Monday, October 28, 2019
Create Your Own Weight Loss Pill Essay Example for Free
Create Your Own Weight Loss Pill Essay In 2004, the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ranked obesity as the number one health risk facing America. Obesity currently results in an estimated 400,000 deaths a year in the United States and costs the national economy nearly $122. 9 billion annually. Childhood obesity affects more than 15 percent of the population under 18 years old that is classified as overweight. Obesity not only impacts lifestyle but can also lead to lower self-esteem, cause depression and discomfort in social situations, and significantly diminish quality of life. Obesity also increases a person’s risk for developing serious obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome. With this information and obesity playing such a role in today’s society I have decided to research and design my own weight loss supplement, using ingredients, herbs, extracts and vitamins that I know to be not only effective in helping men and women lose weight, but also relatively healthy considering how many different weight loss products and options there are for sale in America today. For my weight loss supplement I chose to use 5 select ingredients that I have personally used in some form or another through my time as a personal trainer and work out fanatic. My five ingredients are as follows; Caffeine Anhydrous, Green Tea Extract, L-Carnitine, Vitamin B-12 and Vitamin D3. My rationale for choosing these five ingredients is partly due to the restriction and limitations given to me by this assignment, but also because as I stated before I personally have seen weight loss results and know the potential benefits with each ingredient I listed and think they not only help individuals with weight management, specifically weight loss and appetite control, but also feel as though they are safe enough for the majority of men and women to take on a daily basis in order to help expedite the weight loss process, which can be so very difficult for people, specially as they age and their metabolism slows down. This supplement I will provide not only enhances metabolism but also directly targets fat on the persons body for use as energy during a workout, which in turn will help speed up the potential for weight loss and success in that persons exercise program, Obviously results will vary as with any supplement depending on the persons diet and consistency with their workouts, genetics, and potential other health limitations. Once again the five ingredients I chose were Caffeine, Green Tea, L-Carnitine, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3. I will now discuss each supplement individually, their dosing in my product and exactly how each one will potentially help benefit the consumer in their weight loss efforts. I will then talk a little about the possible negative side effects and any other pertinent information someone might need while using this product. First, the king of all the metabolism boosting supplements, Caffeine Anhydrous; in my opinion nothing can potentially help people lose weight quicker and more effectively than good old Caffeine. Bodybuilders will actually use instant coffee grounds in their pre workout shakes sometimes in order to get that quick buzz of energy before a workout. It is in almost every weight loss product in stores today and everyone knows its positive side effects, primarily energy. The way I see it the more energy and higher metabolism you have during the day the more likely you are to go workout, eat less and more importantly lose fat in the process. The body loses weight fairly scientifically for the most part, calories in versus calories out. If someone is able to boost their metabolism and therefore burn more calories in a day than they are supposed to be consuming then weight loss should occur. Although research about the connection between caffeine and weight isnt definitive, there are several theories about how caffeine might affect weight, including: †¢ Appetite suppression. Caffeine may reduce your desire to eat for a brief time, but theres not enough evidence to show that long-term consumption aids weight loss. Calorie burning. Caffeine may stimulate thermogenesis  one way your body generates heat and energy from digesting food. But this probably isnt enough to produce significant weight loss. †¢ Water loss. In some people, caffeine can act as a diuretic, which means it increases the amount of urine you excrete. This increase in urine output, mostly water loss, may temporarily decrease your body weight, but it doesnt result in the loss of body fat. As you can see Caffeine on its own isn’t a total cure all for weight loss but its potential positive benefits far outweigh the negatives and combined with the 4 other ingredients in my supplement I believe weight loss will occur. I would dose the Caffeine Anhydrous at 150mg per pill, with that pill being taken twice daily on an empty stomach, hopefully once before a workout. My next ingredient in my weigh loss product is Green Tea Extract, specifically Camellia Sinensis, which is the pure extract form. I would combine this with the caffeine at 250mg per pill, also taken twice daily. Most importantly is the EGCG in the Green Tea. I would dose 125mg of the 250mg of Green Tea specifically as the EGCG form. EGCG is short for Epigallocatechin gallate, one of the active ingredients found in green tea. Recent studies on green tea and on EGCG itself have supported EGCG’s ability to assist in weight loss. ECGC has anti-oxidant properties. Anti-oxidants protect the body’s cells from free radicals. Free radicals are believed to be responsible for many diseases and conditions in the body including cancer, auto-immune diseases, and heart disease. EGCG is found in many weight loss aids in varying strengths. As well as being an anti-oxidant, EGCG, along with the caffeine in green tea, produce a thermogenic response in the body. Thermogenesis creates heat in the body and boosts the metabolic system, increasing the speed of adipose (fat) tissue breakdown. Several studies have backed up this claim and green tea and EGCG are considered the front-runners of weight loss ingredients. Next up on my list of ingredients in my weigh loss product is L-Carnitine. I would add 1000mg of L-Carnitine to my supplement, also to be taken twice daily. L-carnitine is a substance, made from amino acids, which helps your body burn fat for energy. Taking a carnitine supplement could potentially help promote weight loss and improve your exercise performance. L-carnitine works to convert fat into energy in your body and is used in many parts of your body, particularly your muscle tissues, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Carnitine is found in dairy products and meats, but your body manufactures all it needs from methionine and lysine. In some people, carnitine production is inhibited, creating a deficiency. People who have certain genetic conditions, diabetes, liver cirrhosis and heart conditions all tend to have carnitine deficiencies. L-carnitine could help you lose weight by improving your fat-to-muscle ratio, or body composition, says the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Carnitine supplements are also sometimes used to improve athletic or exercise performance. Carnitine might potentially help to reduce your bodys fat mass and increase muscle mass, as well as reduce fatigue, notes the University of Maryland Medical Center. Having taken Carnitine myself for many years I have always felt that this supplement worked well on it’s own, but ultimately better when stacked in conjunction with other thermogenic and weight loss supplements such as Caffeine and Green Tea, which is why I chose to combine the three together for my weight loss product. Not only will there be potential health and weight loss benefits, but the negative side effects are few and far between which is hard to say for some of the more controversial weight loss supplements out there. Lastly I will talk about the two Vitamins I chose to add to my weight loss product; those being Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3. Both of these vitamins are excellent for ones overall health but also may help increase metabolism and weight loss in individuals. Vitamin D3 stands out as one of the most overlooked yet most important nutrients for weight loss and a whole host of other disorders. The body has thousands of different receptors for vitamin D3 and its metabolites all over the body, helping to explain the wide variety of benefits attributed to the vitamin. It has been shown to benefit insulin resistance, cancer and autoimmune conditions, as well as maintaining strong bones. However, a vitamin D3 metabolite is also required to activate the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase. Without this enzyme, the body cannot make dopamine. Low mood and reduced metabolism are the consequences (incidentally, this is what is commonly diagnosed as Seasonal Affective Disorder and sees patients plied with anti-depressant medication). Vitamin D3 deficiency is on the rise throughout the Western world, as increasing numbers of individuals work through the daylight hours in offices, then cover themselves from head to toe in sunscreen when on holiday. Many other issues can play a role in the inability to lose weight, such as hormonal imbalance, fungal infection, dehydration, stress, but naturally all these issues are made worse by a lack of minerals. Nourishing your body with the level of vitamins and minerals it has evolved with should remain your first priority in any regime, especially when it comes to weight loss. I would add 1000IU of Vitamin D3 to my weight loss supplement to be taken twice daily.
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