Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The reaction between zinc and copper sulphate Essay Example
The reaction between zinc and copper sulphate Paper To investigate the affect of varying the amounts of zinc in the reaction between zinc and copper sulphate has on the rate of reaction. Background Knowledge My experiment is based on the theory of: A more reactive metal can displace a less reactive metal from a compound For examplThis type of reaction is known as a single displacement. This is when one element trades places with another element in a compound. The reaction that I will be looking at is zinc-replacing copper. This happens, as zinc is higher in the reactivity series than copper. The equation is shown below important aspect of these experiments is that they are exothermic. An exothermic reaction gives out heat as a source of energy. A reaction that is exothermic uses less energy to break the old bonds than is emitted to create the new bonds therefore heat is given off. The higher the energy given off, the higher the heat will be. The possible independent variables that could be investigated are: i The mass of zinci The pressure of the surrounding atmosphere i The concentration of the copper sulphate i The surface area of the solid reactant, i. e. the zinc i The volume of copper sulphate i The light intensity. The amount of times the solution is stirred The dependent variable that I will be measuring will be the temperature change of the reaction. To do this I will have to measure the initial and final temperature of the reaction. Preliminary experiments I conducted preliminary experiments using 1g of zinc, in order to predict, with greater accuracy, the outcome of my experiments. It showed that the experiment was going to be exothermic, and that the temperature given off increased as the experiment progressed. I also decided that I would only time the experiments for a maximum of ninety seconds each, as this was ample time for the results to be recorded onto a graph. Apparatus To do the experiment I will need the following equipment: We will write a custom essay sample on The reaction between zinc and copper sulphate specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The reaction between zinc and copper sulphate specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The reaction between zinc and copper sulphate specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Powdered zinc In powdered form as this increases the surface area and gives better results Copper sulphate solution (0. 5M) Measuring cylinder To make sure the volume of copper sulphate is controlled Timer To time the 5-second intervals Weighting scales To accurately measure the amount of zinc Polythene cups polythene, as this is a heat insulating material. Using a different cup for each section of the experiment so that each one is fair. Also using plastic lids to stop any unwanted substances from interfering with the experiment and to stop heat from being easily lost. Thermometer To measure temperature changes from start to intervals to the final temperature. Method During this experiment I will be measuring the temperature given off as I expect the reaction to be exothermic. I will use 25ml of copper sulphate solution and 0. 8125 grams of zinc in each experiment. I manage to work this out using Avogadros theory of moles. First, I had to work out how many moles there are in 25ml of copper sulphate at 0. 5M. We need to convert the ml units into dm units. I therefore divided the 25 into 1000. I timed this answer by how strong the concentration of the copper sulphate was, 0.5M. Consequently, we have the sum (25/1000) x 0. 5= 0. 0125 moles of copper sulphate. We then need to times this number by the atomic weight of zinc, which is 65. 0. 012565 = 0. 8125 grams. This is the amount of zinc needed to disassociate copper in 25ml of copper sulphate solution at 0. 5M. It is important to note that the starting temperature of each experiment will be 25oC. I will record the temperature change in five-second intervals from zero to seventy. I have to make sure that the zinc used is definitely powdered zinc as any strips or lumps of zinc would alter the rate of reaction due the surface area. I will record my results in a table and then convert the data onto a graph. I will do this by plotting temperature against time. By drawing a line of best fit we can interpret the rates of reactions by calculating the gradient. I will repeat my experiment to ensure accurate and fair results. 1. Measure out 25cm3 of 0. 5M copper sulphate solution using the measuring cylinder 2. Pour the copper sulphate into the polystyrene cup 3. Put the thermometer in and wait until the temperature reaches 25oC 4. Using the weighing scales, measure out grams of zinc. 5. Add the zinc, simultaneously start the timer and put the plastic lid on immediately. 6. Stir the solution using the thermometer as a rod. 7. Record the temperatures at five-second intervals. 8. Repeat experiment for accurate results. Safety There is a possible hazard when carrying out this experiment as the copper sulphate solution or the zinc sulphate solution could be an irritant to the skin therefore contact with the skin should try to be avoided. Goggles must also be worn to protect any harmful substances from entering your eyes. If contact is made with the skin during the experiment you must wash the affected area thoroughly. Prediction I predict that this experiment should be a displacement reaction. Therefore the copper in copper sulphate should be displaced by the zinc to form zinc sulphate and copper. This should occur as zinc is higher in the reactivity series than copper. The reactivity series is as follows: Element Symbol Group Number Potassium K 1 Sodium Na 1 Lithium Li 1 Calcium Ca 2 Magnesium Mg 2 Aluminium Al 3 Carbon C 4 (Non-Metal) Zinc Zn Transition Metal Iron Fe Transition Metal Tin Sn 4 Lead Pb 4 Hydrogen H Non-Metal Copper Cu Transition Metal Silver Ag Transition Metal Gold Au Transition Metal Platinum Pt Transition Metal Most Reactive Least Reactive As I am varying the amounts of zinc, I can predict that the greater the amounts of zinc the faster the rate of reaction. This is because there is more reactant for the copper sulphate to react with. Therefore the temperature should rise in direct proportion the mass of zinc. Heat should be given off so I can predict that the experiment will be exothermic. Conclusion From my experiment I can conclude that it was an exothermic reaction, which shows that my prediction of this was correct. The graphs show that as the reaction time increases, the more the reactants give off heat energy. The lines of best fit highlight an error in my prediction as I predicted that the greater the amounts of zinc the faster the rate of reaction. From the gradients of the lines of best fit we can see that this is untrue. In both experiments the 1. 11g of zinc does not have the fastest rate of reaction and the temperature does not rise as high as 1. 01, 0. 91 or 0. 81 grams of zinc. I also predicted that the mass of zinc would rise in direct proportion to the temperature. We can see that this prediction is not true as then you would expect the temperature to almost double from 0. 41 to 0. 81 and from 0. 51 to 1. 01, which does not happen. Evaluation In general my experiment has been a success as it has produced fairly accurate results. The reason for the experiment not following the exactly correct pattern could be: Not all the zinc reacted with the copper. Some heat might have escaped from the open cup. There could have been errors in the reading. The stirring could not have been thorough and consistent. These results can be further improved by: Using a more insulating lid to prevent heat loss. Using more accurate and sensitive scales. Using a pipette or burette instead of a measuring cylinder will increase the accuracy of the measuring of the copper sulphate. I could improve my results to my experiment if: More repetitions of the experiment were done. This would provide more results and add to the evidence for the experiment and also increase accuracy. The experiment was tried with different metals, ones that are at different levels in the reactivity series. This would be done to see how the use of different reactions change the temperature and energy changes and if the theory still works with different metals. Also, using salts with a metal lower in the reactivity series than the base can show whether distance in the reactivity series affects the energy change. Different concentrations of the copper sulphate were used. This can also show the difference between the temperature and energy changes. Data logging could be used so that there is now chance in human error in the experiment. Results Repeats in bold Amounts of Zinc (g) Starting Temperature (oC) End Temperature (oC) Temperature Change (oC) Average Temperature Change .
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Psycology Essay Example
Psycology Essay Example Psycology Essay Psycology Essay This is a psychological reflective essay to examine and gain a greater understanding of self-harm. (www. Mild. Org. UK) I shall utilities Gibbs model of reflection (1988) to structure my essay and formalism my thoughts, pollens and research. I will reference my work using the Harvard system of referencing. (www. Elbow. Angela. AC. UK) Description: Whilst working as a cycle responder in central London I was requested to attend to a patient reported to be in a collapsed state and bleeding. Feelings: As I approached the scene I was cautious and slightly apprehensive, concerned about he causes of hemorrhaging, collapse and my own safety. My patient was a late teenage female, her overall appearance was one of neglect, but overall fairly well looking, a visual primary survey indicated this was, at this point not a time critical patient. She was on her own the sleeves of her clothing were blood stained and she smelt of alcohol. She reported to me she had a history of self-harming which was the cause of the blood staining. The lacerations were deep and with her permission, I dressed the wounds, suggested she went to hospital and requested a vehicle to rainspout her. I felt pity for my patient that she was In such a state and driven to such drastic measures. I was curious to how she had managed to self-harm as the idea of deliberately harming oneself is difficult to conceptualize as we spend our time attempting to avoid harming ourselves. I was quite repulsed by the deep scaring from previous episodes which made me question her reasons and motives behind what she was doing and her state of mental health. I felt concern that self harm was evidence of an undiagnosed mental disorder and may possibly be linked to future suicide attempt. Evaluations: I was glad she had she had decided to seek help on this occasion by calling 999, It would have been better If she called before she had self harmed. I was confident we could get the help she needed though she may have felt frustration going through the accident and emergency process as it can sometimes be a slow process. I would have been happier if she had accessed the correct treatment pathways through her GAP. I was concerned she may have left the hospital before she had been assessed and self harmed again. Analysis: Eighty percent of self-harm involves stabbing or cutting the skin with a sharp object. (www. Mentholated. Org. UK). Psychological factors that affect self-harmers: Abuse during childhood, bereavement, troubled parental or partner relationships, war, poverty, and unemployment may also contribute. Its estimated 30% of individuals with an autism spectrum disorder WI self-harm though patients with other diagnoses may also self-harm, suggesting pathways to self-harm would Include those with depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress people who self harm have no form of mental illness and the causes may be substance misuse, dependence and withdrawal, genetics, bullying, abuse (sexual, emotional or physical), neglect, school/work pressures, family financial difficulties, housing problems, relationship troubles, family problems, bereavement, loneliness or isolation, eating disorders. Or perhaps struggling to come to terms with sexuality, or any experience or event that causes negative feelings, thoughts and tensions. For some self-harmers the relief is primarily psychological, while for others this feeling of life comes from the beta endorphins released in the brain. Endorphins are endogenous voids, (medical-dictionary. Defenestration. Com) an opiate-like substance, such as an endorphin, produced by the body. They are released in response to physical injury, they act as natural painkiller, and can induce pleasant feelings which would act to reduce tension and emotional distress. Deliberate self- harm may become a means of seeking pleasure. Many self-harmers report feeling very little or no pain while self-harming and, for some a positive pleasurable experience. Strong, M. 1999), Many self-harmers report feeling very little to no pain while self-harming. Many people experiencing various forms of mental ill-health do have a higher risk of self-harm. ( Slinky, E. D. 2007) Also self-harm can present in the high-functioning individual who have no underlying clinical diagnosis making identifying a potential self harmer difficult and making the concept of self harm difficult for other reasons. Though its common in the younger person, generally starting at puberty through until mid twenties. Self-harm in young children is fairly are but reported cases are starting to increase. Self-harm is also apparent in high- functioning individuals who have no underlying clinical diagnosis. (Slinky, E. D. 2007). Self-harming behavior is generally most common in adolescence and young adults, usually first presenting between the ages of 12 and 24. (Mental Health Foundation, 2006) Self-harm in children is considered to be relatively rare, but the rate has been increasing since the sass (Thomas B; Hardy S; Cutting P 1997). Self- harming behavior can nevertheless occur at any age, including in the elderly. (Pierce, D. 1987) . There is more risk of serious injury and suicide attempts in older people who self-harm. (National Institute for Clinical Excellence 2004), Self-harm is often described as an experience of diversification or a dissociate state. (Natal- tong, D. 2008. ) There are vari ous causes leading to self-harm, but it can affect anyone of any age, sex and state of mental health but certain groups of individuals seem to be at a higher risk. A stigma is attached to self-harm, many people will go to great lengths to hide what they are doing. The I-J ONES study reported only two motives: to draw attention ND because of anger. For some people harming themselves can be a means of drawing attention to the need for help and to ask for assistance in an indirect way. It may also be an attempt to affect others and to manipulate them in some way emotionally. However, those with chronic, repetitive self-harm often do not want attention and hide their scars carefully. Conclusion It would have been an advantage to have a greater understanding of self-harm the that understanding. Action plan The treatment I provided would be the same should a similar situation arise. Ensure he safety of my patient and myself, dress any wounds that required dressing, reassure the patient and ensure they access the appropriate treatment pathway. I would be able to provide better treatment because I would be more aware of the causes. For some individuals, an episode of self harm may be easily triggered by a significant life changing event, but for others the day to day fluctuation in their thoughts and feelings and moods can be too much to bare for them and they react with self-harm. Simple stresses such as a breaking a glass, a loud noise, or running ate for an appointment might be enough to create a tension that is so overwhelming in the individual that they self harm to cope with this. Self-harm can be a method of relieving stress. For some, self-harm can become a habit; something they routinely do to survive on a day to day basis because they dont know what else to do, simply a coping method. As a coping mechanism, self-harm can become psychologically addictive because, to the self-harmer, it works; it enables him or her to deal with intense stress in the current moment. Occasionally a positive experience can be a thaw to self-harm. I would try to tackle the deeper underlying problem by being aware that for all individuals the starting point for recovery is to become aware of their reasons for, and what drives them to self-harm. Then armed with this knowledge that they can learn to respond differently to their difficulties and recognize the pathways to self-harm. Im aware that recovery is always possible, however lost and overwhelmed the person feels. Although self-harm provides a temporary fix to a problem, the relief is short lived, and is quickly followed by other feelings like shame and guilt. Meanwhile, it keeps the self-harmer from learning more effective strategies for feeling better. Helped. Org states that; the first step is to confide in another person. It can be scary to talk about the very thing you have worked so hard to hide, but it can also be a huge relief to finally let go of your secret and share what youre going through. Deciding whom you can trust with such personal information can be difficult. Choose someone who isnt going to gossip or try to take control of your recovery. Ask yourself who in your life makes you feel accepted and supported. It could be a friend, teacher, religious leader, counselor, or relative. But you dont necessarily have to choose someone you are close to. A service I could easily provide as my role as a paramedic being first on scene after a patient has Just self-harmed. There is an uncertainty about which forms of psychosocial and physical treatments of patients who harm themselves are most effective, and further clinical studies are required. But providing support and listening to the causes is definitely the first step. Hawthorn, K. Et al. (1998), further clinical studies are required.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ethical Steps in Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethical Steps in Decision Making - Essay Example As a psychiatric nurse, I work in the therapy section and yesterday while on duty, I was faced with a dilemma. I received young male patient, who had on several occasions attempted suicide. On checking his report, there was a record of symptoms pointing to severe depression. I thus consulted with the mental health nurse, who affirmed that indeed the patient had shown signs of depression during examination, moreover that the psychotherapist in charge was aware of the mild symptoms, but had advised against any further follow-up on the patient, who, he considered was experiencing a post-traumatic stress disorder. Confronted with a dilemma, I utilized the five steps involved in the ethical decision making process, so as to come up with a solution. The first step I took, as set forth by Aiken (104) was to analyze the data I had, in order to come up with relevant information concerning the situation. Thus, after an interpretation of the data I had, I noticed that the patient had displayed several suicidal attempts in the past single month. I therefore concluded that, the physician had let the symptom pass. I thus went on to take the second step, which involves spelling out the dilemma at hand, as suggested by Aiken (104). I was torn between administering therapeutic treatment meant for depressed patients in order to prevent possible harm after discharge, or discharge the patient after slight recovery, as ordered by the doctor, since the mild symptoms had been treated. I was thus left with the option of moving on to the third step. This involved the identification of all the causes of action that can be taken, without emphasizing on the possible results (Aiken 104). I thus followed my judgment, in line with the best interest of the patient. Considering that the psychotherapist had chosen not to order a therapy meant for depressive patients, I went to the chief physician and made known my findings. Thereafter, I examined the merits and demerits that
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6
Research Paper Example This created a wave of fear among the other airlines. South west airline continued to top the list of best airlines in America. The success story does not end with these factors. South west airline followed its own corporate culture that imposed certain policies and regulations. The case study aims at exploring the problems faced by the airline. It analyzes and provides a better option to improve the existing situation of the organization. The company that has been serving the people was voted the best airline of the year many a times. This was due to the dedicated service and continuous improvement in all the departments of the organization. (Dess, 2009) The company had the capability to manage any sort of problem and could resolve immediately with the help of highly qualified and trained professionals. Since airline industry involves a lot of risks, Kellinger made sure that none of the problems were left unattended. This added to the company’s status in the market and from then there was no looking back. The company improved at a very fast pace, and it was the most preferred airline among the Americans. This in turn motivated the employees to work in a better manner to serve the customers. A company’s success and reputation is not only decided by its situation in market place. It is based on the company’s management plans and strategies that decide the place of the company in the market. Though the company has gone through various bad patches, it manages to place itself in the list of best airlines. It remains as the most profitable airline in the world. South west airline has faced many problems during the last few years. The fluctuation in the price of the fuel drastically affected the airline industry. (Hill, 2008) South west airline followed unique set of principles and strategies that help them during crisis. One among them is the idea of purchasing fuel well in advance and storing it for future
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Italian Baroque Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Italian Baroque - Assignment Example He introduced tension and high drama through the technique of chiaroscuro that brought into sharp focus (almost like a spotlight that is used highlight action or an actor on stage) the main protagonists of the event and chose to immortalize the most poignant moment of the episode – the actual act of murder – by capturing the scene when the killer is about to thrust the blade in the torso of the fallen saint. The saint, it appears, recoils as he falls thus possibly signifying the ultimate victory of Christianity and the parallel placement of the killer’s arm and the angel’s outstretched hand perhaps implies instant martyrdom and sainthood of Saint Mathew. The killer is unaware of the angel and only Saint Mathew can view it thus hinting at his divinity. The marvelous use of light and shadow depicts the bystanders and their sense of horror in one blinding flash as if lightning struck when the murder took place. The painting appears to capture that poignant mo ment of high drama and unbridled emotion as only a masterpiece can. Critics are of the opinion that Caravaggio was hugely influenced by the large scale grandeur that was so very common in creations during high renaissance period and some say that he was very heavily inspired by The Martyrdom of St Peter the Martyr by Titian while executing his The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew. The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio is one among the trilogy of immortal exhibits of Baroque school of painting that is so often hailed.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Transportation and Distribution Management
Transportation and Distribution Management Transportations and distribution industry plays an important role in bridging the gap between the producer and the consumer. Forms of transportation available include air, water, rail and land. The transport industry is one of the driving forces for economic development. The cost of transportation is a major cost that all firms in this industry would like to reduce (Markowitz, 2011). The economic benefits of reducing transportation cost are notable and are a direct way of improving profits for any firm. According to Hines (2004) the question of how to reduce these cost remain one of the constantly explored by many transportation firms. Each firm desires to develop an effective strategy to reduce the costs. Distributions is important since it ensures production and needs are in balanced thus it is an important part of the economy. Moving products from producers to the consumers regionally, nationally and internationally can account for more than half of the total cost of the products. Therefore, the management of transportation and distribution should focus on the economic aspects (Rodrigue, et al. 2010). Efficiency and effectiveness of the transport system is vital in reducing the costs. Subsequently, management of the operations includes analysis of the costs of everything involved. Operations administration is carried out depending on the nature of the products or services that the organization is dealing in. Discussion and Analysis On 31 November 1981, I and five other partners came together and initiated a privately own a transport company Swift world transport Ltd. The company provides innovative, cost effective and reliable transportation of food products. Swift world transport Ltd specializes in food products shipment and carriage between various states and towns. After realizing that an opportunity exists in coordinating of food products, we launched a strategy to fill the void. Our trucks and carriers deliver food products to one destination and return with another load to another destination. The company desires not only to meet customerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s expectations but also to exceed it every time. Currently we have over 500 trucks operating around five states. Since transport costs account for a considerable portion of the selling price of food products, we put emphasis on making smart economic decision (Rodrigue, et al. 2010). Swift world transport Ltd. Deals with a wide range of food products. The products range from cereals, soft drinks, biscuits and cookies, baked goods, ready meals and frozen foods. Other products that we transport in smaller quantities include dairy products, honey and seafood. Swift world transport Ltd. Is ISO-certified and will be celebrating 30 years in existence late this year. Though the company began from humble beginnings, it has grown to be one of the market leaders in transportation of food products. It has more than 300 employees and is strategically located with its head office in New York. Swift world transport Ltd upholds integrity and abides by the rules and regulations in the transport industry (Markowitz, 2011). At Swift world transport Ltd we value the customers hence we use the latest technology and equipments in handling the products to meet customerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s needs of quality. We have refrigeration services to keep perishable products from being spoilt. The ministry of health officials has approved our warehouses as safe for storage of edible products. Our trucks are monitored via satellite hence we have an error free billing system (Rodrigue, et al. 2010). Swift world transport Ltd. Has three main departments. The first department deals with the transport infrastructure. These include the trucks and the sea vessels. The second department includes the food handling facilities such as refrigerators and warehouses. Finally, the last department ensures that there is always adequate supply of the products depending on the demand. Physical distribution involves the transportation of the food products from the various sources to the customers. The manager directing the physical distribution has the responsibility of assessing and controlling the cost of transport. He is also charged with the responsibility of ensuring the most efficient way of storing them. This in some cases may require warehouses hence inventory control. A manager should thus ensure that the right goods arrive at the proper destination in the right condition and to the correct client. As explained by Halldorsson et al. (2003) the goods should be in the right quantity. The transportation strategy adopted by the Swift world transport Ltd swiftly responds to all aspects of our operations with priority on customers and suppliers. The strategy acknowledges customer requirements as an important aspect of all its activities. The supply chain is a involves movement of products from suppliers to the customer. The transportation activities should focus on meeting customer needs. Transportation and shipment must therefore progress according to the timings (Rodrigue, et al. 2010). Customers require that products be delivered at their premises on a particular day and time. This needs to be accomplished in order to provide customer satisfaction. Being able to meet these deadlines has given Swift world transport Ltd a competitive advantage over other firms. The size of our firm also causes our customers to trust in our ability to be reliable. They believe that small firms are not reliable. Comparing performance is important for the firm to know how well our stra tegies are working (Larson, Halldorsson, 2004). In order to remain economically sound, we measure our expenses every now and then in order to have tight control over them. Estimation of general expenses and freight costs assists the company in budgeting. A supply chain is a system that brings organizations, people, information and other resources in bridging the gap by ensuring that goods and services move from supplier to consumers. Supply chains ensure that goods are delivered to the end user. The management of a supply chain involves planning and management of activities ranging from sourcing, procurement and the logistics. At Swift world transport Ltd. coordination and collaboration with the suppliers and customers and other third party service providers is our priority. The company has created a supply chain that integrates all activities with the main responsibility of linking our suppliers and the customers (Rodrigue, et al. 2010). A model of a supply chain begins from receiving the products from producers and suppliers and ends with the delivering to the consumer. Swift world transport Ltd adopted the model whose framework is developed on business processes that are not only cross firm but also cross functional. A team manage s the cross-functional processes with representatives from purchasing, finance, logistics and research and development (Halldorsson, et al. 2003). Since each process interacts with customers and suppliers at some point, customer relations and supplierà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s relations form an important part in the supply chain. The company must make the right decision when moving products from one point to the other. Distributing products faster and cheaply leads to higher profits and more satisfied customers. In order to do this, Swift world transport Ltd stays informed on the current trend within the industry. For illustration, most companies are moving in the southern states because where doing business is more cost effective. The company has been analyzing facts and trying to make a decision whether to move south. In 1990, Swift world transport Ltd. adopted the supply chain management (SCM). This was adopted after realization that most food products require integration of many business processes, from the original supplier to the customer (Halldorsson, et al. 2003). The suppliers provide the company with products, services and important information that boost our business. SCM enables us to exchange information with other stakeholders regarding market fluctuation. After realizing the importance of information, we adapted the SCM to enable us access relevant information. This is made possible since all the companies in the supply chain help optimize the entire chain. The company can therefore plan its distribution activities better hence leading to customer satisfaction. In addition, incorporation of SCM leads to reduction of competition (Hines, 2004). This is because the competition is not from one company to the other but on supply chain and supply chain. The aim of supply chain management is to uphold customer satisfaction by using the available resources efficiently. It seeks to keep the demand and supply at equilibrium. Since many food products are perishable, it pays to liaise with producers to minimize bottlenecks. The products are obtained from farmers and suppliers at the lowest cost (Hines, 2004). Transporting is followed by distribution and finally delivering the products to customer markets. Conclusion One of the main challenges that Swift world transport Ltd faces is the presence of congestion in our road system. The causes of congestion come from higher requirement for mobility, which many times go beyond the facilities that support it. Other causes can be random events like accidents, which normally disrupts the flow of vehicles. Congestion is not only present on the roads, concentration of traffic is observed even on maritime transport. This is so common especially in terms of weight. Traffic concentration is causing many problems at the ports. In the past few decades, international trade has been experiencing higher growth than the global economy resulting in congestion at the ports. Congestion has the effect of delaying products on the road hence causing late Deliveries. Late deliveries in turn lead to loss if business opportunities and dissatisfied customers. Recommendation As a major stakeholder in the transport industry, we have joint hands with other like-minded firms to put pressure on government to build more road network. A transport policy that will provide solutions to congestion problems should be developed. This requires long term planning to build of more roads and ports in order to ease the congestion. States with port facility should apply for grants from the federal government in order to improve their inadequate facilities. These are the solutions to preventing the constant congestion.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Leonard Bernstein Essay -- essays research papers
Leonard Bernstein           Leonard Bernstein was born in Lawrenceville, Massachusettes on August 25, 1918. He was the first born child of Samuel and Jennie Bernstein, who lived in Boston, but had gone to Lawrenceville to visit some relatives.           Bernstein's parents had little knowledge of, or interest in classical music. The only records Leonard remembers hearing on his family phonograph when he was a child were the popular hit songs of the day, such as â€Å" Barney Google†and â€Å"Oh by Jingo.†For the most part, Leonard Bernstein was an unhappy child. He said, â€Å" I was a miserable, terrified little child†(Musicians p.64). His family moved from town to town, during Bernstein's school days, not giving him a chance to make close friends or feel at home. Sadly, Bernstein's peers would make fun of and tease Bernstein. He was a very sickly child as he suffered from chronic asthma, rose fever, and hay fever. This pathetic child grew to be a very shy person.           Leonard always had a heart for music, even as a young boy. As an eight year old, one morning, when he was sitting in the synagogue, the religious music of the choir and organ overwhelmed him by it's beauty and caused him to burst into tears. When Leonard and his family would visit their friends, Leonard would sneak over to the piano and experiment. When he was eleven, his aunt sent her piano to his house for his family to keep for storage. â€Å"I made love to it right away†he recalled (Musicians p. 65). He could escape from all his frustrations and sadness by playing the piano. His parents didn't like the fact that he was always at the piano, they wanted him to concentrate on his school work. They thought of piano playing as a waste of time because it stood in the way of Leonard's learning his father's business, which they planned for him to eventually take over.           At the age of ten, Leonard found a piano teacher who would give him lessons for a dollar a lesson. But that teacher soon moved away and Leonard found himself paying another piano teacher three dollars a lesson out of his allowance. After more than a year of piano lessons that just weren't teaching him much, Leonard found a new, and th... ...     Bernstein has received such awards as the Albert Einstein Commemorative Award in the Arts from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine; the John H. Finley Medal for service to New York City; the Golden European trophy, an annual award given to an outstanding figure in popular music; the Datsun Award for â€Å"outstanding service to American music†; the Institute of International Education Award presented by President Nixon; and the George Foster Peabody Awards for his television programs.           Bernstein provided the music for four famous Broadway musicals with a superior amount of sophistication and technique. Often times, he would produce music with great humour and sentiment. Bernstein's great talents led him to author a few books in the 1960's. One of his most recent, famous collections of his music is used in the ever popular film West Side Story.           Leonard Bernstein was the â€Å"Renaissance man of twentieth century music.†Over the decades, Bernstein has been called one of the most charismatic and gifted personalities in the music of our times.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Chinese Schools Essay
Chinese schools have come a long way since the colonial days. Over the years and with the evolution of the national education system, Chinese schools have had to face countless threats to their survival. Despite this, Chinese schools have gained popularity and have enjoyed high enrolments, even among non-Chinese students. It has been reported that at least 10 percent of students studying in Chinese schools come from non-Chinese backgrounds. A number of factors contribute to this growing phenomenon. First, Chinese schoolteachers are well known for their high level of commitment. For this and other reasons, students from Chinese schools often excel in public examinations especially in Science and Mathematics. The other attraction of Chinese schools is that students are required to learn an additional language, Mandarin, which is a highly marketable skill in the job market. Chinese Education: A Historical Perspective The beginnings of Chinese education in Malaysia can be traced to the early nineteenth century. It was recorded that by 1815, there were already three Chinese schools in Malacca. One was founded by the London Missionary Society. With regard to the other two, sociologist Yang Qinghuang suggests that â€Å"at least one would be a school founded by the Hokkien people. †Scholar Zheng Liangshu suggests that some old-type Chinese schools might have existed in the Straits Settlements since the end of the eighteenth century. For a long time, Chinese schools in the Straits Settlements received neither help from the British government nor assistance from the government in China. Despite this, they thrived â€â€funded mainly by clan and dialect associations. When faced with political and financial difficulties at the turn of the twentieth century, the Ching government of China changed its attitude towards overseas Chinese and began to promote Chinese education outside of China. It implemented educational reforms based on a proposal by Zhang Zidong. Following the reforms, the curriculum was revised to include Chinese Classical Literature, History, Geography, Mathematics, Moral Education, Physical Education and other optional subjects like Commerce and Drawing. In Malaya, Chung Hwa Confucian School in Penang not only adopted this new curriculum (it was the first to do so), it went further to include English as a subject. Support from the Ching government, however, was short lived. It ended with the fall of the dynasty. Chinese schools that attempted to run modern educational programmes (with a modern curriculum and incorporating English as a subject) faced enormous challenges. On the one hand, they were constantly in need of more funds. On the other hand, they lacked competent teachers. Furthermore, they had to compete with the more established English schools. Even so, there were five hundred Chinese schools with modern educational programmes established in Malaya and Singapore in 1920. By this time, textbooks for these schools had departed from the classical into the vernacular Chinese language (baihuawen). Because of their impressive growth, the British government decided that it could no longer afford to ignore Chinese schools. On 29 October 1920, it introduced the Regist ration of School Ordinance to restrict the activities of Chinese schools in the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States by way of registration and inspection. In 1935, control was further tightened: textbooks and teachers from China were prohibited. Only local materials and Malaysian-born teachers were allowed, and activities in Chinese schools came under strict scrutiny. Despite these challenges, Chinese education continued to thrive until it was suspended at the time of the Japanese Occupation of Malaya. After the war, Chinese schools resumed operation. By 1946, their number had ballooned to more than one thousand in Malaya. However, following the Barnes and Fenn-Wu Reports (June 1951) and the Education Ordinance 1952, Chinese education was exclude d from the national education system. The Chinese community rallied to form Jiao Zong (United Chinese School Teachers Association of Malaya, UCSTAM) and Dong Zong (United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaya, UCSCAN) to safeguard Chinese education. The Malayan Chinese Association (MCA) joined in. Its president then, Tun Tan Cheng Lock spoke these memorable lines, â€Å"†¦Chinese in Malaya †¦ should be given Chinese education †¦ The dialect or mother tongue can be likened to a person’s shadow, and is inseparable from the person himself/herself†¦ †(translated from Chinese). Efforts to safeguard Chinese education became even more difficult following the Razak Report in 1956 and the Education Ordinance in 1957. Thereafter, Chinese primary education was officially included in the national education system, classified as standard-type primary schools with Chinese language as the medium of instruction. However, Chinese secondary schools were excluded from the system when the Lower Certificate of Education examination (L. C. E) was introduced in English. This was not in accordance with the promise of fairness to other ethnic languages in the country as specified in the Razak Report. Furthermore, the Chinese community were horrified by the terms of reference in Paragraph 12 of the Razak Report: â€Å"†¦the ultimate objective of educational policy in this country must be to bring together the children of all races under a national education system in which the national language is the main medium of instruction. †Paragraph 12 was subsequently omitted following strong opposition from the Chinese community headed by Jiao Zong. Both the Rahman Talib Report (1961) and the Education Act (1961) reaffirmed the education policy as stated in the Education Ordinance 1957. Since government financial aid was vital to the survival of Chinese secondary schools, more than half of the 41 Chinese secondary schools then had little choice but to ‘convert’ itself into English medium national type secondary schools. On hindsight, many Chinese view this decision as a big mistake. The remaining 14 schools refused to give in, and have remained ‘independent’ to this day. The MCA facilitated this ‘conversion’ as it was satisfied with the verbal promises made by the Education Minister that â€Å"the government has no intention to exercise its authority granted under the Act to change Chinese primary schools to national schools†and that â€Å"Chinese schools are allowed to allocate one third of their curriculum for learning Mandarin and Chinese literature. †As a consequence of this concession made at the secondary school level, development of Chinese education in Malaysia was restricted thereafter to the primary school level. The New Education Act 1996 posed an even bigger threat. It threw into question the status of national-type schools that were not established under Section 28 of the new Act. In fact, prior to this during the initial stage of implementing the ‘3R system’ (Reading, Writing & Arithmetic) in 1980, Chinese schools had already been challenged to forgo their medium of instruction. Materials for learning all subjects except Mandarin were available only in Bahasa Melayu. In response, Dong Jiao Zong and various Chinese guilds and associations submitted a memorandum to voice their opposition to the Ministry of Education in 1981. The schools were given the assurance that the government had no intention of changing the character of Chinese schools. However in the ensuing years, Chinese schools were asked to consider the concept of ‘integrated schools’ (1985) and Vision Schools (proposed in 1995, implemented in 2000), in addition to the latest â€Å"2-4-3†resolution that sought to introduce the teaching of Mathematics and Science in English (proposed in 2002, implemented in 2003). Despite these challenges, Chinese schools seek to maintain emphasis on the â€Å"Five Aspects of Formal Education in Confucianism (Wuyu Jiaoyu)†namely, moral (de), intellectual (zhi), physical (ti), social (qun ) and aesthetic ( ei) education. Until today, Chinese schools m continue to value discipline, respect for the elderly, courtesy, personal character and morality, rather than marketable skills such as computer literacy, Mathematics and Science. Some Reflections How does the development of Chinese education affect the church community i Malaysia? n Should we stake our claims to citizenry and defend our right to be educated in our own (mother tongue) language? What about racial integration? Is it possible to promote Chinese education without further polarising the different communities? First, we have a moral basis for defending Chinese education. Being given the choice and having the opportunity to be educated in one’s own language is a universal human right according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948. Chinese education ha s existed in this country since the nineteenth century. As such, I believe we ought to defend the right of its existence in the same way as we would for the education of other ethnic communities in their own languages. Second, there is value in the Chinese school culture that is worth speaking up for. Even though outsiders might consider the Chinese community uncompromising in its stand with regard to educational issues, it must be pointed out that it is not just about safeguarding the Chinese language but it is also about retaining the ideals of holistic education. Furthermore, Chinese schools have a tradition of nurturing dedicated schoolteachers, and the Christian community should be at the forefront to encourage this culture of service and excellence. In the past, many of them have had to pay a high price for their conviction and dedication by becoming ‘martyrs’: Zhuang Xiquan, Chen Taomin and others were deported for opposing the Registration of School Ordinance 1920; Lim Lian Geok and Yen Yuan Chang were deprived of citizenship in 1961; Lim Huang Sheng and Sim Mow Yu were jailed under the Internal Security Act in 1987. Chinese education aids evangelistic work among the Chinese community. It provides students with a better understanding of the Chinese culture. Whereas in the past, the content of Chinese education was often influenced by traditional beliefs and practices, the Chinese education system today is more open to intellectual discourse on rethinking and repositioning the Chinese identity. The main grouse against Chinese schools is the lack of racial integration since students come from predominantly one ethnic background. The question we must ask is, is this acceptable or healthy in a multi-ethnic society like Malaysia? Most advocates for Chinese education would argue that it is less than ideal but what choice do they have? If national schools were to adopt a more holistic philosophy, and their teachers showed a more credible record in terms of commitment and disciplining of students, and if they provided students with the opportunity to study their own languages, racial integration would be less of an issue and Chinese students would be more evenly distributed between national and Chinese schools. Despite this obvious shortcoming related to racial integration, I still advocate Chinese education for what it offers. Clearly, through its holistic philosophy and track record, it has produced many responsible citizens through the years. Chinese education continues to play a significant role in nation-building and church life in Malaysia. Florence Kuek lectures Mandarin at Universiti Teknologi Mara.
Friday, November 8, 2019
s Daughter
â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter†In the article â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter,†(Short Sotry Criticism 192), Jones asserts the question, â€Å"How can Beatrice, with a mortal father on the scene, be an allegorical figure of Eve†(193)? By leaving the question to us we are lead to believe that this comparsion can be made. Even though Beatrice had a mortal father on the scene, she can be an allegorical figure of Eve because Eve was lead to believe that the â€Å"apple†was good for her. Eve was decieved by Satan and Beatrice was deceived by her father. They both were confined to the garden and were expected to tend to it. Jones also contend, â€Å"How can this be the present Eden, a representation of man’s perverted re-creation...†(193)? It can be the present tense Eden because when God created Eden he did so for his pleasure. Rappaccini also created â€Å"Eden†for his pleasure because his love for science. The difference in God’s Eden and Rappaccini’s perverted re-creation was that Rappacini made all of his beautiful flowers poisonous. He created nothing that was good. Therefore , it was understandable why Beatrice referred to God’s Eden as paradise and her father’s version of Eden as a place of poisonous flowers. Jones interestingly refers to Rappaccini as a type of â€Å"santanic intellectual†(193). This is an understanable statement because Rappaccini was a brilliant scientist. He purposely corrupted the beautiful garden and his own child for experimental purposes. Jones implies that Rappaccini is â€Å"Adam†and that Satan inspired Adam. He contends, for it was Adam, inspired by Satan, whose rebellion dethroned the rightful ruler of nature and put into man’s hands the power to rule and to recreat†(193). This is a disputable argument, because Adam was not inspired by Satan. Adam was inspired by Christ, but he was greatly influenced by Eve. On the other hand, an argument can be made that Eve was insp... 's Daughter Free Essays on Rappaccini\'s Daughter â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter†In the article â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter,†(Short Sotry Criticism 192), Jones asserts the question, â€Å"How can Beatrice, with a mortal father on the scene, be an allegorical figure of Eve†(193)? By leaving the question to us we are lead to believe that this comparsion can be made. Even though Beatrice had a mortal father on the scene, she can be an allegorical figure of Eve because Eve was lead to believe that the â€Å"apple†was good for her. Eve was decieved by Satan and Beatrice was deceived by her father. They both were confined to the garden and were expected to tend to it. Jones also contend, â€Å"How can this be the present Eden, a representation of man’s perverted re-creation...†(193)? It can be the present tense Eden because when God created Eden he did so for his pleasure. Rappaccini also created â€Å"Eden†for his pleasure because his love for science. The difference in God’s Eden and Rappaccini’s perverted re-creation was that Rappacini made all of his beautiful flowers poisonous. He created nothing that was good. Therefore , it was understandable why Beatrice referred to God’s Eden as paradise and her father’s version of Eden as a place of poisonous flowers. Jones interestingly refers to Rappaccini as a type of â€Å"santanic intellectual†(193). This is an understanable statement because Rappaccini was a brilliant scientist. He purposely corrupted the beautiful garden and his own child for experimental purposes. Jones implies that Rappaccini is â€Å"Adam†and that Satan inspired Adam. He contends, for it was Adam, inspired by Satan, whose rebellion dethroned the rightful ruler of nature and put into man’s hands the power to rule and to recreat†(193). This is a disputable argument, because Adam was not inspired by Satan. Adam was inspired by Christ, but he was greatly influenced by Eve. On the other hand, an argument can be made that Eve was insp...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free sample - Social Networking. translation missing
Social Networking. Social NetworkingSocial Networking and How it is Changing The Way Companies Do Business Introduction In the past few years, the term social networking has become a business phenomenon. This is a process of connecting people through their friend, relatives and acquaintances. This social networking enables people to connect with others who are in their social circle for some specific reasons. In the communities, Social networking helps individuals to promote some common interests which are greatly facilitated through knowing each other. On the other hand, the business concept to the social networking is used for reasons of high growth and profitability. Some successive business societies support advertising of their business activities. The main reason why many businesses use social networking is to enable their prospective customers and members to easy connection within an organization. Also it is used to enable the potential customers to identify their matters with their service providers. For example, if a customer is looking for a house sales agent, he or she can have a reassurance that the agent will understand the client’s point of view and provide the services that are expected by the clients. This is an essay on social networking and its impacts to business and the people who uses these networks to conduct their businesses. The essay looks closely at Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn and Twitter which have many people involved in social networks and it also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using these social networks. Facebook Facebook is one of the social networks that connect a large number of people in the world. It was initially started and aimed at connecting college and university students with their friends from different colleges and even high schools. It has now extended its networking by incorporating companies and businesses around the world. The inventors of Facebook tend to target more users through making the social network available to the general public. Many people can join Facebook if they have some connections to certain companies or regions. A large number of businesses conducting marketing with their fan pages through advertising to consumers to find them there. It allows businesses to have profiles through which the businesses showcase their photos making Facebook a powerful marketing tool. The businesses can be able to connect to an audience of consumers to find out what they need through Facebook. It has a Group function which allows business owners to find groups of likeminded peop le to create their group to find more consumers. This is beneficial to business people as people are allowed to participate in more than one group (Sandberg S). MySpace MySpace is one of the major social networks that are used by all ages and it acquired more than 60 million people in the first three years of existence. This site is more popular than other networks because it targets teens and it is easy to use the large number of friends to meet online. Through MySpace people can create links with others who have common interests. Many businesses rely on this network because it has large number of members and its immense popularity. They use it as a place of promoting their business on daily basis. The promotion is done in the blog posts and bulletins with links to a landing page. MySpace promotes businesses because the key success of businesses the large friend base, which has many other people who are also aiming to promote some businesses. The main benefit that can be obtained from business promotion on MySpace is the cross promotion. For example, if a businessman is on MySpace and he/she tries to promote a site, a freelance writer may come in to offer his/her services to the businessman (Anderson T Chris D). Twitter Twitter began in the year 2006 as an experiment and it has an ability to instantly communicate during any situation. The Twitter, Inc. was founded in the year 2007 and it is currently a privately owned and funded company based out of San Francisco Twitter has a code for each and every account that may be pasted into the HTML code of the website. This assists in linking two parties together as it is used to gain followers on twitter who finds the website first. It also assists in invite new members from twitter to the website (IPWatchdog). It allows businesspeople to keep in touch with their potential customers. They use it to test and see how the responsive clients are to their listed promotions and compare different businesses’ methods of advertising such as blogging. Through this, they can effectively acquire clients who are interested in their business. The businesspeople can then cater their marketing plans and promotions to their most responsive audience and increase the total sales. This reduces the business costs and saves time spent in marketing audiences that do not respond. Through twitter, one is able to connect to his/her consumer audience and announce his or her sales, special offers and even promotions. Business people using twitter are also being able to connect to others in same fields through which they expand their services base. One example is a graphic and web designer who gets a printing company and a specialist in internet marketing. These three can work together hence offering extra business to each other. Also people are able to see what other people are talking about their businesses by using twitter. One can find out about the market situation and he/she may see if his/her products or services are being discussed by others. The businesspeople can be able to get an inside glimpse into the mind of the customer and they can easily learn about their competitor in the market. Twitter allows businesspeople to educate people about some unique aspects of their business and enroll them into finding you new prospects of the businesses. LinkedIn This is one of the social network sites that are centered on business. It was essentially started as means of connecting with the customers, co-workers, business partners and friends. Recently, LinkedIn network has become the hub for online networking in business. It is more professional than the above social networking sites (MySpace and Facebook). In linkedln, one may get the photos of his/her boss, some employment histories and various areas of professional specialization in business. It enables the users to connect with their business acquaintances and allows them to join fifty groups related with their business activities. The users can then engage in conversations that have legitimate value (Schepp B Schepp D. Pg 59-61). Advantages of using social networks in business The advertising power that a business can achieve is one advantage of using the social networking. The most people who make use of the social networks are the youth hence advertising through the networks is very advantageous. These young people are easily persuaded to buy some products or use some services through this advertisement. Through the advertisement, the marketing of the products that are relevant to age group is what different businesses try to target. It is cheaper to use these social networking sites for business because most of it is absolutely free. Through this networking, the businesspeople can find the potential clients and target markets in few clicks and it enhances the promotional strategies (Social networking). Another significant advantage of using social networking by businesses is the large number of people that use these networks daily. If a business owns one of these networks, it will experience many people who would need to use the site. Since relationships are important in any society, some people may fear confronting others face to face and hence the social networks are the means through which people connects and interacts freely without being scared and they can be able to share about their common business interests. Social networking is a big market for making money which is essential in human life. Disadvantages of using social networks in business A security issue is a disadvantage of using the social networking sites. For example, there are people who put virus and malwares in the sites which affect the computers. For instance, the users of MySpace who do not install the anti-malware programs to in their machines will be vulnerable to the dangerous advert programs that are posted on the site by some ill minded people. This may make the businesses to cease from using the social networks. The second disadvantage is imposters where some people take advantage of others. The networks facilitates the meeting of people and may sometime lead to undesirable acts such as rape and murder because it is not easy to determine whether the person you are communicating with is a criminal or a good person. Also, some people have used the networks to con some businesspeople (Terri L.). Solutions to the problems and recommendation The users of the social networks should install spyware and ant-virus programs on their computers and ensure that these programs are continuously updated to deal with the security threats that are found in the sites. The businesspeople should go an extra mile in determining whether the people they communicate with are legitimate customers or those who intend to con their businesses. This can be achieved by using original identification documents. How social networks make money Some of these networks allow some companies such as Google to post their advertisements and in return the companies pay some fees to these social networks. For instance, MySpace and Facebook generate a lot of dollars in revenue through its advertisements. Others get money or revenue through the payments of membership fees (Daniel G. Pg12-3). Conclusion The social networking is a growing tool and it gives the businesses and people the means to associate with others. Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and Twitter are the extensive networks which contribute to main source social networking. The use of social networking is booming and it will continue to unite different business associates. References Anderson T Chris D. (2003). MySpace. Retrieved from; Daniel G. (2006). $1 billion for facebook? Retrieved from; IPWatchdog. The importance using social networking for business; Part II-Twitter. Retrieved from; Sandberg S. (2010). Role of Advertising on Facebook. Retrieved from; Schepp B Schepp D. (2009). How to Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and Other Social Networks. McGraw-Hill Professional. Social networking. (2006). Meaning. ExplanationGuide Encycloepdia. Retrieved from; Terri L. (2006). MySpace: Crime Victims. Retrieved from;
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Describe in Detail any Garden or Landscape Design Surrounding a House Essay
Describe in Detail any Garden or Landscape Design Surrounding a House from the Period Covered by the Coursee period covered by t - Essay Example It must be stated that if one desires to ignore other gardens that were also in existence during the period, one should not ignore the Vaux-le-Vicomte. The Vaux-le-Vicomte alone is enough to explain the principles of gardening of the splendid and graceful age in which it was constructed. The chateau qualifies it as the most significant work built on the European continent in the mid seventeenth century. The house also stands as one of the grandest building in France that was built after Chateau de Maisons. For such a grand structure, one would expect to encounter a similarly grand landscape and garden. As far as this is concerned, Vaux-le-Vicomte does not disappoint in any way. Vaux-le-Vicomte is a nice building that has pavilions surrounding it. The structure also has a fortification in the form of a large moat around it. Many of the chateaux to the north of France are surrounded by a moat, which is rectangular in colour on three sides. This is also the case with Vaux-le-Vicomte, on ly that in the case of Vaux-le-Vicomte, the axial arrival avenue continued across a bridge, leading to a public space. In line with the norm during the period when the structure was constructed, the layout is symmetrical and firmly incorporated, with a somewhat projecting central block and ending marquee, and two returned wings that project forward. 2 The gardens of Vaux-le-Vicomte are so grand that it covers about three kilometres. As far as the gardening tenets of that period were concerned, the landscaping of Vaux-le-Vicomte is a great advancement. One of the most amazing, yet pleasing, features of the structure, that is, the buildings and the gardening, is that there is a successful blend of architecture with the environment; this may not have been a feature that was coming during the seventeenth century. In the garden, there is an enormous area which is divided into a succession of terraces. These terraces form diverse assemblage of pattern based on shrubberies, lake and founta ins, Turkish carpets and so on.2 Vaux-le-Vicomte On entering into the Vaux-le-Vicomte, one is greeted by a wide green space. The green space extends to a length to about 5000 feet. This is evidence to show that green occupies a significant position in the mind of those that designed the gardens.3 The unique way in which the garden is designed is such that the viewer would make the embrace or better still literarily the garden along to anywhere they would like to go. This is the case because of the outstanding use of optical illusion and perspective. On gaining entry into the property, one would observe grotto which would be very close to a lake. However, on gaining entry into the property, the same grotto which appeared to be close initially would be far. In fact, the planning that was done is such that the grotto is more than six hundred feet away from the canal which is on the other side. As a result of the largeness of the property, there are electric cars to aid transportation. Vaux-le-Vicomte Another part of the garden that is affected by this motif is the pool. When standing at the back of the chateau, the reflecting pool is more tapered at the closest point than when standing at the uttermost point; standing at the uttermost part makes them appear nearer to the point of view. What one then observes is that when the landscape is viewed from a particular angle, the distortion which was intentionally premeditated into the scenery essentials produces a forced
Friday, November 1, 2019
Mahasweta Devi, Breast-Giver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mahasweta Devi, Breast-Giver - Essay Example And, there is a proportion among writers who bring these situations and incidents into a written form, using the realistic or fictionalized version of the real life happenings as the base, particularly the ‘injuring’ or distressing aspects. Mahasweta Devi is one such writer, who has used the culture, events etc prevailing in India, particularly the distressing and disturbing happenings in her home state of West Bengal in her works. So, in this paper I will focus on Mahasweta Devi, her life, her works and what will be the contents of my presumed interaction with her. Mahasweta Devi presently lives in Kolkatta (the new name of Calcutta). Apart from being an accomplished Indian writer, she is also a social worker, involving herself in many worthwhile causes and thus travels to many parts of West Bengal and throughout India. So, I planned to reach Kolkatta by air and from the airport, based on Devi’s current work or location, I will make the trip by road or train. Before boarding my flight, I researched about Devi through internet and books, and got a lot of information about her life and her works. So, onboard the flight to Kolkatta, based on the information, I set my thought process into action and tried to form the questions I will ask Devi, topics for our conversation etc, etc. As, I want the interaction with Devi to be smooth, fruitful, engaging and beneficial, I formed certain questions and topics based on the research. Firstly, I plan to ask Devi about her early days in erstwhile East Bengal and whether the partition of India and Paki stan had any impact on her life. Devi was actually born in Dacca, in what is now Bangladesh. Being a Hindu, she and her family moved into West Bengal in India at the time of partition of India and Pakistan. That is, as British gave freedom to India in 1947, they divided mainland India, into India and Pakistan, with Hindu majority areas staying with India and Muslim majority areas going to
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