hashami, pg 18) The author Stephen D. Krasner in his book Sovereignty, Organised Hypocrisy describes this element of sovereignty as international legal sovereignty. He states that it refers to the practices associated with mutual recognition, usually between territorial entities that have formal juridical independence. At its core international legal validation concerns retorts of the recognition of states.If one were ignorant about the political climate on the global front, the natural answer to the question how did a state become a state? would be that the would-be state must satisfy the defined stipulations (in international law) for becoming a state. Following this line of reasoning would inevitably lead one to the very first article of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States, which since 1933 set out that The state, as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications (a) permanent population (b) a defined territory (c) government and (d) capableness to work out into relations with other states. It does not take much political savvy, however, to understand that the legal criteria for statehood and the actual criteria for being recognized as a state by the international community at large is a de facto and de jure issue. As Krasner postulates States have recognized other governments even when they did not have control over their claimed territory, such(prenominal) as the German and Italian recognition of the Franco regime in 1936, and the American recognition of the Lon Nol government in Cambodia in 1970.States have continued to recognize governments which have lost power, including Mexican recognition of the Spanish republican regime of 1977, and recognition of the Chinese Nationalist regime by all of the major westerly powers until the 1970s. States have refused to recog nize new governments even when they have established effective control, such as the British refusal to recognize the July monarch in France until 1832, the US refusal to recognise the Soviet regime until 1934. (Krasner, pg 15) The recognition of states is definitely an area in which the law (as prescribed by the Montevideo Convention and more recently the EU, which has almost resembling tenets concerning the recognition of states) has proved ineffective in international relations precisely because of the political agendas and consequently domestic jurisdiction of the several states which reflect the political climate in which they operate.States attempt to hold on to this type of sovereignty because it affords them clout and validation in a global society in which interdependence is not just an ideal but a tool for survival, at the very least and a necessary aid to prosperity at the very most. The point here is not that nonrecognition brings with it a form of absolute isolation whi ch renders the unrecognised state permanently barred from international commerce and diplomatic relations.What is of paramount importance, however, is the fact that nonrecognition brings with it an air of uncertainty concerning the unrecognised state, particularly in the eyes of multinational firms which as a result may be more reluctant to invest. Krasner notes that by facilitating accords, international legal sovereignty offers the possibility for rulers to secure external resources that can enhance their ability to stay in power and promote the security, economic, and ideational interest of their constituents. (Krasner, pg 17) Interdependence sovereignty is the ability of a state to regulate the flow of information, goods, ideas and people into and out of its country. States try to hold on to this type of sovereignty because their ability to do this is directly related to their ability to effectively take control and organise their own polity, which in essence is domestic sovere ignty which states must hold on to by definition i. e. in order to be a state in the first place.We shall consider reasons which prompt states to relinquish some of their sovereignty later in our discussion. We have then far acknowledged, via several examples, based on the politics involved in the process of mutual recognition of states, that the issue of international legal sovereignty or international legal validation is a de facto versus de jure consideration. Is this, however, a trend in the legal procedures in international relations? The law, based on our previously defined definition, must be applicable to the actors in the community in hich it is operating. If, in the realm of international relations, the law can be voluntarily and regularly flouted by those who come under its subjection then serious questions arise about the very existence of international law. It must be duly noted though that states undeniably operate within the workings of a law order which to a large close regulates their day to day interactions with one another and which is autonomous in its operations. There are a countless number of international treatises that are steadfastly ascertained on a day to day basis.Examples include international accordances which facilitate the smooth to and fro transport of letters which are transported to all corners of the globe at meliorate rates which are stipulated by the Universal postal union, the establishment of hundreds of football leagues worldwide- the individual countries who oversee them all subscribing to the specific rules and regulation set out by the world governing personify in football, F. I. F. A. and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations which afford diplomats exemption from prosecution within the courts of the country in which they are stationed.It is evident then that there is a legal framework that regulates the goings on of international relations. We have to probe a bit deeper into the workings of this bras s in order to ascertain whether or not it can accurately be characterised as international law. It can be argued that upon examination of our above examples of situations in which law plays an effective role in international relations, that the circumstances demand that such broad and far-reaching legal action be undertaken. The methods may vary but in order for letters to be transported globally there must be some standardisation procedure.This sort of necessary self-coercion can be observed in a slightly different manner in the operations of international trade wind and commerce. Often times when two countries have a trade dispute they seek to resolve it in the World Trade Organisation (W. T. O. ), the foremost international authority on trade and trade disputes. The country that loses the dispute, in a legal case which is heard before a court of law under the auspices of the W. T. O. , more often that not abides by the decision. This, a come on, is not necessarily because the lo sing party has a great respect or reverence for international law or the W.T. O. per se, but rather because it is within its interest to do so. As Harris explains, The great majority of the rules of international law are generally observed by all nations without actual compulsion, for it is generally in the interest of all nations concerned to honour their obligations under international law. (Harris pg 8) He further argues that a nation will be reluctant to disregard its obligations under a technical treaty, since the benefits that it expects from the execution of the treaty by the other contracting parties are complimentary to those anticipated by the latter.It may thus stand to loose more than it would gain by not fulfilling its part in the bargain. This is particularly so in the long run since a nation that has the reputation of reneging on its commercial obligations will find it hard to conclude commercial treaties beneficially to itself. (Harris pg8) There is, evidently the n, a law amongst nations, which is effective regardless of the reason for it being so. The problem of specify this law amongst nations as international law, however, lies in part because of those very cases in which it is flagrantly disregarded.For any legal system to be givenal optimally it must operate in a community in which there is a legislative system to make laws as it sees fit, a judiciary to implement the politics of justice and an executive body to enforce the law. Now grant it, generally speaking, there is no formal legislative system in international relations, when countries enter into agreements with each other the signing of treaties is usually undertaken and this serves as the source of law that is meant to dictate the terms of their agreement. However, unlike what is the case in municipal law, there is no definite enforceability method.There is no one authority that can guarantee the compliance of states to international treaties or conventions. We have already m ade the point that in most cases compliance has become second nature but what of the cases (though they are scarce) in which it is not? Within the domestic law arena there are cases in which the law is glaringly broken. Once there is enough evidence to convict the wrongdoer, he is convicted and punished. The punitive measures that are undertaken would have been pre-determined by the legislative body and subsequently enforced by an executive body.There is no such arrangement in the international domain. As Harris puts forward The problem of enforcement becomes acute, however, in that nonage of important and generally spectacular cases, particularly important in the context of our discussion, in which compliance with international law and its enforcement have a direct military strength on the relative power of the nations concerned. In those casesconsiderations of power rather than of law determine compliance and enforcement. (Harris, pg 9) Therein lies the difficulty in saying tha t there is a law of nations.Having established the problematic nature of international law or a law of nations, we shall henceforth temporarily ignore our challenges with nomenclature for the purposes of our remaining discussion. That being said, it is of critical importance to analyse the impact of international law on municipal law and vice versa. There is an ongoing dispute between theorizer who believe that international law and municipal law are two separate legal orders and theorist who believe that they are part of the same legal order. The formative argument is known as dualism while the latter is known as monism.There is no one argument based on either monism or dualism that comprehensively settles the dispute. On the international plane, international law is invoked and applied on a daily basis by states and intergovernmental organisations. With minor exceptions, it is the only law that applies to the conduct of states and international organisations in their relations w ith one another. Here international law is a distinct legal system, comparable in its scope and function to a national legal system. (Buergenthal-Murphy, pg 3)The point mentioned above is very valid and gives credence to the dualism argument. Diplomatic relations, as discussed earlier, are dealt with strictly on the international plane. In order to see the appeal of the monism argument however we have to look no further than the argument establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice (C. C. J. ). Article XXIII of this agreement is as follows 1)Each contracting party should, to the maximum extent possible, encourage and facilitate the use of arbitration and other means of alternative dispute resolution for the closure of international commercial disputes. )To this end, each contracting party shall provide appropriate procedures to ensure observance of agreements to arbitrate and for the recognition and enforcement of arbitral award in such disputes. The C. C. J. is a court whose aim i s to have a determinative role in the further development of Caribbean jurisprudence through the juridical process is thus an international legal authority. In order for its smooth operation it must nevertheless depend on the domestic jurisdictions of its member states. Monism and dualism can hence be viewed as fluid concepts which exist in varying degrees.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Influence of Media on Society
Name ____________________________________________ Adjectives An adjective is a word that describes a noun. face The tall man went into the restaurant. The word tall is an adjective. It describes the noun, man. Directions In each sentence, circle the adjective that describes the underlined noun. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Leroy and Jenna walked up to an old castle. Maddie put the golden key in the lock. at once is the fifth day of January. The baby birds flew from the nest. Joes truck has a flat tire. Circle the adjective in each sentence. Underline the noun that it describes. Directions . 7. 8. 9. 10. I am holding a marker in my left hand. Patricia played scenic music on her guitar. Has anyone read Caitlyns latest story? The sly fox outsmarted the chicken. Miguel ordered a epic Coke. Super Teacher Worksheets http//www. superteacherworksheets. com Name ____________________________________________ Adjectives ANSWER KEY An adjective is a word that describes a noun. example The tall man went int o the restaurant. The word tall is an adjective. It describes the noun, man. Directions In each sentence, circle the adjective that describes the underlined noun. . 2. 3. 4. 5. Leroy and Jenna walked up to an old castle. Maddie put the golden key in the lock. Today is the fifth day of January. The baby birds flew from the nest. Joes truck has a flat tire. Circle the adjective in each sentence. Underline the noun that it describes. Directions 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I am holding a marker in my left Patricia played beautiful hand. music on her guitar. latest story? Has anyone read Caitlyns The sly fox outsmarted the chicken. large Coke. http//www. superteacherworksheets. com Miguel ordered a Super Teacher Worksheets
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Sadies perspective paper
I never thought of before. Brainstorm Of Mice and Men bottom Steinbeck Crooks African American and physically disabled Elementally challenged Curly wife how women were treated dissertation Statement The author, John Steinbeck in his book Of Mice and Men helped my understanding and adaptation of how women were treated in the time that this b ask was written through the character Curlers wife.They were lonely, misunderstood and mi striated. Title Brainstorm adult females problem Womans woes Outline for UP Essay Introduction Hook (Quote, universal Statement, Question, etc. ) to get your reader interested in the general topic Have you ever been judged by the elbow room you look or what you do? And as a result you w ere mistreated.Transition/ Smoothing Sentence(s) to show the connection between your hook and your primary focus of your essay Thesis Statement to narrow your focus to the point you are arguing (sometimes with t ere mall points provided to clarify your focus) The author, J ohn Steinbeck in his book Of Mice and Men helped my understanding and reading material of how woman were treated in the time that this book was written through the character, Curlers wife.They were lonely, misunderstood and mistreated. 1st Main Idea lonely Topic Sentence Woman In the asses were lonely like Curlers wife. Supporting Details/ Evidence (including examples and, if a literary analysis essay, quotes)
Friday, May 24, 2019
Majority Rule and Minority Rights
In a free government system, it can be said that the corner stone is the invention of legal age rule and minority rights. The majority is the group of people that is composed of more than half of the entire population that disuniteicipated in a certain concomitant or in an election. On the other hand, the minority is considered as the subordinate group and is non politic solely(prenominal)y dominant in a given ball club that is ruled by the conception of majority rules.The prexy together with all the other officials that are to take the responsibility of governing the country is determined with the right to votes of the people and whoever has the largest vote takes the position. The election procedures and requirements regarding the election of the president and other officials are under Article 2, Section 2 of the United States Constitution. However, the power that is given to the take president is also limited and restricted under the same Article.As stated earlier, t he representative with the most number of votes will act for the majority whom in the commencement exercise place was chosen by the majority to be in the position. However, although the elected official represents the majority, the minority still retains the rights given by the government and expects the majority to endorse their rights as well. The minority will not remain the minority forever and in every issue and situation. The minority are free to the idea that in browse to have a government competent enough, the will of the majority must be fulfilled.It is not only the concept of majority rule that is alpha not only on the American government but in all representative government as well but also the concept of minority rights. The rights of the minority must also be acknowledge and protected. To ensure that the minority retains their rights, the brass has limited the power of the elected officials and embedded in the constitution are certain laws that will guard the righ ts and interest of the minority.An example would be the I Amendment of the Bill of Rights that secures the rights of individuals within the state regarding matters of religion, press and speech. The IV Amendment also ensures all persons within the state are free from the fear of abuses from law enforcements regarding unreasonable search and as well as seizure of property. In This case not just the right of the minority is protected but the majority as well. Since the majority constitutes the larger population, their interest is respected which also involves decision making.It is also base on the idea that the majority knows what is best for the community as a whole. It is important to guard the rights not just of the majority but of the minority as well. The Constitution ensures that the right of all individuals in the State is respected and protected. Majority rule had been limited in order to ensure that the majority will not oppress the minority therefore protecting the rights of the minority while the majority rules.This is important because the minorities are also people of the State that also contributes to the economic purview of the State that is important in maintaining and strengthening its power. If the minorities are oppressed there will be divisions within the State, something that is even harder to addressed, even harder than problems that the State encounters with other nations. Conflicts within the state may also result in the fall of the State as a whole, not just economically but in all aspects as well especially in maintaining its power and status.The tension between the concept of majority rule and minority right is always present in every democratic constitution. Thus, it is important for public officials to be able to make decisions on when should the rule and interest of the majority be reduced in order to protect the rights of the minority and when should the right of the minority be restricted in order to avoid the submersion of the majority rule. These questions must be addressed mightily to prevent irreparable damage that can be brought on either the majority or the minority.It is important that while the majority has the power, the will and interest of the minority are also considered and valued in order to maintain the peace and good relations of the people within the State as well as the political and social power of the State. As stated earlier, the principle of majority rule over minority right can be clearly notice in politics especially in elections. This principle will again be seen in the 2008 presidential election wherein more than 10 candidates are involved.Whoever gets the vote of the majority will govern the country in the place of the majority. Although the winner will be governing the country, the constitution limits the power given to the elected president in order to protect the rights and interest of the majority whom in the first place do not chose the elected. Another event in which the concept of majority rule and minority right can be seen is in the case of the Jena 6 in Jena, Louisiana. It can be said that racism is a part of the system wherein the white are considered to dominate.In the case of the Jena 6, although white can be said to represent the majority, the rights of the minority are still respected through many a(prenominal) the rallies that were performed. This also shows the importance why the right of the minority must be respected and protected, to avoid factions among the members of the community as well as revolt against those who are in the position that were representation of the majority and even to the majority itself. Indeed, the principle of majority rule with respect to minority right is the foundation of every democratic country such as the United States itself.It is also a key for development and unification.ReferencesDavison, B. (02, December 2006). Majority rule with respect to minority rights.Retrieved January 19, 2008 from http//www. associatedcontent. com/article/93543/majority_rule_with_respect_to_minority. hypertext markup language Patrick, J. (2007).Majority rule and minority rights. Retrieved January 19, 2008 from http//www. student-voices. org/Dictionary. aspx? myTerm=Majority+Rule+and+Minority+Rights Legal Information Institute. (No Date).United States Constitution. Retrieved January 19, 2008 from http//www. law. cornell. edu/constitution/index. html.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Political power
Does political personnel Acquisition always cash in ones chips to prejudicial forbiddencomes? I do not believe this beca hold it has many gains. Power could be defined as authority and strength which may include any seduce of physical force or energy, ability to act, or control. Thus, when it comes to political causality, cater means an ability to control an area or concourse for specific outcomes. political power is that form of power that an individual or a society hold and it so-and-so be achieved in various methods.This power aptitude be wasting disease as a tool to achieve positive outcomes such as bringing the prosperity to the members of society, clear positively be apply to work on people to take a particular course of action, to suppress any external aggression, power can also be utilize crash rebellions from indoors the state and it can also be employ in making individuals in a state to stay peacefully and o experienceient to the states fair p profane.Poli tical power might also be used as a tool to produce negative outcomes such as establishing a dictatorship, can be used to silence people who might be demanding for their rights, can be used in imposing your will on opposites forcefully and it can also be used to suppress and deny people to enjoy their rights. The meaning of using Political power negatively was clearly represented in the book fleshly Farm By George Orwell who Portrays how the negative use of political power. However, although George Orwell predominantly represents a negative use of Political power, it is passing unlikely that the acquisition of political power does not always lead to negative outcomes.The positive side political power is that it can be used in suppressing external aggression that might be directed to a particular state. It is power that a country or a state has that prevents other nations from interfering with the internal affairs of a country.This power is seen when military personnel are placed along the borderline that might be used by the aggressors in attacking. Any state that is uneffective to protect its national affairs is not worthy to be a sovereign state. This is because a sovereign state is that state that has its government, territory, and citizens and is able to protect its interests as well as the interests of the slate. This power is clearly portrayed in (Orwell G. I956 45-54) when Mr. Jones armed with a shotgun appeared in what seemed to be a trial to recapture the animal(prenominal) farm.Mr. Jones together with active six men descended on the animal farm through the five barred gate carrying weapons like sticks but me Jones had a gun. He talked to his neighboring farmers Nilkington and Fredrick to help him in recapturing the farm. Fin altogethery the animals were able to chase these men out thus, they successfully safeguarded their sovereignty. This fight came to be named as The battle of the cowshed during their advantage celebration.Another example of when power is used to prevent external aggression is of Cuba when what seemed to be self exiled Cubans who had sought refuge in United States of America glum to be rebels and attacked their own country with the help from USA. Fidel Castro organized his military men and within a short time the rebellion was crushed. Fidel had overestimated their power by enjoin all his military force on his enemies. Were it not for his powerful army, the rebels could harbour subjugated his country.Secondly, power can be used to suppress internal galvanising resistance or rebellion. When people start opposing the government that is place for no life-threatening reason, the country destabilizes, peace deteriorates and the economy of the country collapses. To prevent all these misfortunes, states use power in preventing or crushing those rebellions. This either done peacefully through dialogue but if it fails to be productive then, the only other resource is to use force.A classic example of thi s is in the animal farm where increase and sleep disagreed on the idea of constructing a windmill that would generate electric power that would be used in pumping water in each stall as well as heating these rooms.To show his displeasure, Napoleon immovable to pee on Mr. Snowballs sketches. Later when the animals convened for the weekly meeting, Snowball tried selling his idea to them but Napoleon appeared with nine veracious dogs that he had been rearing in secret. They descended on Snowball who fled out of the farm. When other animals tried to protest, a trained sheep silenced them by bleating at the top of her voice darn singing that Four legs good, two legs bad while those dogs barked loudly (Orwell G., 1956 85-90)Thirdly, power can be used in promoting and maintaining internal peace and stability. A good government is that which is capable of maintaining peace and providing security to its people. No government can do this if it does not have the required mandate or power to do so. A government is said to be in power if it is capable of commanding its police and its army.This is also clearly exemplified in the (Orwell G., 1956 94-96) Napoleon who became the sole convention after chasing Snowball became the one who controlled the dogs that he was rearing in order to achieve power. He used these dogs in reinforcing lawfulnesss and ensuring that the animals obeyed the laws and ensuring that the animals obeyed the laws to the letter.Another example where power is used to maintain order is in the states of America. Every state has its governor, and its law enforcement agencies. The main aim of this is to ensure that people do not break the rule of law and abide by it. Just like the way police shoot criminals, that is what Napoleons dogs did. For example they ripped open the throats of the quad pigs which confessed to have protested against the actions of Napoleon. (Grayston L.2000 58-62)Fourth, power can be used to influence other people in taking or fol lowing certain desired course of action. For example, people, who are regarded as experts, have certain influential power. People tend to believe them and are assumed to know everything. Also if you are believed to have good characteristics, then you can highly influence others for example Oprah Winfrey is much capable of persuading and influencing many people in the whole world because of his attitude of believing in herself.For example, the squalor used his harangue skills to influence other animals. He even applied gestures to emphasize his points. Squalor that had round cheeks and shrilled voice tone talked brilliantly and when arguing a difficulty points, he swayed from side to side something that attracted many animals not forgetting the wagging and whisking of his tail. (Orwell G., 1956 36)Power can positively used to create regimes, state or dynasties. Most dynasties in bible came to be because of power. This was after defeating many simple communities who were obstacles to their development here power was used to crush their resistance. This also happened in the same and made it to reach to its highest power levels. (Seagrave S. 1986 103)On the other side of the coin, power can be destructive in that it can be used as a tool for establishing dictatorship or anarchism. Here individuals misuse power so that they would become authoritarians. In dictatorial regimes the leader is above the law thus, no law on the land that is applicable to him. In other words, his deeds are not subject to questioning. This power misuse is evident in the Animal Farm (Orwell G., 1956 42-47) Napoleon and Snowball were two pigs who almost disagreed in every thing.The final straw came when they disagreed on a project to construct a windmill that would generate electricity power to the farm. Napoleon used his secret weapon, nine dogs that were secretly reared to attack Snowball and chasing him away. They were both supposed to be the leaders of this farm but Napoleon usurped it after snowball was go after. These dogs were like policemen. They defended his laws, enforced it and offered him protection. He never walked outside alone without being accompanied by these dogs on both sides. He used these powers to alter the law as he pleased without consulting anyone and used his dogs to impose it on other animals.Another case where political power was used to create dictatorship is in Italy and Germany. Mussolini and Hitler used their political powers to ascend to power. They used the same force to clear anybody who stayed on their way. The same force was used to suppress their subjects in to submission of their laws. Hitler killed about six million Jews using his troops. After the First World War, he conquered and acquired other countries territories by force. Though this stabilized his country, it destabilized others. For example France lost its two provinces Lorraine and Alsace to Germany. (Richard E., 2005 250-252)It is used to silencing the voice of the p eople especially when they are demanding for their rights. This mostly is applied to those individuals who hold different opinions about the government or those who are referred to as radicalists. These are the people who are the watchdogs of human rights or whistle blowers. Many regimes have been noted to have used their political powers to silence these people either by big them death threats or they are arrested and never tried.A good example of where power was misused in this way was in the Animal Farm. Napoleon used his veracious dogs to silence his fellow animals by killing them. For instance, the four pigs who protested after napoleon victimized snowball were killed. Their throats were ripped open by these dogs. Also the hen ringleaders who were protesting against wishing of enough food and yet they were expected to lay eggs which would be used in buying grains for other animals to eat. They were killed immediately after they confessed that they incited other hens to lay th eir eggs from rafters so that they could smash on the ground. (Orwell G., 1956 95)Also power is negatively used by leaders to protect their personal interests as opposed to those of the majority. leading change or alter laws so as to suit their selfish ends. For example in the past there was a law that said that four legs were good and two legs bad.This was made with an objective of discouraging any relationship with human beings but later after there was a shortage of seeds and other supplies, the pigs started trading with people in their neighborhood. A law that prohibited animals from sleeping in beds was altered to read that No animal shall sleep in bed with sheets this was altered with a motive of allowing the pigs to sleep in bed but without sheets.Another power misuse is of leaders who kill their opponents. Some people use their political powers in clearing these people who they refer as obstacles. Saddam was said to have killed about hundred and forty eight Shiites who were against his government. (Joseph B. 2003 125)Political powers can be used in acquiring the properties of others illegally. When state of lawlessness exists, the strong ones take those of the weak. It is misused by avaricious leaders in amassing wealth by illegal means for example, (Orwell G.1956 34-35) manor a 12 years boar who had earlier won the farms prize called a meeting of all the animals so that he could tell them about his dream and the prophesies he had. He also taught them a song called (Beasts of England).After he died, his prophesy and dream came straightforward when Snowball and Napoleon rebelled against Mr. Jones land after he became obsessed with beer. He never fed his animals and this forced them to break in to the grain store. When Mr. Jones came with his hired men, the animals chased them away and usurped the power.After looking critically looking the pros and cons of political power, the positive side or the pros outweighs the negative effects of power. This beca use power when used well it brings out significant changes like good government, external aggressions are controlled. This is what makes a state to be sovereign. Power can also be used in acquiring new territories and properties that would increase the wealth and economic base of the country whereas it can negatively impact on the type of government in place, it can be used in silencing people but this issue can be addressed by the constitution and the international criminal court.This essay can be concluded by saying that acquisition of power does not always lead to negative outcomes, as there are many positive uses of power than the negative ones. The positive uses are like protecting the nation against external attacks, maintaining peace, crushing rebellions within the state, to positively influence people and on the other pass along it can be misused in bringing anarchy, suppressing the subject from airing their grievances, leaders imposing their will on others and when used un controllably it can lead to abuse of human rights.ReferenceSeagrave Sterling. The Soong Dynasty. Harper trade paperback publisher. Seagrave Sterling.1985 58Orwell G. The Animal Farm a Fairly Story. Signet Classic, USA. 1956. 36-96.Joseph B. The new Iraq Rebuilding the Country for its People, the pump East and the World. New York, Basic Books. 2003 125.Scott R E Solving the Iraq Crisis. NCY Simon and Scruster. 200278Richard E. The Dictator Hitlers German, Stalins Russia. Penguin Books. 2005 250- 252Grayston L. Decision for Disaster Betrayal at the utter of Pigs. Potomac Books Dulles Virginia 2000 58-62.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The Significance of the Manner in Which Ophelia Dies
There on the pendant boughs her coronet weeds/ Clambering to hang, an envious dissever broke, When down her weedy trophies and herself/ Fell in the weeping brook. Her clothes spread wide, And mermaid-like awhile they bore her up (line 197-201 , knead 4, Scene 7). Shakespeare, by letting Aphelia drowns herself, to roughly extents alleviates the pain of death and pictures a beautiful Aphelia drowned In water with her beauty minded and preserved.By comparing Aphelia to a mermaid-like figure, Shakespeare gives unreal characteristics to her death and makes it smoother for Aphelia, whose life has been tragical enough. The fact that Aphelia was suffocated under her own dress and that her feminine clothes made her impossible to swim is a metaphor of womens room helplessness at the time cosmos Aphelia dies without any self- defense or mobility. Shakespeare implies the role of women in society and how being a woman gives Aphelia no chance to react even in death.At the uniform time, Aphe lia peps singing Which time she chanted snatches of old lauds/ As one incapable of her own distress/ Or Like a creature native and endued/ Unto that element. (line 202-205, Act 4, Scene 7). Her chanting reminds audience of her madness In Scene 5 and 6, In which she sings songs about men and death. Audience may Identify Aphelions chanting as a trace of madness, but also her singing on the verge of death portrays a passive let-go of Life Aphelia clearly has no Intention of rubbish back or even crying out for help. Compared to Aphelions conversations with Polonium andHamlet throughout the play, it is clear that Aphelia never has any voice or reaction to the events of her life her madness, her sine qua non and even her death are caused and retold by others. For several times throughout the play Aphelia is pictured with flowers. At the end of Act 4, Scene 7, her death is once more associated with symbolic floral images Therewith fantastic garlands did she make/ Of cornflowers, nettle s, daisies, and long purples/ That liberal shepherds give a grosser name/ But our cold maids do dead mens fingers call them. Nine 193-196, Act 4, Scene 7). Flowers are symbols of Aphelions tragic life, being a victim of disruptive events mostly caused by men. Cornflower symbolizes a inhalation of lover, portraying a dying Aphelia still thinking about Hamlet and his lovel. Nettles signify her bad luck and tragic destiny while daisies represent honest love2. The long purples represent Aphelions loss in love Wendell at ten same time audience can assume Tanat a grosser name raters to sexuality3.By occupational group long purples dead mens fingers, Shakespeare implies the causes of Aphelions death as her life is destined by men (Hamlet, Polonium and Alerts) reminding audience of the song which she sings earlier Larded all with lovable flowers/ Which between to the ground did not go/ With true-love showers. (line 43-45, Act 4, Scene 5). By associating Aphelions figure with the presence of flowers, Shakespeare also lets audience know about womens beauty and fragility as that of flowers although women are romantic and pretty outside, they are truly somber and vulnerable indeed.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Gas Laws Lab Essay
IntroductionIn this lab we are going to investigate behavior of gas by working with a molecular methodl. Factors that effect gas behavior our compact, temperature, record book and the number of moles. We are going to keep to variables constant and record the alliance or change in the remaining factors.Independent variables Temperature, number of moles, volumeDependent variable wringControlled variable apparatus used (computer program downloaded from the internet), volume and number of molesQuestion What is the relationship between contract and temperature of a gas filled container with constant volume and number of moles?Hypothesis temperature and pressure are directly related. As temperature increases pressure increases. Pressure is directly proportional to temperature when the number of moles and volume are kept constant.ProcedureLog on to the Internet and visit and enter the express code 4266S. tattle on weblink 3.2 the simulation on the right will appear. In this simulation one can set the parameters as per desire. For this essay we need to set the volume and number of moles constant. Three trials are done for accuracy. For the first trial, we need to set the volume constant. The volume will remain set to the default value. Then manage 100 heavy species particle in the container and keep them the same until the next trial. The temperature will automatically go to 300K, remove heat to lower the temperature to 150K. Record the pressure produced.Add 50K each time, before winning an opposite reading until the temperature reach 500K. Record the change in pressure with simultaneous temperature in a table. onwards starting the next trail hit the reset button. Before starting the second trail change the depth of the container to 3.4nm. Measure the depth with a swayer (the ruler is given as a tool for measurement).Pump 100 more heavy species in the container to make a total of 200 particles. annex the temperature as done before with similar intervals and record the pressure in form of a table. Hit the reset again and start the final trail. For the triad trial, increase the depth of the container to 9nm and pump in a total of 300 heavy species particle. Record the temperature and pressure in a table. The uncertainty in this experiment for temperature is +0.5K and for pressure is +0.5 Pa. Use the tables to graph the data to show the relationship between temperature and pressure.Conclusion and EvaluationFrom the data collected and the graphs processed we can make disclose that pressure is directly related to temperature when the number of moles of particles and the volume of the container is kept constant. We know that as temperature increases the particles gain more energy and collide at a smart rate with each other and the wall of the container.As the number of collisions increases, the more the particles exert force on the walls of the container. The force that the particles have on the walls is known a s the pressure. All the 3 graphs have a linear relationship and the slopes of their lines are the coefficient of the temperature because temperature is directly related to pressure. As shown by the graphs temperature is directly proportional to pressure. In other words keep the volume and the amount of gas constant and change the temperature (by heating or cooling) and observe the change in pressure (Pressure law P=const*T).The lines are not straight and a line of best fit is used. The unevenness of the lines on the graphs shows that there are slight errors involved in the experiment. The errors include are systematic, analytical and random. As the pressure was fluctuating the value noted was randomly chosen. The temperature was sometimes a point higher or lower, which again caused the pressure gauge to give a slight of value. Also the uncertainty in the measurement of volume showed that there were some errors also included while taking the measurement of the container.Suggestions f or improvementsThe lab was precise because of the number of trials done but it could be accurate by reducing the errors made in the experiment. Try to hit the put up the temperature of the container in the simulation accurately if that is not possible try setting the default temperature to the desired value and record the pressure. This would allow the pressure gauge to be more accurate.When taking measurement of the container for volume with a ruler try to avoid the parallax error, which is created by not looking at the measurement perpendicularly. Take the mode value from all of the values produced by the pressure gauge and wait a minute or two after setting the temperature and before noting the temperature. This helps to possess a more accurate reading because the particles get enough time to settle. By recording the pressure value after giving certain breaks in the experiment will help the lines on all the three graph to be less uneven and more accurate.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Achieving Competitive Advantage Essay
What roles do tralatitious process management duties of cooking, organizing, and controlling play in swan management, if any? Answer The traditional managerial duties of planning, organizing, and controlling all apply to intercommunicate management. get a line managers must(prenominal) be technically well versed, proficient at administrative functions, willing and able to stomach leadership roles, and above-all, finale oriented. The pop manager is the person most responsible for keeping track of the colossal picture Diff 2 region 1. 1 What Is a sick? skill Conceptual AACSB give chase. ruminative4) wherefore is pick up management challenging? Answer Projects present challenges for a number of reasons by their nature they argon often dramatic departures from the routine process-oriented work that employees atomic number 18 accustomed to. Projects face budget, time, and resource constraints and these resources must often be marshaled from across the musical arrangeme nt. Diff 2 persona 1. 1 What Is a Project? aptitude Conceptual AACSB stigmatise pensive 5) Why are vomits important? Answer Todays businesses face a set up of pressures that capture projects crucial in helping an organization achieve its strategic goals.These pressures include shortened reaping purport cycles, narrow merchandise launch windows, increasingly complex and technical products, the emergence of global markets, and an sparing geological period marked by low inflation. Diff 1 partition 1. 2 Why Are Projects alpha? Skill Definition AACSB Tag Reflective 6) What changes in the business environment have necessitated a greater use of project management skills? Answer Todays businesses face a set of pressures that make projects crucial in helping an organization achieve its strategic goals.These pressures include shortened product life cycles, narrow product launch windows, increasingly complex and technical products, the emergence of global markets, and an economic period marked by low inflation. Diff 2 particle 1. 2 Why Are Projects Important? Skill Factual AACSB Tag Reflective 7) Why is project management considered an excellent training ground for time to come senior executives in many organizations? Answer One of the unique aspects of projects is their unique blend of technical and behavioural challenges.The technical side of project management requires managers to become skilled in project selection, budgeting and resource management, planning and scheduling, and tracking their projects. The behavioral side of project management requires project managers to bring together individuals from across the organization, spirt them into a team, manage conflict, provide leadership, and engage in negotiation and appropriate political behavior. Diff 2 Section 1. 2 Why Are Projects Important? Skill Conceptual AACSB Tag Reflective 8) discover the activities that fall at each stage of a project.Answer Stages in a projects increase are referred to as the project life cycle, which consists of conceptualization, planning, effectuation, and termination. In the conceptualization stage the scope of the work is determined, requirement resources are identified, and important organizational stakeholders signed on. In the planning stage all detailed specifications, schematics, schedules, and some other plans are developed. Individual pieces of the project are broken down, individual assignments are made, and the process for completion is delineated. During the execution stage the system is developed or the product is created and fabricated.Termination occurs when the established project is transferred to the customer, the projects resources are reassigned, and the project is formally closed out. Diff 1 Section 1. 3 Project invigoration Cycles Skill Definition AACSB Tag Reflective 9) Where in the project life cycle are the intensity take of resources and invitee interest at their postgraduateest? Why is this the case? Answer T he intensity direct of resources peaks during the execution phase of the project life cycle. The actual work is performed during this phase, so the commitment of financial, human, and technical resources peaks at this time.The level of vehemence or concern expressed by the projects intended customer peaks in two the conceptualization and termination phases. The client is initially very interested because they provide input on the goal and specifications of the project. Project work moves out of the conceptual phase to a more internal mode and the clients interest wanes until the project nears delivery. At this point the clients interest peaks again as they prepare to receive the completed project and all the associated benefits. Diff 2 Section 1. 3 Project Life Cycles Skill ConceptualAACSB Tag Reflective 10) Rank the determinants of project success from most important to to the lowest degree important and justify your rankings. Answer Answers with regard to ranking may vary sinc e, for example, circumstances may put that time is an overriding concern at the expense of quality and cost. The determinants of project success are conformism to budget, schedule, action specifications, and client acceptance. Time Projects are constrained by a specified timeframe during which they must be completed they are not supposed to continue indefinitely.Cost Projects must meet budgeted allowances in suppose to use resources as efficiently as possible. Performance Projects are developed in put together to lodge to some initially determined technical specifications. Performance measurement means determining whether the blameless product operates according to specifications. Client acceptance Projects are developed with customers in mind their purpose is to reward customers needs. If the completed project meets all internal criteria but does not satisfy the customer, then the project has not been a complete success.Diff 3 Section 1. 4 Determinants of Project Success Skill Conceptual AACSB Tag Reflective 11) Discuss the internal and external measures of project success. Answer The determinants of project success are the internal measures of time, cost, and performance and the external measure of client acceptance. Time Projects are constrained by a specified timeframe during which they must be completed they are not supposed to continue indefinitely. Cost Projects must meet budgeted allowances in order to use resources as efficiently as possible.Performance Projects are developed in order to adhere to some initially determined technical specifications. Performance measurement means determining whether the finished product operates according to specifications. Client acceptance Projects are developed with customers in mind their purpose is to satisfy customers needs. If the completed project meets all internal criteria but does not satisfy the customer, then the project has not been a complete success. Diff 1 Section 1. 4 Determinants of Pro ject Success Skill Factual AACSB Tag Reflective 12) Describe the elements of the Atkinson model of project success.Answer The Atkinson model incorporates the input of all stakeholders in assessing project success. Stakeholders are all groups that are affected by a project, for example, employees, customers, end users, the community, suppliers, etc. The Atkinson model begins with the traditional iron triangle of time, cost, and performance and adds considerations of the benefits accrued by organizational end external stakeholders. Diff 2 Section 1. 4 Determinants of Project Success Skill Factual AACSB Tag Reflective 13) One model of project success offered in the chapter looks beyond the current project into the future.Comment on the elements of this model and their impact along the timeline from project completion to well beyond this point in time. Answer This framework was proposed by Shenhar, Levy, and Dvir and contains in chronological order, the elements of project efficiency, i mpact on the customer, business success, and preparing for the future. The immediate measure of success is efficiency, that is, have the project budget and schedule been achieved? More important, have the customer needs, technical specifications been met? Next, has the project achieved the commercial success that was hoped for?Finally, has the project opened virgin markets or new product lines, helped develop new technologies, or developed new skills for the organization? Diff 2 Section 1. 4 Determinants of Project Success Skill Factual AACSB Tag Reflective 14) What are project management maturity models used for? Answer Project management maturity models are used to allow organizations to benchmark the best dresss of successful project management firms. Project maturity models make that different organizations are currently at different levels of sophistication in their best devotes for managing projects. Diff 2 Section 1.5 Developing Project Management Maturity Skill Conceptua l AACSB Tag Reflective 15) Describe the spider-web methodology for displaying project management maturity and present any five components of project management practice that can be displayed using this technique. Answer A spider-web diagram (or radar chart) derives its name from its visual analogy to a spider-web, consisting of some number of spokes connected by concentric rings. The spokes represent the components of project management practice that the organization chooses to measure. The rings represent levels of achievement for each of the components.Diff 2 Section 1. 5 Developing Project Management Maturity Skill Conceptual AACSB Tag Reflective 16) Describe the project management characteristics of firms that engross at the lowest levels of the ESI, SEI, Center for Business Practice, and Kerzner maturity models and characteristics of firms that reside at the highest levels of these models. Answer The lowest level of each model is occupied by companies that have no clear sense of project management. there is no prevalent project management language within these companies and management processes, if any exist, are ad hoc.Firms occupying the highest level of project management maturity are project savvy having progressed beyond simply applying project management to processes. These firms actively explore ways to continuously improve project management techniques and procedures. Diff 3 Section 1. 5 Developing Project Management Maturity Skill Conceptual AACSB Tag Reflective 17) What are the three levels of the generic project management maturity model and what are the characteristics of a company at each level? Provide examples of organizations at each of these levels and support your choices.Answer The lowest maturity level of the generic model is reserved for companies that have an ad hoc approach to project management. There is no common language for project management and little support for project workers and the projects. At the moderate maturity l evel, the organization has defined practices, some training programs for project management and organizational support dedicated to these efforts. At the high maturity level, the process of project management is institutionalized and there are continuous improvement efforts current from one project to the next. Example organizations will vary. Diff 3
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Old Buildings
Many gray-haired buildings are protected by right because they are part of a nations history. However, some people think they should be knocked shine to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices. How important is it to maintain of age(predicate) buildings? Should history bide in the way of progress? In the contemporary age, the contradiction between preserving history and progress becomes more and more serious, which has disturbed and alarmed many people.In terms of the old buildings, many people assert that old buildings should be protected while others contend they should be knocked down for constructing the new ones. It is widely acknowledged that old buildings play the crucial role in our society. First of all, old buildings are the indispensable parts of the history, which could bankrupt the historical mysterious and witness the development of history. Meanwhile, many old buildings are the icons or landmarks of the nation. To illustrate, the Forbidden metropolis symbolizes the Chinese time-honored history and becomes the important tourist spot.The existences of old buildings tend to maintain the distinct features of the cities as well as avoid those cosmopolitan cities are awash by the skyscrapers. More specifically, the old buildings conjecture the national unique culture lasting hundred and thousand years. However, due to the widespread of demolishing the old buildings, the extinction of culture identity will ensue. Overall, in nowadays, there is unanimous consensus on maintaining old buildings which is the hard-hitting method to preserving history. There is no denying that the history gives us overall experience of the nations past. equivalence with history, we could draw a host of lessons, thereby avoiding mistakes for authentic progress. Nevertheless, people empower to pursue blindly the maximal profit for enhancing the level of our daily lives and progress of human society, from the long-term point of view, sacrificing the history to meet our current need would hinder the development. In my view, there is definite link between preserving history and progress still the fundamental contradiction. History is conductive to our progress and we should take it seriously forever.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Climate Change and Food Security
Changing break through imposeish Practices Shift of Agricultural Crops Subject to Market or humour sort- A Study of Meghnath Gorahanna and Aurahi VDC in Mahottari DistrictClimate Change and Food SecurityIntroductionNepal is an agro-dominated of course rich distinguish. From physiographic facet, Nepal is divided into three distinguishable ecological zones- the Mountain, Hills and Tarai. separately part has its ain biophysical, socioeconomic and cultural differences. Agribusiness is the common business of bulk of population in the state. Almost to a big bulk of 65 per centum of Nepali population be dep closureent on husbandry for their supports ( GoN, 2012 ) . The lowland Tarai, is the nutrient basket of Nepal. It is the exclusive part in artless excess, providing nutrient grains to the slight productive hill and mountain countries. More than 70 per centum of families in Nepal piss less than 1 hectare of land and umpteen depend on inelegant lands that are excessively littl e to run into their subsistence demands ( GoN, 2011 ) . Although agricultural retentions per family are the smallest in the state, this sector dominates the economic system supplying about 35 per centum of the GDP ( CIA, 2011 ) .At present, Climate Change is a large challenge to the planetary environment and the economic system. Nepal has likewise identified temper revision as a cut acrossing issue by virtuousness of its nature and impacts. Despite titulary nursery gas emanation of about 0.025 per centum ( GoN, 2010 ) , Nepal is listed as a state at utmost imperil to the impacts of clime alteration ( CCVI, 2014 ) .According to the regional appraisal of International Panel of Climate Change the most intelligent impacts of clime alteration in Nepal will be in the sectors of agribusiness / nutrient shelter, piddle resources and biodiversity. The sinister trust on rain Federal agriculture, limited irrigation installations, and deficiency of H2O preservation and harvest home planetary house patterns makes Nepali agribusiness vulnerable to the impacts of clime alteration. The high dependance of husbandmans on monsoon have increased their video to rainfall fluctuation. Furthermore, the variableness in temperature have besides challenged the agriculture patterns. At many topographic grades the inconstant rainfall has resulted into diminution in harvest production. The state of affairs of deficient rain and increasing temperature have accounted for drouth, whereas the happening of intense rain in short period have reduced the land H2O recharge by speed uping overflow and triping inundations. These fortunes have induced negative effects in the agribusiness impacting harvest production and endangering nutrient security.Market whether physical or practical is a topographic point where the dealing of goods and services is carried out. Market is governed by demand and supply state of affairs and determines monetary order of goods and services. In instance of unfastened market topographic point, market is a large initiation component for merchandises, it determines the monetary treasure and creates the win-win state of affairs of the purchaser and marketer. Tarai is the part of Nepal with the unfastened boundary situations with India and it implies that the market for the merchandises fare wide-opened if proved competitory. Evidence from other parts of Africa shows that procedures of agricultural intensification and productiveness growing are frequently compulsive by labored money harvests having the development of interlocked recognition, input, and end product markets ( von Braun and Kennedy 1994 Dorward, Kydd, and Poulton 1998 Shepard 1999 ) . Owing to the high echo from hard funds harvests husbandmans these yearss are more inclined towards hard currency harvest agriculture. At many instances, the local strains of harvest have been replaced by the improved or intercrossed 1s. These intercrossed harvests have higher outputs but at the same clip, they incur immense cost on environment and human wellness. loan-blend harvests fuel the usage of fertilisers and pesticides which causes dirt debasement and increases agricultural disbursals every bit good. Using analytical penetrations from the red-hot Institutional Economics literature, Dorward, Kydd, and Poulton ( 1998 ) have shown that export-oriented hard currency harvests may function to excite smallholder harvest productiveness and income growing, provided that omnipresent recognition market failures ordure be overcome through institutional inventions in farmer/marketing agent relationships.The intent of this research is to place the factor which is responsible for the alteration in agricultural patterns in the tarai part. This horizon aims to analyze the instance of gloss chemise from fasten harvest to hard currency harvest is whether due to humor alteration or market forces.Rationale of the StudyNepal is home to preponderantly rural population . Agribusiness is the pillar of Nepalese economic system which non merely employs two-third of the commonwealths boil force but besides contributes over tierce in the national GDP. The alteration in agricultural pattern can be due impacts of either clime alteration or market forces. Associating with climate alteration issues, the addition in temperature is likely to do more harm on agricultural sectors in Tarai part compared to the hills and mountains. Tarai part lying at low countries are susceptible to downpours. Monsoon rains, snow dethaw, and glacial thaw run downstream from upland parts doing the Tarai the most ata?risk country for deluging. Besides this, the happening of gimcrack inundations in the fields have besides caused siltation of farm lands and decreased its birthrate. The heavy H2O tabular set forth and the depletion of groundwater is the another critical job witnessed in Tarai these yearss. This state of affairs has affected the twelvemonth unit of ammunition ir rigation. Owing to fickle monsoon and deficiency of irrigation, rice organ transplant is delayed and therefore the production has decreased. at that place are besides groundss of switching agricultural form. Thus the impact of clime alteration in tarai can endanger the nutrient security of the full state. There is a famine of literature on the factor- ground harvest displacements in assorted parts of the universe. In instance of Nepal excessively this sector of research has been out of involvement. Therefore, to carry through the spread that has of course been built between the topographical disparities based on the harvest displacement will be what the range and principle of this research will warrant.Study AreaThe survey country will be chiefly based in the Mahottari territorial dominion of Nepal which is one of the premier territories among the sextuplet territories of Janakpur zone. Though the territory is a premier manufacturer for harvests, it suffers from drouth and it i s besides shattered by the inundation during rainy seasons. This territory covers 0.68 % of the entire country of Nepal and the population in the territory is about 2.39 % of the entire population of the state ( Mahottari District Profile, CBS 2065 B.S. ) . Though the territory has chances like fertile cultivable land, entree to electricity, forest, rivers and unfastened boundary line to India, the territory has non been able to come on which besides supports the Resource Curse Hypothesis .As archetype for the survey, two VDCs of the territory viz. Meghnath Gorahanna and Aurahi will be purposively selected. The VDC Meghnath Gorahanna is located on the cardinal Tarai part of Nepal whereas Aurahi VDC is truly nigh to the main road traveling south from the territory. The entire population of the Meghnath Gorahanna VDC is 6077 in 1048 families, with 3135 female and 2942 as male population. And, the entire population of the Aurahi VDC is 8575 in 1638 families, with 4225 male and 4350 a s female population. In footings of exposure be of the National Adaptation Plan of live up to ( NAPA ) of Nepal, Mahottari falls in high vulnerable territory in the exposure index to climate alteration. The intent for choosing these two wards is that in both of these wards husbandmans have shifted the cultivation from cereal harvests to hard currency harvests.Aims of the ResearchThe overall aim of the survey is to place whether the cultivation displacement from staple harvests to hard currency harvests is climate induced or market driven.To accomplish the above mentioned global aim, the following specific aims will be fulfilled.To place the challenges in the agriculture patterns originating out of clime alteration induced environmental debasement in Meghnath Gorahanna and Aurahi VDCs of Mahottari territory.To transport out cost-benefit analytic thinking of the basic harvests versus hard currency harvests in Meghnath Gorahanna and Aurahi VDCs.To measure the production form of the harvests in the some(prenominal) wards and its impact on the nutrient security position of the part.To warrant the above aims, the undermentioned hypotheses will be usedThe cultivation displacement from staple harvest to hard currency harvest is climate induced.The cultivation displacement from staple harvest to hard currency harvest is market driven.Research QuestionsWhat is peoples apprehension of environmental debasement due to climate alteration?What are the challenges in the agriculture patterns originating from clime alteration in the VDCs?What is the production form of the harvests and the value generated by them in the several wards?What is the province of the cost-benefit analysis of the basic and hard currency harvests produced in the several wards?What is the position of nutrient handiness, nutrient use, nutrient handiness and nutrient stableness in the survey country?MethodologyThe Research DesignAs clime alteration impacts have multiple dimensions, research on underst anding these dimensions requires a orderological analysis uniting the macro and micro range of question, primary and standby informations, qualitative and quantitative methods and a cross-disciplinary attack.To acquire the holistic image and in-depth apprehension of the research issues and concerns, assorted method attack will be applied for research survey, where triangulation of quantitative and qualitative informations will besides be used for this survey.Primary Data CollectionThe primary nature of the research design of the proposed survey is wildcat and descriptive. Quantitative and qualitative primary informations from multi-stakeholders in two different VDCs will be collected utilizing study, in-depth interviews, focus group treatment and PRA techniques such as societal function and transect walk ( for physical confirmation ) . To prevent any biasness in the research, approximately 10 % of the entire population, 100 people will be considered as the sample including both VDCs. Besides that, to keep the quality of research, after the questionnaire studies, Key Informants Interview will be carried out with School schoolmasters and Agriculture Officer of the part.If necessary, Water tabular array analysis utilizing GIS tools and techniques will besides be carried in order to find the depletion of land H2O.Secondary Data CollectionTemperature and Precipitation informations of Mahottari territory obtained from Department of Hydrology and Meteorology ( DHM ) will be used to find the tendency analysis.District and small townsfolk profiles will be referred from Central Bureau of Statistics as per the demand.Datas AnalysisBoth qualitative and quantitative analysis tools and techniques will be used for the information analysis. The cryptography and decryption of informations will be done as per the demand. MS- Word. MS- Excel will be used for the written and graphical presentation of the information. Statistical Package for accessible Scientists ( SPSS 20. 0 ) will be used for the correlativity analysis, arrested development analysis and histogram analysis as per the research demand.RestrictionsLack of temperature and hardihood informations of the specific wards.This research will be carried out in specific wards of Meghnath Gorahanna VDC and Aurahi VDC of Mahottari territory, therefore the research end products can non be generalized.This research will be a sample based research at bottom a limited timeframe, so the research end product might hold diverting consequences for a portion of population.Expected end productsThe research will lend to the concluding study to be developed by Women in Environment ( WE ) on the undertaking Populating with Climate Change Function Experiences and Adaptation Strategies in the world-wide South and North ( LCC )This research study will be the foundation papers for the policy readying sing the factor based cultivation displacement in the tarai part of Nepal.MentionsClimate Change photograph Inde x ( CCVI ) , ( 2014 ) , Maple crofts Climate Change and Environmental Risk Atlas, Available at hypertext transfer communications protocol // ( accessed 04/04/2014 ) .CIA ( Central Intelligence Agency ) . 2011. The World Fact book.Dorward. A J. Kydd and C. Poulton.eds, ( 1998 ) , Smallholder Cash Crop merchandise Under Market Liberalization. Oxon New York, NY CAB International c1998.Government of Nepal ( GoN ) , ( 2010 ) , National Adaptation Programme of Action ( NAPA ) to Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Kathmandu.Government of Nepal ( GoN ) , ( 2012 ) , Economic stick with 2011/12 , Ministry of Finance, Kathmandu.Government of Nepal ( GoN ) , ( 2011 ) , Nepal Living Standard Survey ( NLSS ) 2011 , Central Bureau of Statistics, Kathmandu.Hem R. Regmi. Effect of Unusual Weather on Cereal Crop return and Household Food Security ,The Journal of Agriculture and Environment. ( 2007 ) 24.Von Braun and E. Kennedy ( explosive detection systems ) , ( 1 994 ) ,Agricultural Commercialization, Economic Development, and Nutrition, The Johns Hopkins reduce Ltd. Maryland, 1994.
Friday, May 17, 2019
The John Dewy Principles
The correlate in thought process of facts, data, knowledge, already acquired, is suggestions, inferences, conjectured meanings, suppositions, tentative explanations likings, in short. Out of the authors that I have read this year, Alfred North whitehead and gutter Dewey argon the two that I have found the greatest commonality with in the subject of obtaining and gaining information. Whitehead speaks on education relating back to Life.It seems to be the only way to become a person that posterior understand the world around him/her is to be a person who learned using life as the main suck up in education. There is a proverb ab divulge the difficulty of seeing the woodwind instrument because of the tress The problem of education is to make the disciple see the wood by means of the trees. I think that he and I touch base with the idea of life organism the driving force in education. Whitehead continues with distaste for formulated subjects and views Life as the only subject matte r for education.Dewey seems to whole tone as though life should be the main subject matter for education. Dewey expresses an interest very identical to Whiteheads in the three stages in which education travels. Whitehead felt that romance was the first stage of education. Dewey utter that the pupil must first have a genuine situation of experience-that there be a continuous activity in which he is interested for its own sake. He continues with the methods that would best help the pupil to formulate their own conclusions.Secondly, that a genuine problem develop within this situation as a stimulus to thought third, that he process the information and make the observations undeniable to deal with it fourth, that suggested solutions occur to him which he shall be responsible for developing in an orderly way fifth, that he have opportunity and procedure to test his ideas by application, to make their meaning clear and to discover for himself their validity. This brings us to the scientific method. Now, instead of macrocosm fed information, we begin to formulate knowledge.There is a problem (noticed detail), thinking, hypothesis (educated idea), experiment, conclusion which compares to the hypothesis and reaches for a proof or disproof. We have created proof or even a habit. Whitehead expresses the danger of the nidation of inert ideas. Dewey wrote that ideas are anticipations of possible solutions and tested by the operation of acting upon them. Dewey was concerned with the school problems that are assigned to students becoming empty pointless problems that importance ends with the beginning of the pupil as a human.An idea that came to mind was to have a basic break down as far as the needed subject matter that has to be covered yet letting the pupils go out and find it in their lives as human beings. Dewey would describe this as an unscholastic approach. A problem that can double-dealing here, is insufficient material being covered or students not fulf illing their part. Another potential problem would fabrication in the size of the class. A larger class size would have the great possibility of both(prenominal) students ideas being left uncovered.I considered how that might have a worse effect than inert ideas. Their ideas being left uncovered leave them with a lack on the information as a whole. The realism of the situation is another factor to consider as well as the time prospective. In closing, I understand and agree with both Whitehead and Deweys propositions for a more efficient style of acquiring a more fruitful, long term, though process, it would take more than I think is possible without lengthening the schoolman year. And what student would really want that?
Thursday, May 16, 2019
‘Dancing at Lughnasa’, dramatic techniques and devices Essay
* Foreshadowing through the use of devices (see below) or annals Friel often hints at what comes later in the mulct, sometimes sneaky in the first dialogue for example, Chris says When are we going to get a decent mirror to see ourselves in? this could be interpreted as Friel showing that the women are blind to the world around them, to their own inner trouble, and just how close their family is to the flash of collapse. It is a good line for Friel to highlight that at this moment in time, everything is as it should be and aught has crumbled yet, only it will, and the sisters cannot foretell it.* Use of symbolic devices such as the radio (the music foreshadows events in the play, hints at backstory, usu solelyy provides a sense of what the women feel inside but cannot express on the outside, used to root context and ultimately link the women from their microcosm in Ballybeg to the wider world) or the kites (representing escape as a pair, possibly damn and Gerry, or, when one considers the tortured faces, a foreshadowing of Rose and Agness doomed leave.)* Stage Directions Friels map directions are highly detailed and this shows that to Friel, every little character and stage detail is important, (takes the opening tableau vivant for example. ) Each aunt has their own, very particular on stage personality, but these are certainly not 2D characters when Friel still leaves some oral sexs unanswered to the audience e. g What is going on surrounded by Gerry and Agnes?why is it that Friel wants Agnes to fly up in a passion, on the point of tears when Kate is badmouthing Gerry, but the situation between them is never explored in more detail? It makes the false holding concept all the more interesting, as the audience can forget that this is what Michael is supposed to remember as more real than incident and some(prenominal) actual and illusory. * The Unseen Boy In Dancing at Lughnasa, the narrator is the adult Michael, and Friel chooses alike to give way the adult Michael reading the boys lines, and the aunts must never address the boy.This is a unrealistic concept, but both helps the audience remember that the whole play is Michaels memory When I draw my mind back and also foreshadows Michaels absence and escape later on in the play, or as a boy, his lack of understanding of the situation. Alternatively, it again highlights the surreal concept that Michael can remember things that may or may not have happened as he is not present in those scenes.* The fictitious Memory But there is one memory of that Lughnasa time that visits me most often and what fascinates me about that memory is that it owes nothing to fact The play is largely focused on Michaels relationship with the memories of his past, as his interspersed blocks of register illustrate, but there is the question raised that, in fact, did most of the play, where Michael isnt present, even happen?It is all supposed to be from his memory, so how can he remember something which isnt true? The ending sets this question further in the audiences minds when Michael talks about a memory that truly does have no factual ground at all, and you can see elements of this seeping in throughout the play itself, (such as blasts of thirties music or referencing to historical context) and you can see it played out as if peppered with bits of memory that didnt necessarily happen at those times or in that order.It does have a dream-like quality for these reasons, and only when we wake up do we realise something was strange I believe this is the resultant Friel intended to create for the audience. With memory, we often remember what stands out to us, not necessarily in the right order, but what Michael makes plain at the end is that his version of events is both real and imagined at the same time, and his memories become more true to feelings as they go further from the actual order of events.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Introduction to business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
world to business - Essay ExampleIn addition, by collaborating with cycle, Stonyfield Farm go out have an opportunity to carry out out to the community on the importance of conserving the environment by recycling used products. On the other(a) hand, recycling will benefit significantly from the partnership in that by using request and recommendations do by Stonyfield Farm, they will acquire more plastic waste. As a result, there will be more raw materials for the manufacture of their recycled products. More products translate to more revenue and lesser environmental degradation. all these benefits will be in line with the companys zero waste initiative. Moreover, Recycling will incur fewer costs in procuring the waste products as the yoghurt maker already has a plan on how the containers can be collected. This is because Stonyfield itself is in a partnership with Whole Foods. Whole Foods has a Gimme 5 program in which, yoghurt containers are dropped in Gimme 5 bins for collect ion (stonyfield Farm, par. 4).To get a larger market share for their products, recycling could make use of various strategies such as fashioning discounts. Discounts on recycled shavers and toothbrushes would attract more consumers to purchase and use their products. This is because they would be more affordable to the general cosmos as compared to normally manufactured products. Also, the company could utilize catchy taglines to advertise their products on commercials aired on T.V. These include waste free shaving and Waste brushing, and would catch the attention of consumers and interest them.In addition, Recycling could educate the public on the importance of conserving the environment. Recycling as a way of conserving it, would make recycled products likable to all those who heed the message of environmental consciousness. To market, its shavers and tooth brushes, Recycling could also get endorsement from international
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Aesthetics of Parent-Child Shared Reading Wordless Storybooks Research Paper
The Aesthetics of Parent-Child Shared Reading Wordless Storybooks - question newspaper ExampleScholars have attached more value to quality study rather than quantity of edition at the elementary level of learning, and more parent-engaging strategies to cultivate a childs esthetical abilities. The occasion of this research is to investigate the extent to which parent-child divided reading influences the aesthetic ability of a child.In this case, the research allow focus on the application of parent-child shared reading of a wordless book, or rather a book that has no words but only contains images and a non-verbal gestures (Tompkins, 2007 Wasik, 2010). By measuring the participation of a parent in this a childs learning experience and observing the childs engagement in play, role play, drama, relationship with peers, it is possible to assess the influence of a child-parent shared reading in a childs learning abilities. ... oo (2013), children find it a complex matter to rewri te the message in a wordless book and while the book whitethorn amuse them, they may end up without grasping the intended meaning in the pictography. In addition, parents disregard the picture business relationship books and pay more attention to the worded books a matter that often suppresses the childs learning abilities as they get to elementary schools (Wolfeand Flewitt, 2010). Consequently, the childs performance is limited and their optimal productivity cannot be tapped, an fill in that concerns every society that has value for civilization in the society (Schickedanz, & McGee, 2010 Teale, Hoffman & Paciga, 2010).). By investigating the efficiency of parent-child shared reading of wordless books would help in boosting this habit within families and consequently contribute to the knowledge of instructional methods at the elementary level. According to Koshy (2009), research is one of the most powerful tools in curriculum development strategy. Purpose of the Research General Objectives To investigate the effectiveness of parent-child shared reading in developing aesthetic abilities in a childs learning. To investigate the key virtues of Parent-Child shared learning that are detailed in development of childs aesthetic abilities. Specific Objectives To conduct an interview for a induce and her child and their experience in shared reading. To observe the child free play, role play, drawings and interaction with its peers. To analyze the progress of the childs learning abilities change within a period of one family of shared reading. To draw conclusions and design recommendable shared-reading strategies that can improve a childs aesthetic abilities. Research Hypothesis This research seeks to test the hypothesis that states
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