Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Media system, communication ethics and society Assignment
Media system, communication ethics and society - Assignment Example For the past 40 years, the development of media has highly been influenced by the authoritarian policies regimes where the media has been controlled very finely by the strict laws and regulations imposed by the government. It has been very cleverly used by their governments as a tool to publicize their own social, cultural and economic programs. In Saudi Arabia, till 1990’s most of the television channels were government owned but with time, private channels also entered in the market and introduced by more professional and independent approach to media management. Al-Jazeera, Al-Manar, Al-Arabiya are few of the pioneers in satellite television industry. The history and trends of the Saudi Arab region and other Arabian countries has never let them deviate from their cores and roots thus they also avoided adoption of westernization in their media system like rest of the countries. However, the historical dominance of political system has been the primary force in shaping the media structure in most of its parts. The history in Arab has largely been influenced by political system that shaped the media
Monday, October 28, 2019
Create Your Own Weight Loss Pill Essay Example for Free
Create Your Own Weight Loss Pill Essay In 2004, the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ranked obesity as the number one health risk facing America. Obesity currently results in an estimated 400,000 deaths a year in the United States and costs the national economy nearly $122. 9 billion annually. Childhood obesity affects more than 15 percent of the population under 18 years old that is classified as overweight. Obesity not only impacts lifestyle but can also lead to lower self-esteem, cause depression and discomfort in social situations, and significantly diminish quality of life. Obesity also increases a person’s risk for developing serious obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome. With this information and obesity playing such a role in today’s society I have decided to research and design my own weight loss supplement, using ingredients, herbs, extracts and vitamins that I know to be not only effective in helping men and women lose weight, but also relatively healthy considering how many different weight loss products and options there are for sale in America today. For my weight loss supplement I chose to use 5 select ingredients that I have personally used in some form or another through my time as a personal trainer and work out fanatic. My five ingredients are as follows; Caffeine Anhydrous, Green Tea Extract, L-Carnitine, Vitamin B-12 and Vitamin D3. My rationale for choosing these five ingredients is partly due to the restriction and limitations given to me by this assignment, but also because as I stated before I personally have seen weight loss results and know the potential benefits with each ingredient I listed and think they not only help individuals with weight management, specifically weight loss and appetite control, but also feel as though they are safe enough for the majority of men and women to take on a daily basis in order to help expedite the weight loss process, which can be so very difficult for people, specially as they age and their metabolism slows down. This supplement I will provide not only enhances metabolism but also directly targets fat on the persons body for use as energy during a workout, which in turn will help speed up the potential for weight loss and success in that persons exercise program, Obviously results will vary as with any supplement depending on the persons diet and consistency with their workouts, genetics, and potential other health limitations. Once again the five ingredients I chose were Caffeine, Green Tea, L-Carnitine, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3. I will now discuss each supplement individually, their dosing in my product and exactly how each one will potentially help benefit the consumer in their weight loss efforts. I will then talk a little about the possible negative side effects and any other pertinent information someone might need while using this product. First, the king of all the metabolism boosting supplements, Caffeine Anhydrous; in my opinion nothing can potentially help people lose weight quicker and more effectively than good old Caffeine. Bodybuilders will actually use instant coffee grounds in their pre workout shakes sometimes in order to get that quick buzz of energy before a workout. It is in almost every weight loss product in stores today and everyone knows its positive side effects, primarily energy. The way I see it the more energy and higher metabolism you have during the day the more likely you are to go workout, eat less and more importantly lose fat in the process. The body loses weight fairly scientifically for the most part, calories in versus calories out. If someone is able to boost their metabolism and therefore burn more calories in a day than they are supposed to be consuming then weight loss should occur. Although research about the connection between caffeine and weight isnt definitive, there are several theories about how caffeine might affect weight, including: †¢ Appetite suppression. Caffeine may reduce your desire to eat for a brief time, but theres not enough evidence to show that long-term consumption aids weight loss. Calorie burning. Caffeine may stimulate thermogenesis  one way your body generates heat and energy from digesting food. But this probably isnt enough to produce significant weight loss. †¢ Water loss. In some people, caffeine can act as a diuretic, which means it increases the amount of urine you excrete. This increase in urine output, mostly water loss, may temporarily decrease your body weight, but it doesnt result in the loss of body fat. As you can see Caffeine on its own isn’t a total cure all for weight loss but its potential positive benefits far outweigh the negatives and combined with the 4 other ingredients in my supplement I believe weight loss will occur. I would dose the Caffeine Anhydrous at 150mg per pill, with that pill being taken twice daily on an empty stomach, hopefully once before a workout. My next ingredient in my weigh loss product is Green Tea Extract, specifically Camellia Sinensis, which is the pure extract form. I would combine this with the caffeine at 250mg per pill, also taken twice daily. Most importantly is the EGCG in the Green Tea. I would dose 125mg of the 250mg of Green Tea specifically as the EGCG form. EGCG is short for Epigallocatechin gallate, one of the active ingredients found in green tea. Recent studies on green tea and on EGCG itself have supported EGCG’s ability to assist in weight loss. ECGC has anti-oxidant properties. Anti-oxidants protect the body’s cells from free radicals. Free radicals are believed to be responsible for many diseases and conditions in the body including cancer, auto-immune diseases, and heart disease. EGCG is found in many weight loss aids in varying strengths. As well as being an anti-oxidant, EGCG, along with the caffeine in green tea, produce a thermogenic response in the body. Thermogenesis creates heat in the body and boosts the metabolic system, increasing the speed of adipose (fat) tissue breakdown. Several studies have backed up this claim and green tea and EGCG are considered the front-runners of weight loss ingredients. Next up on my list of ingredients in my weigh loss product is L-Carnitine. I would add 1000mg of L-Carnitine to my supplement, also to be taken twice daily. L-carnitine is a substance, made from amino acids, which helps your body burn fat for energy. Taking a carnitine supplement could potentially help promote weight loss and improve your exercise performance. L-carnitine works to convert fat into energy in your body and is used in many parts of your body, particularly your muscle tissues, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Carnitine is found in dairy products and meats, but your body manufactures all it needs from methionine and lysine. In some people, carnitine production is inhibited, creating a deficiency. People who have certain genetic conditions, diabetes, liver cirrhosis and heart conditions all tend to have carnitine deficiencies. L-carnitine could help you lose weight by improving your fat-to-muscle ratio, or body composition, says the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Carnitine supplements are also sometimes used to improve athletic or exercise performance. Carnitine might potentially help to reduce your bodys fat mass and increase muscle mass, as well as reduce fatigue, notes the University of Maryland Medical Center. Having taken Carnitine myself for many years I have always felt that this supplement worked well on it’s own, but ultimately better when stacked in conjunction with other thermogenic and weight loss supplements such as Caffeine and Green Tea, which is why I chose to combine the three together for my weight loss product. Not only will there be potential health and weight loss benefits, but the negative side effects are few and far between which is hard to say for some of the more controversial weight loss supplements out there. Lastly I will talk about the two Vitamins I chose to add to my weight loss product; those being Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3. Both of these vitamins are excellent for ones overall health but also may help increase metabolism and weight loss in individuals. Vitamin D3 stands out as one of the most overlooked yet most important nutrients for weight loss and a whole host of other disorders. The body has thousands of different receptors for vitamin D3 and its metabolites all over the body, helping to explain the wide variety of benefits attributed to the vitamin. It has been shown to benefit insulin resistance, cancer and autoimmune conditions, as well as maintaining strong bones. However, a vitamin D3 metabolite is also required to activate the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase. Without this enzyme, the body cannot make dopamine. Low mood and reduced metabolism are the consequences (incidentally, this is what is commonly diagnosed as Seasonal Affective Disorder and sees patients plied with anti-depressant medication). Vitamin D3 deficiency is on the rise throughout the Western world, as increasing numbers of individuals work through the daylight hours in offices, then cover themselves from head to toe in sunscreen when on holiday. Many other issues can play a role in the inability to lose weight, such as hormonal imbalance, fungal infection, dehydration, stress, but naturally all these issues are made worse by a lack of minerals. Nourishing your body with the level of vitamins and minerals it has evolved with should remain your first priority in any regime, especially when it comes to weight loss. I would add 1000IU of Vitamin D3 to my weight loss supplement to be taken twice daily.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Brave New World :: essays research papers
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Aldous Huxley was born in Surray, England on July 26, 1894. He belonged to a dis-tinguished British family, which included T.H. Huxley, an famous scientist and hu-manist; and Julian Huxley, a philosopher of science. Aldous Huxley went to Balliol College, Oxford. He wanted to become a doctor, but an eye infection blinded him, and prevented him from finishing his studies. Huxley had to quit for some time because of his eye infection. He did exercises for his eyes, and with self-discipline eventually recovered from most of the infection and could some-what see. Huxley resumed his studies at Oxford, and accomplished a degree in 1916. At first Huxley tried to be journalist. But in 1921, he began writing poetry and short stories. There after, he began writing essays and novels. He received the Award of Merit for the Novel from the American Academy of Arts and Letters in the year 1959. His most famous book, "Brave New World", was published in 1932. In the "brave new world" of 632 A. F. (After Ford), universal human happiness has been achieved. Control of reproduction, genetic engineering, conditioning--especially with repetitive messages during sleep--and a perfect pleasure drug called "Soma" are the cornerstones of the new society. Religion, thinking and loneliness have been abolished. Reproduction has been removed from the womb and placed on the con-veyor belt, where reproductive workers tinker with the embryos to produce various grades of human beings, ranging from the super-intelligent Alpha Pluses down to the dwarfed semi-moron Epsilons. Each class is conditioned to love its type of work and its place in society; for example, Epsilons are supremely happy running elevators. Outside of their work, people spend their lives in constant pleasure. This involves consuming (continually buying new things, whether they need them or not), participating in elaborate sports, and free sex. While uninhibited sex is universal and considered socially constructive, love, marriage, and parenthood are viewed as obscene. The story concerns Bernard, an alpha whose programming is a bit off--he is discon-tented and desires to spend time alone just thinking or looking at the stars. At one point he takes Lenina on a vacation to the savage reservation in New Mexico. There he discovers John (the Savage), son of Linda who had visited the reservation more than 20 years previously and was accidentally left behind. When she discovered she was pregnant (the ultimate humiliation!), she had to remain among the savages.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Diagram of Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System Essay
Figure 2.0: Context Diagram of Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System The figure 2.0 represents the two (2) users of the Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System namely the Administrator and the Professor. The Administrator entity shows the capability to access the system; manage account by modifying account’s profile; managing member’s account such as creating new user profile and updating user profile; importing student list; creation of grade criteria; generating students grade report and updating website contents. The Professor entity shows the capability on accessing the system; managing account profile; importing student list; defining grade template for grading computation and generating student’s grade. Figure 3.0: First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of Administrator’s Capabilities The figure 3.0 represents the First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Administrator upon successfully logging-in into the Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System. He/she has the capabilities to manage modules such as handling member’s account, importing students list, creation of grade criteria, grade computation and updating website contents Figure 3.1: Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram on Managing Account for Administrator The figure 3.1 shows the Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Administrator on managing members account wherein he/she has the capability to create account’s profile for new professor or associate. He/she also capable on updating existing member account. Figure 3.2: Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram on Import Student List, Create Criteria, Grading and Website Modules for Administrator Figure 3.2 shows the continuation of the Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Administrator. Upon successfully accessing the system, he/she has the capability to import students list and create criteria template to be use for the student’s grade computations. The Administrator also has the capibility to change or update website contents from client’s discretion. Figure 4.0: First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram for Professor’s Capabilities In the Figure 4.0 shown above, it represents the First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of Professor in the Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System. Same with the Administrator user, the Professor also have the capabilities to update own account profile, import student lists and generate student’s grade summary. Figure 4.1: Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram on Managing Account, Import Student Lists and Compute Grade Modules for Professor Figure 4.1 shown above presents the Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Professor upon successfully logging-in into the system. Same with the Administrator user, the Professor is also capable on modifying and updating account profile; importing student list; defining grade criteria template and generate grade summary of students.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Rhetorical Modes
Associate Program Material Appendix C Rhetorical Modes Matrix Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least 2 tips for writing each type of rhetorical device. |Rhetorical Mode |Purpose – Explain when or why |Structure – Explain what organizational |Provide 2 tips for writing in | | |each rhetorical mode is used. method works best with each rhetorical mode. |each rhetorical mode. | |Narration |The purpose of a narration is |Narrations are usually best told in |First ask yourself if you want | | |to tell stories. Narrations can |chronological order. Chronological order is |to write about fiction or | | |be factual or fictional, either |the order in which events are told from |non-fiction. | | |way, they should engage the |beginning to end. Start with a strong | | |readers emotionally. | |in troduction to hook your | | | | |readers. | | |An illustration clearly |The structure that works best with an |First decide on an interesting | |Illustration |demonstrates and supports a |illustration is by order of importance. Order|topic. | |point through the use of |of importance is the organizational method |Gather evidence that works in | | |evidence. |that arranges ideas by order of importance. |conjunction with your subject | | | | |and also engages the audience. | | | | | | Description |The purpose of description in |Descriptive essays are best told by spatial |Choose a subject that you wish | | |writing is to make sure the |order. Spatial order is the arrangement of |to describe, such as a person, | | |readers are fully in tune with |ideas based on physical characteristics or |place, or event. | | |the words on the page. appearance. |Fill every part of your essay | | | | |with full vivid sensory | | | | |details, which include alll of | | | | |the five senses. |Classificati on |The purpose of classification is|Classification essays are organized by its |Choose a topic you know a lot | | |to break down wide ranging |subcategories. It begins with an introduction|about. The more you know about | | |subjects into smaller, more |that introduces the broader topic and then |a topic the easier it will be | | |specific and manageable parts. |the thesis should include how and why the |to break down into groups. | | |topic is divided into subcategories and why. |Make sure you break down each | | | | |topic into three different | | | | |ways, it will help you to think| | | | |more originally . |Process |The purpose of process analysis |A process analysis essay is usually organized|You want to choose a topic that| |analysis |is to explain how something |by chronological order. The steps of the |is interesting, complex, and | | |works and how to do something. |process are told by the order in which they |can be conveyed in a series of | | | |occur. |steps. | | | |Ch oose a process that you know | | | | |well enough to describe the | | | | |finer details in each step of | | | | |the process. |Definition |The purpose of a definition |A definition essay is organized by opening |Choose a word or phrase complex| | |essay is to define a topic in a |with a general description of the term you |enough to write about at length| | |detailed and informative manner. |are defining. Then, you use your definition |or of personal revelance to be | | | |of the term as your thesis. You should also |considered engaging and | | | |use details and examples for the body, and |interesting. | | | |then tie in all the elements of the term and |The context of the term affects| | | |reinforce your thesis to conclude your essay. |the meaning and the definition. | | | | | | | | | | |Compare and |The purpose of a compare and |Compare and contrast essays can be organized |The thesis should clearly | |contrast |contrast essay is to analyze two|by the subjects themselves, first one then |convey why the subjects are | | |subjects that either compares or|the other, or by their individual points, |being compared or contrasted | | |contrasts them or does both. |which discusses each subject in regards to |and what will be learned from | | | |each point. |it. | | | | |Use phrase of comparison or | | | | |contrast to let readers know | | | |how the subjects are being | | | | |analyzed. | |Cause and |Cause and effect essays |There are two key ways that cause and effect |Choose an ev ent that has an | |effect |determine how various events |essays are organized. The first way is by |interesting cause and effect | | |are related. |beginning with the cause and then the effect |relationship, and introduce it | | | |or vice versa, you can begin with the effect |in an engaging way. | | | |and then the cause. Clearly explain and support the| | | | |causes and effects you discuss | | | | |with a wide range of evidence. | |Persuasion |The purpose of persuasion is to |A persuasion essay is made up of five |A thesis that clearly conveys | | |motivate, convince or sway |features. The first feature is the |the opinion of the writer in | | |readers to a certain point of |introduction and thesis. The second feature |clear, consise terms makes for | | |view or opinion. |is opposing and qualifying ideas. a better argument than one that| | | |The third feature is strong evidence in |is vague. | | | |support of the claim. |Be careful of the use of I in | | | |The fourth feature is the style and tone of |your writing, because it can | | | |the language you are using. Lastly, is a |make you seem overly biased and| | | |compelling conclusion. |it takes away from the topic at| | | | |hand. |
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Night of Sorrows
The Night of Sorrows On the night of June 30 - July 1, 1520, the Spanish conquistadors occupying Tenochtitlan decided to escape from the city, as they had been under heavy attack for several days. The Spanish tried to escape under cover of darkness, but they were spotted by locals, who rallied the Mexica warriors to attack. Although some of the Spaniards escaped, including expedition leader Hernan Cortes, many were slain by the angry natives, and many of the golden treasures of Montezuma were lost. The Spanish referred to the escape as La Noche Triste, or the Night of Sorrows. ​ The Conquest of the Aztecs In 1519, conquistador Hernan Cortes landed near present-day Veracruz with about 600 men and began slowly making his way to the magnificent capital city of the Mexica (Aztec) Empire, Tenochtitlan. On his way into the Mexican heartland, Cortes learned that the Mexica controlled many vassal states, most of which were unhappy about the Mexicas tyrannical rule. Cortes also first defeated, then befriended the warlike Tlaxcalans, who would provide invaluable assistance in his conquest. On November 8, 1519, Cortes and his men entered Tenochtitlan. Before long, they took Emperor Montezuma captive, resulting in a tense stand-off with the remaining native leaders who wanted the Spaniards out. The Battle of Cempoala and the Toxcatl Massacre In early 1520, Cortes had a fairly firm hold on the city. Emperor Montezuma had proved a pliant captive and a combination of terror and indecision paralyzed other native leaders. In May, however, Cortes was forced to assemble as many soldiers as he could and leave Tenochtitlan. Governor Diego Velazquez of Cuba, wishing to reassert control over Cortes expedition, had sent a massive conquistador army under Panfilo de Narvaez to rein in Cortes. The two conquistador armies met at the Battle of Cempoala on May 28 and Cortes emerged victorious, adding Narvaez men to his own. Meanwhile, back in Tenochtitlan, Cortes had left his lieutenant Pedro de Alvarado in charge of about 160 Spanish reserves. Hearing rumors that the Mexica planned to slaughter them at the Festival of Toxcatl, Alvarado decided on a pre-emptive strike. On May 20, he ordered his men to attack the unarmed Aztec nobles assembled at the festival. Heavily armed Spanish conquistadors and their fierce Tlaxcalan allies waded into the unarmed mass, killing thousands. Needless to say, the people of Tenochtitlan were enraged by the Temple Massacre. When Cortes returned to the city on June 24, he found Alvarado and the surviving Spaniards and Tlaxcalans barricaded in the Palace of Axaycatl. Although Cortes and his men were able to join them, the city was up in arms. The Death of Montezuma By this point, the people of Tenochtitlan had lost their respect for their Emperor, Montezuma, who had repeatedly refused to take up arms against the hated Spanish. On June 26 or 27, the Spanish dragged a reluctant Montezuma to the rooftop to appeal to his people for peace. This tactic had worked before, but now his people were having none of it. The assembled Mexica egged on by new, warlike leaders including Cuitlhuc (who would succeed Montezuma as Tlatoani, or Emperor), only jeered Montezuma before launching stones and arrows at him and the Spanish on the roof. The Europeans brought Montezuma inside, but he had been mortally wounded. He died shortly thereafter, on June 29 or 30. Preparations for Departure With Montezuma dead, the city in arms and able military leaders like Cuitlhuac clamoring for the annihilation of all of the invaders, Cortes and his captains decided to abandon the city. They knew the Mexica did not like to fight at night, so they decided to leave at midnight on the night of June 30-July 1. Cortes decided that they would leave via the Tacuba causeway to the west, and he organized the retreat. He put his best 200 men in the vanguard so that they could clear the way. He also put important noncombatants there: his interpreter Doà ±a Marina (Malinche) was guarded personally by some of Cortes best soldiers. Following the vanguard would be Cortes with the main force. They were followed by the surviving Tlaxcalan warriors with some important prisoners, including three children of Montezuma. After that, the rearguard and cavalry would be commanded by Juan Velazquez de Leà ³n and Pedro de Alvarado, two of Cortes most reliable battlefield captains. The Night of Sorrows The Spanish made it a fair way onto the Tacuba causeway before they were seen by a local woman who raised the alarm. Before long, thousands of enraged Mexica warriors were attacking the Spanish on the causeway and from their war canoes. The Spanish fought valiantly, but the scene soon deteriorated into chaos. The vanguard and Cortes main body of troops reached the western shores fairly intact, but the back half of the escape column was nearly wiped out by the Mexica. The Tlaxcalan warriors suffered great losses, as did the rearguard. Many local leaders who had allied themselves with the Spanish were killed, including Xiuhtototzin, governor of Teotihuacn. Two of Montezumas three children were killed, including his son Chimalpopoca. Juan Velazquez de Leà ³n was killed, reportedly shot full of native arrows. There were several gaps in the Tacuba causeway, and these were difficult for the Spanish to cross. The largest gap was called the Toltec Canal. So many Spaniards, Tlaxcalans, and horses died at the Toltec Canal that their dead bodies formed a bridge over the water over which others could cross. At one point, Pedro de Alvarado allegedly made a tremendous leap over one of the gaps in the causeway: this place became known as Alvarados Leap even though it likely never happened. Some Spanish soldiers close to the rearguard decided to retreat back to the city and re-occupy the fortified Palace of Axaycatl. They may have been joined there by as many as 270 conquistadors there, veterans of the Narvaez expedition, who had apparently never been told of the plans to leave that night. These Spanish held out for a couple of days before being overrun: all were killed in battle or sacrificed shortly thereafter. The Treasure of Montezuma The Spanish had been collecting wealth since long before the Night of Sorrows. They had plundered towns and cities on their way to Tenochtitlan, Montezuma had given them extravagant gifts and once they reached the capital city of the Mexica, they had looted it mercilessly. One estimate of their loot was a staggering eight tons of gold, silver, and jewels at the time of the Night of Sorrows. Before they left, Cortes had ordered the treasure melted down into portable gold bars. After he had secured the Kings fifth and his own fifth onto some horses and Tlaxcalan porters, he told the men to take whatever they wanted to carry with them as they fled the city. Many greedy conquistadors loaded themselves down with heavy gold bars, but some of the smarter ones did not. Veteran Bernal Diaz del Castillo carried only a small handful of gemstones which he knew were easy to barter with natives. The gold was put in the care of Alonso de Escobar, one of the men Cortes trusted most. In the confusion of the Night of Sorrows, many of the men abandoned their gold bars when they became a needless weight. Those who had loaded themselves with too much gold were more likely to perish in battle, drown in the lake, or be captured. Escobar disappeared in the confusion, presumably killed or captured, and thousands of pounds of Aztec gold disappeared with him. All in all, most of the loot the Spanish had captured thus far disappeared that night, down into the depths of Lake Texcoco or back into the hands of the Mexica. When the Spanish recaptured Tenochtitlan several months later, they would try in vain to locate this lost treasure. Legacy of the Night of Sorrows All in all, some 600 Spanish conquistadors and about 4,000 Tlaxcalan warriors were killed or captured on what the Spanish came to call La Noche Triste, or the Night of Sorrows. All of the captive Spaniards were sacrificed to the Aztecs gods. The Spaniards lost a great many important things, such as their cannons, most of their gunpowder, any food they still had and, of course, the treasure. The Mexica rejoiced in their victory but made a huge tactical error in not pursuing the Spanish immediately. Instead, the invaders were allowed to retreat to Tlaxcala and regroup there before beginning another assault on the city, which would fall in a matter of months, this time for good. Tradition has it that after his defeat, Cortes wept and regrouped beneath an enormous Ahuehuete tree in Tacuba Plaza. This tree stood for centuries and became known as el rbol de la noche triste or the tree of the Night of Sorrows. Many modern Mexicans favor a native-centric view of the conquest: that is to say, they see the Mexica as brave defenders of their homeland and the Spanish as unwelcome invaders. One manifestation of this is a movement in 2010 to change the name of the plaza, which is called Plaza of the Tree of the Night of Sorrows to Plaza of the Tree of the Night of Victory. The movement did not succeed, perhaps because there is not much left of the tree nowadays. Sources Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. Trans., ed. J.M. Cohen. 1576. London, Penguin Books, 1963. Print.Levy, Buddy. Conquistador: Hernan Cortes, King Montezuma and the Last Stand of the Aztecs. New York: Bantam, 2008.Thomas, Hugh. Conquest: Montezuma, Cortes and the Fall of Old Mexico. New York: Touchstone, 1993.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Contemporary Issues in Global Business Management An analysis the business strategy of Nike Incorporation
Contemporary Issues in Global Business Management An analysis the business strategy of Nike Incorporation Introduction Nike Incorporation has been successful in designing, developing and marketing diverse products such as apparels, footwear and other accessories. In its operation, the firm contracts manufacturing of most of its products to firms which are located overseas. This has enabled the firm to attain a high bargaining power over its suppliers (Lussier Kimball, 2009, p. 90).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Contemporary Issues in Global Business Management: An analysis the business strategy of Nike Incorporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The firm has effectively positioned itself in marketing its products on a global scale. In the United States, the firm has established a strong distribution network through a number of retail outlets. For example, the firm runs approximately 20,000 retail accounts around the 110 countries in which it operates. Most of the firm’s products such as bags, bats, gloves, sports wear and other sports equipment are marketed under the Nike brand name. Nikes success can be attributed to its efficiency in implementing its internationalization strategy. Findings of a study of 132 organizations conducted by Veronica Wong and Professor Peter Doyle in 1998 revealed that marketing is one of the core drivers in the performance of business entities (Blythe, Coxhead, Lashwood, Partridge, Reed Simms, n.d, p.23). The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines marketing as the process which involves a number of elements such as planning, execution, promotion, pricing and distribution of the ideas conceived. Marketing is made up of a number of components such as product development. In addition, marketing must ensure that the businesses’ and customers’ needs are met. Finally, marketing must result into creation of value between the two parties (the business and the customer). Marketing is therefore considered to be a highly invaluable business activ ity (Kaser Oelkers, 2007, p.4).This paper is aimed at illustrating the various marketing strategies adopted by Nike Incorporation. Industry analysis The United States apparels industry is relatively large. In addition, the industry is in its maturity stage which is evident by the slow growth rate and a high level of fragmentation. Demand for apparels in the US is satisfied by both domestic and international markets. Similarly, the US footwear industry has experienced a significant growth over the past few years as a result of growth in demand.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has led into the industry reaching its maturity stage. In addition, the market has become very saturated. One of the reasons to explain this is the rise in intensity of competition. Some of the firm’s core competitors include the recently formed Addidas-Reebok merger, PUMA, Under Armour, Fila and New Balance Athletic. All these firms specialize in the production of sportswear. The global apparel and footwear market has become flooded with various sportswear brands. This has culminated into an increment in the consumer bargaining power. Consumers can easily switch from one product to another (Lussier Kimball, 2009, p. 90). However, the firm’s current strategy has enabled it to attain an effective market position. The firm has been able to create a relatively high level of customer loyalty. As a result, Nike Incorporation continues to lead in the footwear and apparel industry. In an effort to enhance its competitiveness, Nike Incorporation management team diversified its operations into the golf industry. This was achieved through the signing Tiger Woods who is a renowned golf personality as its spokesperson (Lussier Kimball, 2009, p.92). Competitive advantage Attaining competitive advantage is one of the ways through which a firm can be able to succe ed in the long term as a going concern entity. According to Lussier and Kimball (2009, p.93), competitive advantage entails how a firm delivers unique value to its customers. In addition, competitive advantage is aimed at making a firm distinct from its competitors by enhancing its core competency. According to Porter (1998, p.70), there are three main strategies which a firm can incorporate in order to attain competitive advantage. These strategies include cost leadership, differentiation and focus strategy. Cost leadership entails ensuring that a firm becomes the leader with regard to low cost production. As a result, the firm is able to attain price competiveness by selling its products or services at a low price point compared to its competitors. On the other hand, differentiation entails production of unique products which are highly appreciated by the customers.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Contemporary Issues in Global Business Management: An ana lysis the business strategy of Nike Incorporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are various aspects which a firm can incorporate in an effort to differentiate its products. These include the product, sales, image, distribution and marketing. Focus strategy entails a firm being committed to be the best with regard to a particular product segment. Over the years it has been in operation, Nike’s Incorporation management teams have appreciated the importance of developing the firm’s competitive advantage. In order to achieve this, the management team incorporated the concept of product differentiation. The resultant effect is that the firm has managed to develop strong brand recognition by ensuring development of high quality products. In addition, the firm has a strong research and development team which ensures that the products developed meet the market demand. Product differentiation is achieved through effective desig ning such as by ensuring that the products such as the shoes are of different color. The high quality of the firm’s products has enhanced its reputation on a global scale. As a result, Nike as a brand name and the Swoosh logo has increasingly been recognized as status symbols globally. As a result, the firm has been able to increase its sales significantly (Porter, 1998,p. 72). The table below illustrates a competitive profile matrix comparing the firm’s competitiveness with some of its core competitors on the basis of quality of its product, marketing strength and price. A weighted scale of 10 is used. Critical success Nike Under Addidas- factor Armour Reebok Quality 5 5 5 Marketing 2.5 2 2 Price 2.25 2 2.25 Total 9.75 9 9.25 From the table above, it is evident that the Addidas-Reebok merger is likely to pose a threat to the firm’s competitive advantage. This arises from the fact that the merger has culminated into creation of a relatively strong competitor. In an effort to remain competitive, the firm’s management team has incorporated the concept of continuous product improvement. To be effective, Nike Incorporation conducts continuous market research in so as to develop a product which meets the customers’ requirements. In addition, the firm has incorporated emerging technologies in an effort to improve the quality of its footwear, apparel and other equipments. The management team has also appreciated the importance of creating effective market awareness. One of the ways through which the firm achieves this is by integration of creative marketing campaigns. For example, the firm’s advertisements are a part of the pop culture.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Its campaigns feature prominent personalities such as Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson and Tiger Woods (Robert, Lussier and Kimball, 2009, p. 92). Through these strategies, the firm has managed to develop a strong competitive advantage thus being effectively positioned in the market. Pestle Analysis In order to determine the existing market potential, it is vital for Nike Incorporation to consider evaluating macro environmental factors. One of the ways through which the management can achieve this is by conducting a PESTLE analysis (Worthington Britton, 2006). Political Analysis According to Campbell and Craig (2005, p.123), the actions taken by the political institutions through formulation and implementation of various policies can have significant effect on the operation of businesses. In an effort to ensure continued economic growth, the US government has relentlessly ensured that there is a stable political environment. The US government has formulated policies which enable Nike Inc orporation to effectively produce and market its products. One of the ways through which the US government supports Nike Incorporation is by ensuring stable macro economic environment by advocating low interest rates, creating an environment which promote international competitiveness through an effective and efficient tax system and ensuring currency stability. This has culminated into formation of a foundation conducive to Nike’s growth. In addition, the US government is committed at forming trading blocs with neighboring countries through economic integration. Some of the countries the US is considering include South Korea, Panama and Colombia. The economic integration is aimed at boosting the country’s apparel and footwear industry. Economic Analysis Over the past few years, the US has experienced a relatively high rate of economic growth. This led to an increment in the citizens’ disposable income and hence their purchasing power. However, the occurrence of the 2007 economic recession adversely affected the country’s rate of economic growth. The recession affected various economic sectors including the apparels and footwear industry. In an effort to minimize the effects of the recession, organizations adopted various strategies such as laying of public relation campaigns which the firm utilizes include organizing fashion shows which are aimed at displaying the latest product offering. The firm’s decision to incorporate celebrities such as Tiger Woods has also played a significant role towards improvement of the brand’s value. In addition, endorsement of the firm’s brand by celebrities has also contributed towards creation of brand loyalty. For example, by wearing the firms’ clothes and designs, a firm’s brand can be improved significantly. This arises from the fact that consumers intend to associate themselves with successful individuals. In addition, firm also uses celebrities in their advert isement campaigns such as when promoting a specific product. Considering the intensity of competition, Nike Incorporation has adopted emerging Information Communication Technologies (ICT). The core objective is to enhance increase the firm’s market share by increasing their market share. The firm has achieved this through incorporation of ecommerce. In marketing its products, the firm is increasingly utilizing the internet. Some of the internet technologies which the firm has incorporated include use of emerging social networking tools such as You Tube, wikis, blogs and Face book. Distribution strategy Product distribution is vital in a firm’s effort to ensure that it succeeds in the market (Kurtz, Mackenzie Snow, 2009, p. 57). A firm’s distribution strategy should ensure that the product can be easily accessed in the market. In marketing its products in the global market, Nike Incorporation has adopted a comprehensive product distribution strategy. The firm di stributes its product to large retailers such as supermarkets in the countries in which it operates. Supermarkets form one of the largest points through which the firm distributes its products. In addition the firm has established a number of distribution centers which ensure that the supermarkets are effectively stocked. The firm has also implemented a computerized point of sales program which enables the firm to track movement of inventories in the various distribution outlets. As a result, the firm is able to restock the stores more effectively. The role of marketing strategy Through its differentiation strategy, Nike Incorporation is able to able to position itself more effectively in the market. According to Lussier and Kimball (2009, p.90), attaining an effective market position is one of the defensive strategies that a firm can utilize. The firm’s Swoosh mark is one of the core selling features. This means that there is a high probability of the firm improving its sale s revenue and hence its profitability level. In addition, adoption of the differentiation strategy will contribute towards the firm’s product being unique. The uniqueness of the firm’s products will contribute towards a large number of consumers considering purchasing the products relative to those of the competitors. In addition, product differentiation will enable the firm to address the diverse market needs (Morrison, 2006, p. 65). Through its market research activities, the firm will be able to undertake effective product development. In addition, the firm will be able to develop a high level of customer satisfaction by integrating the customers’ needs in the process of developing new products. This illustrates that there is a high probability of the firm increasing the size of its global market share. For differentiation strategy to be well undertaken, the firm will be required to conduct continuous market research (Brooks, Weatherston Wilkinson, 2004, p.5 4). This means that the firm will be able to understand the changes in the global market. The resultant effect is that the management team will be effective in the planning process hence its ability to address future changes. In addition, product differentiation strategy will enable the firm to target the market more effectively. Conclusion From the analysis above, it is evident that Nike Incorporation has been very successful. This has resulted from its efficiency in formulating and implementing operational strategies. Additionally, the external environment has also provided an environment conducive for Nike’s operation. To be successful in the long term, Nike Incorporation should continuously adopt global strategies in its operations. This will contribute towards the firm attaining a high market share and at the same time retain its leadership. However, the firm’s management team should act locally in the various markets it penetrates. This will contribute towards th e firm’s products being widely accepted in the market. Reference List Baron, D.P., 2005. Business and its environment. New York: Prentice Hall. Blythe, J., Coxhead, H., Lashwood, M., Partridge, L., Reed, P. Simms, H., n.d. Strategic marketing. London: Select Knowledge Limited. Brooks, I., Weatherston, J. Wilkinson, G., 2004. The international business environment. London: FT Prentice Hall. Campbell, D. Craig, T., 2005. Organisations and the business environment. New York: Butterworh – Heinemann. Kaser, K. Oelkers, D., 2007. Sports and entertainment marketing. New York: Cengage Learning. Koekemoer, L. Bird, S. 2004. Marketing communications. New York: Juta and Company Limited. Kurtz, D., MacKenzie, H. Snow, K., 2009. Contemporary marketing. New York: Cengage Learning. Lamb, C., Hair, J. McDaniel, C., 2008. Marketing. New York: Cengage Learning. Lussier, R. Kimball, D., 2009. Applied sport management skills. New York: Human Kinetics. Morrison, J., 2006. international business environment: global and local marketplaces in a changing world: the international business environment. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Porter, M., 1998. Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance: with a new introduction. New York: Simon and Schuster. Public Policy and Advocacy. n.d. Taxation and intellectual property rights. Web. The New York Times. 2009. In recession, Nike is likely to cut marketing. Web. Worthington, I., Britton, C. 2006. The business environment. New York. Prentice Hall.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Ten tips for high-impact documents - Emphasis
Ten tips for high-impact documents Ten tips for high-impact documents Start with the reader in mind Do they know much about the topic? Do they understand your jargon or acronyms? How important is this information to them? How interested are they in it? (Thats not the same thing.) Be sure of your core message before you start writing. Imagine you are going on TV for a three-minute interview. Could you sum up the value of your topic in three minutes? Write yourself a short statement (fewer than 30 words) that you could use as a memory aid to help you sell your topic to the interviewer. Try using it to clarify your thoughts on the issue while speaking to a trusted colleague. This will all help you keep the main message in mind when youre doing the writing itself. Be sure to make your beginning memorable If you dont grab your reader at the beginning of the document, you are wasting your time. Getting a reader started is the most difficult part of writing, but there are techniques you can use. Try starting with a surprise statement for instance, or contrasting how things were in the recent past with how they are now (in two or three sentences). Go out with a bang Good endings are almost as important as good beginnings. The last thing you want to do is leave the reader with the impression that youve just run out of things to say. Useful techniques are: looking to the future, repeating a major issue or summarising. But be careful with the last one: keep that summary to two or three sentences. Keep it short and simple Write to express, not to impress. (No flowery language.) Good ideas come across much better in plain English. That means: write the person or subject before the verb. The company received the order is better than The order was received by the company. Make your sentence structure logical Say what the sentence is about straight away, before you add extra information. Say whats happening, before you say why. Use graphics where possible We all learn in different ways. Some people like written explanations, while others are more visual and prefer graphics and illustrations. Pictures are therefore a great way of drawing visual people into your document. (Be careful with clip art, though.) So use a graph rather than a table of data, for example. Stick to two fonts Use one serif font (eg Times) for the body text and one sans serif font (eg Arial) for headings and subheadings. E-mail Limit messages to one screen and use attachments for longer messages. Find out more: About High-impact business writing. Call us or email to find out how we can help you improve your business writing.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Critical review for a Book chapter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Critical review for a Book chapter - Essay Example Tourism department of several countries is motivating the hospitality organizations to focus on these things in order to attain both social and economic growth. In addition to this, this food and drink tourism festival can help the hospitality management students to learn about several key aspects associated with food and drink tourism. Discussion Food and drink festivals and events effectively provide extra attraction to the tourism concept. People, who love to visit popular tourist spots and cities, always try to experience the special local festivals and events of those areas. It is important for the tourism management organizations to take care all of these aspects along with basic aspects. The basic aspect is to take care the of the comfort and satisfaction level of the visitors. Global tourism sector is achieving significant growth rate. Various hospitality sectors are significantly contributing to the growth of this department. It is known to all that several developed and dev eloping countries are trying to improve this specific area as tourism department is considered as one of the major economic growth driver of a country. Several local restaurants and other hospitality management organizations understood the significance of their growth and sustainable business practices (Boniface, 2003). In addition to this, governments of several countries are trying to incorporate all the related industries to this sector in order to meet the market demand and growth objectives. Food and drink festivals have several benefits. First of all, it helps an organization to meet the satisfaction level of the customers or visitors. On the other hand, these specific festivals and events can help individuals to learn about the culture, food habits and preparation of local food items. Experience of several events with food and drink tourism can provide effective education and information to the individuals who are trying to get employment opportunities in this specific sector . People can learn lots of things through these events and activities. It is true that several organizations or corporations educational types of events. Major objective behind the arrangements of these kind of is to educate the students or their employees. Practical knowledge about these events can help the individuals to increase their level of skill and competencies. Therefore, it can be stated that special and diversified events associated with food and drink tourism can help individuals to attain appropriate knowledge. Attractiveness of an events or a particular festival varies from a visitor to another visitor. Several visitors like to see and experience traditional and authenticated events. The authenticity of festivals and events attract these types of customers. On the other hand, some of the visitors like to see and experience newly organized events apart from older and traditional events. It is the perception of the visitors that determines the attractiveness of the event s. It is true that modernity represents the dissolution of genuine inter-subjectivity. The demand for modern activities and events is increasing significantly among the global visitors. Food brings authenticity in the tourism concept. The taste and preparation of
Friday, October 18, 2019
The impact of biofuels on the future of (any industry except airlines) Essay
The impact of biofuels on the future of (any industry except airlines) - Essay Example On the other hand, the energy requirements of transportation are exponentially increasing. The world population growing by 1% every year, and it has been estimated the consumption of oil by transportation sector will rise by 30% until 2050. As a result, the world is aggressively looking out for alternative sources of fuel that can replace oil for and never get depleted. One such renewable source of energy for transport sector is bio-fuels. However, although they are a sustainable source of energy and cause less pollution than traditional sources of fuels, they have been accused for causing loss of fertile lands reserved for agriculture, increase in food prices due to redirecting food crops towards fuel production, and large scale deforestation This report examines the existing state of development of bio-fuels with vis-a-vis the transport sector’s aspiration of sourcing only 13% of its energy from petroleum by 2050, and assesses the impact of bio-fuels on the future of vehicular transport. The largest contributors to energy requirements of the world are fossil fuels. Of these, the transportation sector heavily relies on petroleum. Petroleum in turn consists of oil and natural gas, out of which oil provides over 95% of the total transportation energy requirements (Bredenberg, 2012). However, oil sources are limited, while consumption is exponentially increasing. As per market report, the petroleum companies of the world extracted about 85 million barrels of oil, which equal to 13.5 billion litres (Lamb, 2009; Metric Conversions, 2012). It had been estimated that oil production rate will become stagnant in 2018, after which it will start declining. Although advanced technology has resulted in reduced wastage from individual oil wells and extraction from reserves earlier deemed unrecoverable, the most important concern remains that oil is a non-renewable resource of energy and its production would
Discussion Board Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Discussion Board Question - Assignment Example The policies before and after 1986 had a uniform naturalization rule of setting a residence requirement of two years. Policies were expanded for exclusion and deportation of subversives whereby all aliens had to report their address every year. In 1988, a mandate was made to increase border patrol agents. The agents increased by twice as much by 2004. Also, there was provision to enhance national and border security by increasing border fencing, surveillance and detainment of unauthorized border crossing. Religion has influenced me in such a way that I am now able to work and get along with other people. Religion has enabled me to avoid engaging in unhealthy activities such as drug abuse. People are reluctant to talk about religion because some individuals have mystical experiences whereby, they tend to think that their relationship with religion is intimate and should not be divulged to others (Schaefer, 2011). Religion reflects conservative and liberal positions on social issues as it describes people’s views. For example, the conservative rules describe views of various Christians on specific issues unlike liberalism. Another example is that liberalism can support homosexuality in a society while conservative religion can reject
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Mechanical engineering Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mechanical engineering - Research Paper Example Here are a few observations. The easiest sources where from and They have simple and well documented report on what is required for one to orient to mechanical engineering. They gave accurate information about what’s required once a person takes up the course, what to expect in terms of the difficulties of the job as well as the salary. Salary ranges where given from almost all the sources. From (, 2014), mechanical engineers’ median annual salary was $ 80,580.this was back in May 2012. It was during this year that, the engineers in the low 10% region earned less than $52,030 annually and those in the top 10% earned nothing less than $121,530. The site gives the salary ranges of the top five industries. The highest employers were Computer and electronic product manufacturers who paid them $84,860 annually, followed by Architectural engineering, Transport and equipment manufacturers, Machinery manufactures and the lowest employers were in the Fabrication industry that paid them $69,890 annually. Other sources had almost similar figures but I prefer this one (, 2014) A bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or mechanical technology is required. This is a fixed requirement on most universities. However some colleges offer 5year programs that cover both Bachelors degree as well as Masters. (, 2014). The full program takes 4-5 years to complete inclusive of the internships. Apart from the educational requirements, one is required to have other qualities. One has to have the creativity in them. One should have great listening skills. Math’s also a key quality as most of the time, you will come across several work should have mechanical skills in them. Lastly is they should be good problem solvers as they will encounter challenges that will require them to work on it in no time at all. (, 2014) . There is other kind of information that is given in some
The Positivist Lens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Positivist Lens - Essay Example Multiple studies have shown that Corporate Social Responsibility can no longer be seen by organizations as discretionary, rather it is now a pertinent strategic issue. However, there still is a gap in the empirical evidence on the actual link between CSR and actual business performance. The study will investigate the extent to which CSR has impacted business performance and by extension its benefits to society as a whole. Creswell, (2008) document that quantitative research questions are designed to inquire about the relationships among variables that the investigator is seeking to know. The quantitative research question for this investigation is; The purpose of the key purpose of the study will be to establish whether there is a correlation, positive or negative, between corporate social responsibility and actual business performance. The study also seeks to establish and define any existing trends for measuring business performance in relation to existing strategy. The paper also purposes to establish the impact of CSR on business performance focusing on key performance indicators which include market value, revenue and shareholder value. The study will also have the purpose of establishing the approaches for effectively measuring the impact of CSR on business performance. The topic will be analyzed through the positivist lens which proposes that perceptual data derived from sensory experience and logically and mathematically treated is the source of all knowledge. The approach has been shown to provide better measurements in all areas be they classifications or levels; besides it allows for the monitoring of trends over time, (Creswell, 2008). Since it provides for statistical manipulation, the researcher can find statistical correlations hence have a clearer picture on how the key variables; CSR and actual business performance relate. Besides,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Mechanical engineering Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mechanical engineering - Research Paper Example Here are a few observations. The easiest sources where from and They have simple and well documented report on what is required for one to orient to mechanical engineering. They gave accurate information about what’s required once a person takes up the course, what to expect in terms of the difficulties of the job as well as the salary. Salary ranges where given from almost all the sources. From (, 2014), mechanical engineers’ median annual salary was $ 80,580.this was back in May 2012. It was during this year that, the engineers in the low 10% region earned less than $52,030 annually and those in the top 10% earned nothing less than $121,530. The site gives the salary ranges of the top five industries. The highest employers were Computer and electronic product manufacturers who paid them $84,860 annually, followed by Architectural engineering, Transport and equipment manufacturers, Machinery manufactures and the lowest employers were in the Fabrication industry that paid them $69,890 annually. Other sources had almost similar figures but I prefer this one (, 2014) A bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or mechanical technology is required. This is a fixed requirement on most universities. However some colleges offer 5year programs that cover both Bachelors degree as well as Masters. (, 2014). The full program takes 4-5 years to complete inclusive of the internships. Apart from the educational requirements, one is required to have other qualities. One has to have the creativity in them. One should have great listening skills. Math’s also a key quality as most of the time, you will come across several work should have mechanical skills in them. Lastly is they should be good problem solvers as they will encounter challenges that will require them to work on it in no time at all. (, 2014) . There is other kind of information that is given in some
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Systematic and Unsystematic Risks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Systematic and Unsystematic Risks - Essay Example This makes multi-national corporations safer compared to their domestic counterparts. Normally, systematic risk assessment are important for listed companies to effectively price the equities, determining the cost of capital and effective evaluation of projects. However, internationalization also poses some distinct systematic risks to multi-national corporations. Some of these distinct risks are - exposure to currency fluctuations in multiple countries, exposure to political risks pertaining to multiple governments, exposure to reduction in ability of monitoring managers in multiple countries, increased chances of asymmetric & inaccurate localized information thus resulting in wrong investment decisions, etc. Internationalizing investment portfolios also increases the exposure to unsystematic risks - like competitor activity in a foreign country, manager's foul play in another country where the company's monitoring system is weak, etc. Hence, it is important for the organization to have sound global knowledge base & threat database for risk management. Organization structures with distributed power often increases the exposure to both systematic and non-systematic risks. This is the reason that Chatterjee and Lubatkin et al (1992. pp155) felt that vertical mergers reduces the exposure to both systematic and non-systematic risks. They also observed that vertically integrated companies are able to manage lower cost of capitals thus enabling the integrated company to participate in a wider set of opportunities. Hence, multi-national companies with centralized corporate governance and risk management possess lesser exposure to both systematic and unsystematic risks compared to companies having distributed (country specific) risk management & power structures. Cornell (1999. pp198-199) presented a correlation between risk duration and capital budgeting stating that long term projects may be having higher risks if the variations in cash flow is stochastic in nature. Such projects make estimations of discounted cash flow quite difficult and hence the author recommended discounting of long term projects at higher rates. This is the reason that investors normally prefer to invest in short term projects guaranteeing quick returns. Discussions on Risk Management in Deloitte The above analysis of risk exposures of multi-national corporations has been carried out to build analogy with Deloitte in which the author works as partner in Croatia. Deloitte is the largest and oldest multi-national corporation in risk advisory and audit services. Deloitte operates in multiple countries across the world through a tightly controlled "Franchisee" model in which local entrepreneurs are allowed to manage local business based on local market strategies but the risk management, code of conduct and operating methodology is largely governed globally by centralized power centers. The organization possesses a global knowledge base for risk management and allows diversification of portfolios in multiple coun
Monday, October 14, 2019
My Critical Views On Global Climate Change Essay Example for Free
My Critical Views On Global Climate Change Essay It is clear that even despite actions with regards to using measures and activities that are environmentally friendly, much more work is needed in order to address the problem of global climate change. The implementation of international protocols and requiring countries to meet certain environmental standards is certainly a big step towards addressing this issue. More intergovernmental cooperation is also another prospective answer to this problem. The more developed countries should also take the lead in encouraging the shift away from more traditional methods of production towards more environmentally friendly methods through the award of grants and exchange of technology (Torn and Harte, 2006). The creation of a body that is designed to not only specifically develop policies regarding this issue but also be given the power to enforce these policies will allow for the more efficient reduction of these greenhouse gases (Torn and Harte, 2006). It is unclear just how effective these policies may be but the fact that is clear is that in order to address this issue, each and every person in the world must take part in reducing the emission of these greenhouse gases which is the main cause of this problem (Gore, 2006). Simple steps such as taking the public transport or walking instead of taking carbon monoxide emitting vehicles will go a long way. There are many things that people can do in order to contribute to the improvement of the current environmental condition. It does not take a lot and it all starts with the awareness of the gravity of the situation. While the general scientific consensus is that global warming is real and its overall effects are detrimental, there are still some prominent scientists who feel that the severe effects of global warming have been sensationalized. Certain members of society take the idea of global warming with the normal temperature and that the temperature of the surface of the Earth has not severely increased over the last one hundred years. They claim that the temperature data collected in the 1970’s were taken in urbanized areas using different kinds of thermometers, hence the temperature readings were influenced by human error and do not precisely show drastic temperature changes in the surface of the Earth as well as in the oceans. It is therefore important the satellite data be acquired for the coming next decades in order to generate robust and reliable temperature readings that society and the scientific world will acceptable without any doubts on its credibility and efficiency. It is also of prime importance that scientific and legislative bodies prove that global warming does actually occur as a result of carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere. Geological scientists have gather substantial fossil evidence that prove that carbon dioxide concentrations have increased on the surface of the Earth, which thus results in a warmer surface, but the direct connection between the increase in carbon dioxide and the temperature increase at the actual in situ settings should still be observed. Most of the information and generalizations that scientists have collected were based on laboratory conditions where most of the components of the setup were easily regulated and controlled, such as humidity and temperature. There are currently a number of models that may be used in forecasting average surface temperatures on the Earth, but there is still a need to also design a model that could predict the amount of human-made emissions that could trigger the same features that cause global warming. There is quite a huge number of people in society that still do not understand the climate changes and what triggers such disturbances in our current weather. In the United States, there has been some restriction with regards to releasing information and disseminating information with regards to global warming. The Union of Concerned Scientists to the Oversight and Government Reform Committee of the senate has reported that the current administration has instructed research scientists to filter any information that they release to the public and that only issues that fit the current administration should be reported. The phrases of global warming and climate change have thus been identified as taboo in any type of communication that is delivered to the American society. Such restriction has resulted in the resignation of a number of scientists who have a personal belief that the truth with regards to any discovery should be released to the public as soon as possible (Andrew, 2007). Every country is now aware of the causes and effects of global warming on the ecosystem. There has been great speculation that global warming is both a natural and a man-made phenomenon. Whatever the cause is, it is imperative that every citizen understands what global warming is and what measures can be taken in order to minimize, avoid or prevent the increase in accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. References Andrew B (2007): Scientific bodies must take own action on emissions. Nature 448(7155):749 Choi O and Fisher A (2003): The impacts of socioeconomic development and climate change on severe weather catastrophe losses: Mid-Atlantic region (MAR) and the U. S. Climate Change Vol. 58, pp. 149. Gore A (2006): An inconvenient truth: The planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it. Rodale Books. Gregory JM, Stouffer RJ and Raper SCG (2002): An observationally based estimate of the climate sensitivity. J. Climate 15(22):3117-21. Haigh JD (2003): The effects of solar variability on the Earths climate. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. A: Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 361(1802):91-111.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Greatest Happiness Principle Analysis Philosophy Essay
Greatest Happiness Principle Analysis Philosophy Essay Some of the eighteenth century English moralists, including Butler and Shaftesbury, stressed the naturalness of benevolence or of seeking the good of others and of its place in the moral life and Hutcheson actually stated that the objective or material end of good conduct is the greatest happiness for the numbers, the phrase that came to be the motto of English Utilitarianism. The great leaders of this school at its prosperous period, the beginning of the nineteenth century, were Bentham, James Mill, and his son, John Stuart Mill. If these moralists had merely argued for a purely hedonistic theory of ethics, maintaining that pleasure is the sole good, their theory might not have met with such general acceptance. Attributed with the fundamentals of utilitarianism are Jeremy Bentham and afterward, John Stuart Mill. They are often referenced together; however, each had opposed viewpoints on more than a few aspects of the theory. Bentham was more basic in his image of utility, focusing on the primal human instincts of making the most of pleasure and avoiding pain. He promoted a scheme called the hedonic calculus. In this method, one could algebraically decide the right choice by setting the potential positive outcomes and negative consequences of an action against another. Bentham was comfortable equating the pleasure of a game of pushpin to that of reading poetry; Mill was choosier, articulating hierarchies of pleasures depending upon their scholarly value. Utilitarianism is based on two sets of premises, the axiomatic truths of egoistic hedonism on one side, and the principles of benevolence and equity on the other side. A mans dedication to the pursuit of general happiness is the best means of achieving happiness for him so reconciliation between egoistic hedonism and utilitarianism maybe possible upon recognition that another persons happiness is of identical value to ones own. Mill believed that the most ethical action was that which brought the most people the greatest amount of happiness. Happiness, according to Mill, is pleasure and the absence of pain, and unhappiness is pain, and the privation of pleasure. The crux of Mills ethical theory is his Greatest Happiness Principle, according to which actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. Every human being tries to promote his or her own happiness, and avoid unhappiness, which is natural rather than ethical however promoting happiness becomes an ethical theory when applied to all human beings, rather than just individuals. Utility is defined as maximizing pleasure over pain, According to Mill, human pleasures are much superior to animalistic ones: once people are made aware of their higher faculties, they will never be happy to leave them uncultivated; thus happiness is a sign that we are exercising our higher faculties. It is true that some pleasures may be base; however, this does not mean that all of them are: rather, some are intrinsically more valuable than others. When making a moral judgment on an action, utilitarianism thus takes into account not just the quantity, but also the quality of the pleasures resulting from. A pleasure is of higher quality if people would choose it over a different pleasure even if it is accompanied by discomfort, and if they would not trade it for a greater amount of the other pleasure. Moreover, Mill contends, it is an unquestionable fact that, given equal access to all kinds of pleasures, people will prefer those that appeal to their higher faculties. The people best qualified to judge a pleasures quality are people who have experienced both the higher and the lower. Furthermore, Mill observed that even if the possession of a noble character brought less happiness to the individual, society would still benefit. Mill also argues that peoples achievement of goals and ends, such as virtuous living, should be counted as part of their happiness. Since the utilitarians standard for judging an act is the happiness of all people, not of the agent alone, thus, a person must not value his own happiness over the happiness of others; and law and education help to instill this generosity in individuals. However, this does not mean that peoples motives must only be to serve the greatest good; indeed utilitarianism is not concerned with the motives behind an action; the morality of an action depends on the goodness of its result only. Moreover, in most aspects of everyday life, a person will not be affecting large numbers of other people, and thus need not consider his or her actions in relation to the good of all, but only to the good of those involved. It is only the people who work in the public sphere and affect many other people who must think about public utility on a regular basis. Utilitarianisms sanctions (internal and external),a feeling for humanity, are based on natural human sentiments, which the proper system of education could nurture. In order to show that happiness is the sole criterion for morality, it is necessary to show that people never desire anything but happiness. Mill says that people do desire things like virtue, which in common language is distinguished from happiness. However, Mill states that people love virtue only because it constitutes a part of happiness. Mill argues that happiness is not an abstract idea, but a whole with component parts. Because virtue is a part of happiness, and promotes the general happiness, utilitarianism encourages the development of virtue. Act Utilitarianism holds that actions should be judged directly according to their consequences for happiness while rule utilitarians are in favor of the principle that actions should be judged according to rules which, if followed, will have consequences conducive to the greater happiness. Critical appreciation Contrary to the impression Benthams and Mills highlighting upon pleasure may give, utilitarianism does not imply or endorse an egotistical approach to life. Bentham says, Each is to count for one and no one for more than one. i.e. my own pleasures and pains and those of others are to be calculated and compared exactly on a par. Utilitarian(s) insist that everyones welfare should be treated as equal. This ensures that utilitarianism is not an egotistical doctrine. Neither is utilitarianism altruistic, i.e. it does allow us to be concerned with our own welfare, though not to the exclusion of others, an attitude of generalized benevolence. The statement that pleasure is the only thing that is desirable commits a naturalistic fallacy. Desirable means what ought to be desired cannot be defined in terms of what men desire and that men actually desire it is no proof of a thing being desirable To infer from the statement that each persons happiness is a good to each particular person, the conclusion that the general happiness is good to the whole number of persons, commits the fallacy of composition.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Measuring Rate of Rater Uptake by a Leafy Shoot :: Papers
Measuring Rate of Rater Uptake by a Leafy Shoot The water uptake can be measured easily and because very high proportion of the water taken up by a stem is lost in transpiration, it enables the rate of transpiration to be measured. Key Factors to be kept Constant: - ================================== v Temperature - room temperature (approximately 25Â ºC) v Wind speed - No artificial wind was produced to affect results v Light intensity - Extra light was not used v Humidity - it was not humid on the day experiments were conducted The water uptake for the control Experiment. Time (minutes) Initial meniscus position of the air bubble (cm) Final meniscus positionof the air bubble (cm) Water uptake (Distance moved) (cm) Total water uptake (cm) 1 10.0 10.7 0.7 0.7 2 10.7 11.5 0.8 1.5 3 11.5 12.3 0.8 2.3 4 12.3 13.0 0.7 3.0 5 13.0 14.0 1.0 4.0 6 14.0 14.8 0.8 4.8 The water uptake when Vaseline is applied on the top surface of the leaves. Time (minutes) Initial meniscus position of the air bubble (cm) Final meniscus positionof the air bubble (cm) Water uptake (Distance moved) (cm) Total water uptake (cm) 1 6.0 6.6 0.6 0.6 2 6.6 7.2 0.6 1.2 3 7.2 7.9 0.7 1.9 4 7.9 8.5 0.6 2.5 5 8.5 9.2 0.7 3.2 6 9.2 9.7 0.5 3.7 Time (minutes) Initial meniscus position of the air bubble (cm)
Friday, October 11, 2019
Treasure Hunt, Pico Question
Title: Treasure Hunt Assignment ? Pico Question The PICO question used in this assignment is In adult patients with short term voiding problems, what is the effect of urethral catheter design compared with standard latex catheters on the rate of urinary tract infection? Define Systematic Review A systematic review is a scientific approach that combines results from a group of original research studies and looks at the studies as a whole (Nieswiadomy, 2012).Systematic reviews are pertinent for evidence-based practice (EBP) because it brings together research on the effectiveness of treatments or interventions and helps clinicians decide which treatments or approaches are supported by evidence (Nieswiadomy, 2012). Titles Found-First Search The following are five titles found: †¢Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections. †¢Methenamine hippurate for preventing urinary tract infections. †¢Cranberries for treating urinary tract infections. Prophylactic antibiotics to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections after urodynamic studies. †¢Routine neonatal circumcisions for the prevention of urinary tract infections in infancy. Systematic Review Found-Second Search The systematic review that was found on the second search that specifically answers the PICO question is Types of urethral catheters for management of short-term voiding problems in hospitalized adults by Katie Schumm and Thomas Lam. Summary of the Systematic ReviewDescribe how the systematic review applies to the PICO Question (1) The systematic review answers the PICO question in that it addresses risk and rate of urinary tract infections associated with types of indwelling catheters in adult hospitalized patients with short term voiding problems. Types of Studies Reviewed (2) Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialized Register of trials (May 24, 2010) was searched in addition to bibliographies of relevant articles.Catheter manufacture representatives were also contacted for tria ls (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). How the Review was conducted (3) Selection Criteria Selection criteria were compromised of all randomized and quasi-randomized trials that compared types of indwelling urinary catheters for short-term use in hospitalized adults (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Data collection Data collected was reviewed and then independently verified by a second reviewer (Schumm & Lamm, 2008).Clarifications were sought and disagreements were resolved as described in the Cochrane Handbook (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Subjects Twenty three trials were conducted. Those meeting criteria were 5,246 hospitalized adults in parallel groups trials and 27,878 adults in one large cluster-randomized cross-over trial (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Important Terms Defined and Significance (4,5) Urinary catheters were defined as â€Å"small tubes inserted through the urethra (outlet for urine)†(Schumm & Lamm, 2008).The review further states that urinary catheters are used short term post-surgery or to m onitor urine output in hospitalized patients (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). It is important to define this term because it is a main component of the subject of study. Also, defining a term in a systematic review provides clarity and a clear-cut definition of the subject for those not familiar with medical terminology. Studies Reviewed (6) Full access to this review is restricted without a membership.The abstract and information cited by is accessible for free. From what can be gathered, thirteen different studies were reviewed for this systematic review. Primary Recommendation and Significance (7,8) What this review concluded is that antiseptic or antibiotic coated urinary catheters might reduce the presence bacteriuria of hospitalized adults, and that siliconized catheters might cause the least side effects in men (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). However the review stated the evidence was weak.It suggested that more rigorous trials are needed to make a valid conclusion as to if antibiotic or antise ptic coated urinary catheters reduce the rate of urinary tract infections (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). This conclusion is important to nursing care because it addresses some possible interventions/treatments to reduce the most common hospital acquired infection which ultimately leads to providing excellent patient care to promote and abstain optimal health.If further research does conclude that antibiotic or antiseptic coated urinary catheters are effective at reducing the rate of urinary tract infections, health care has yet advanced another step in resolving the huge of issue nosocomial-acquired infections. References Nieswiadomy, R. M. (2012). Foundation of Nursing Resarch (6th ed. ). Boston: Pearson. Schumm K. , Lam, B. L. (2008). Types of urethral catheters for management of short-term voiding problems in hospitalized adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008 (2). DOI: 10. 1002/14651858. CD004013. pub3 ?
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Computers Will Soon Replace Books Essay
There has been a lot of talk lately concerning the possibility of computers replacing the position of books in our life. I believe it is truly possible. Many years ago, people used books for everything related to education. In fact, the human’s best source of knowledge and education was the book. But computers have gained popularity in a very short amount of time and everyone at least has one somewhere around their house. We have the need to use computers for everything. All we have to do is give the computer instructions and it does all the hard work for us. I am going to discuss the benefits that computer has to offer to its users. Firstly, computers are much better than books because a modern computer can hold a billion times more information than the average 400-800-page book. If you want to do a research about anything, it would take you at least an hour just to find the right book but by using a computer, you can find the same information in less than 5 minutes. Many people including me use the internet as a dictionary, finding definitions, so this way only takes the time to type the word. A laptop computer equal to the size and weight of a book holds data about any topic you can think of. A book only covers a specific topic. A computer can hold much more types of data than a book. When you carry one computer, you are carrying a hundred thousand books. Secondly, everyone would agree that an e-books cost much less to produce and less to buy than an actual paper books. The information in a digital format can be shared easily by email or by copying the files onto someone else’s computer or simply by transferring it into your USB drive. It is also easier to edit the information. This makes it overall more convenient for students who might not be able to afford one copy of a book each and who don’t want to make notes and underline points. Free information means at least cheap education. Who would not like a cheaper education? There are numerous websites like Google (search free textbooks in your subject area) and Google books, permit students with a limited budget to get what they want without having to spend large amounts of cash. Free e-books make education accessible and cheap thus more widespread. Last but not least, the most obvious reason why computers are making our lives better is by reducing the number of trees that are cut down for the production of books. I agree that an eBook is not 100 percent green and is far from it. But if you are comparing eBooks to other paperback books, eBooks certainly take the lead. According to â€Å"The e-Book Apocalypse†article, twenty-four trees are required to produce a ton of paper for printing books, and twelve are needed for a ton of newsprint. Thirty-five percent of those books printed are destroyed before they are even read. In 2009, eBook readers took off and the latest reading trend began to grow. In 2010, these reading devices became more popular and started sparking the attention of people everywhere. Some of this attention came from the idea that this new was a huge breakthrough in an effort to save our planet, which I find most definitely possible. To conclude, I understand change, whether it is for the good or the bad, is always a difficult and uncomfortable thing. That is the only reason why the whole world has not yet made the shift from traditional books to e-books. Now, there might be few advantages to paper. But I see a lot more advantages to digital. The fact that I now carry about a hundred books with me, wherever I go, that I can read whenever I want, outweighs any advantage a paper book could give me. Digital books are here to stay and there is no doubt that within a few years we will look at paper books as something saved from the past.
Bush Negroes
Columbus’ discovery of the New World in the late 15th century led to the establishment of colonies by European powers in that area. Eventually, the introduction of sugar in the Mid-17th Century gave rise to what would be known as the Sugar Revolution. A massive influx of slaves from Africa was seen during this period, as sugar required a substantial labour force.However, with hundreds and thousands of slaves being imported and only a few thousand whites to match them, the use of repressive measures through legal, psychological, cultural and physical means to control the slaves’ movement and to keep them on the plantation was of utmost importance in order to make up for this deficit. The horrors of slavery were so great that, even though they risked severe punishment, some slaves attempted to flee from their plantations. In fact, entire communities were established by runaway slaves in British Guiana and Jamaica.Moreover, these slaves, known as the Bush Negroes of Surina m and the Maroons of Jamaica, were able to survive despite the efforts of the Europeans to bring them back under their control. These two groups shared many similarities as well as differences, whether it both communities fighting with and making treaties with the Europeans or the fact that they defended their settlements differently. Also, they were differences between the social and political structure of these two settlements.To start with, both settlements fought with and made treaties with the Europeans. Also, both of these treaties were broken at some point in time. With the Maroons, two wars took place, the first after which the British Government in Jamaica came to an agreement with them. This treaty gave the Maroons freedom and possession of all the lands lying between Trelawney Town and Cockpit Country. In return, the Maroons’ promised not to attack white planters, help return all runaway slaves and assist the Government against external enemies or internal revolt.T he second war came about in 1795 as the Maroons felt they were being mistreated under the treaty that ended the first war. Eventually, the Maroons surrendered to end the war. The Maroon leaders and Major-General George Walpole established that the Maroons would beg on their knees for the King's forgiveness, return all runaway slaves, and be relocated elsewhere in Jamaica. On the other hand, The Bush Negroes of Surinam made a treaty with the Dutch that granted them reedom and the right to occupy the interior, in exchange for them not stirring up slave revolts or raiding plantations. The Bush Negroes complied for thirty years, but eventually they resumed their raids on the European plantations. Despite their similarities, however, the settlements of the Bush Negroes of Surinam and the Maroons of Jamaica were different in many aspects, especially in terms of how they were defended. The Bush Negroes lived in circular clearings, with their dwellings being in the centre and their crops surrounding them.Their settlements were built in such a way that the lowest growing crops were closest to their dwellings and their highest being at the circle’s exterior. This was done for cover as well as food. More permanent settlements were surrounded by a â€Å"moat†(a deep, wide ditch surrounding a castle, fort or ton that is usually filled with water). The thick forest of the interior was perhaps the greatest protection that the Bush Negroes had, as it could only be penetrated by the use of rivers which, further into the interior, had rapids.The Maroon Settlements, like those of the Bush Negroes, were constructed with security foremost. The Maroons lived in the mountains, with the lower levels being more easily accessible and the upper levels more inaccessible. Few, if any British soldiers reached the upper levels of Maroon settlements. However, the Maroons also developed camouflage and ambush techniques in order to defend their settlements. For example, â€Å"bushing up†was a commonly used method of camouflage, as it would make them impossible to spot against the trees and plants that surrounded them.The Maroons would also bathe in a mountain stream, scrubbing their bodies with the leaves of a certain plant that gave them a fresh lemon scent. Then they would lie in wait in the brush that emitted the same odour, which would camouflage their scent. Additionally, there were differences in the political structures of these two settlements, as exemplified by the fact that the Bush Negro settlements were more politically and socially structured than those of the Maroons. The Bush Negroes were organised under leaders in a quasi-military (i. e. aving some resemblance to the military) life, with the lowest ranks performing the jobs that required little or no skill, such as subsistence (i. e. to maintain or support with provisions) and plundering the plantations on a nightly basis. On Maroon settlements, however, political and socia l structures such as these were non-existent. In conclusion, The Bush Negroes of Surinam and The Maroons of Jamaica were communities that consisted of slaves who, after enduring the horrors of slavery, took the risk of fleeing their plantations and established free communities.These two groups shared many similarities and differences, whether it was in their battles and treaties with the Europeans or the way in which they protected their settlements The focus of this extract was to show the similarities and differences between two settlements that consisted of slaves from who fled their plantations to escape the horrors of slavery, even though they risked severe punishment while doing so. From their battles and treaties with the Europeans to the way in which they protected their settlements and their political and social structures, these two groups were very similar, and at the same time, different.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Reverse logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15250 words
Reverse logistics - Essay Example (Mills, 2007, p. 21). Together with an increase in consumption comes an increase in material waste. Factory overruns, defective goods, and simply goods that have reached the end of their useful lives, will naturally be expected to accumulate. Given the volumes of waste generated by the mass of population making use of these products, the situation presents itself as a logistical predicament worthy of planning of the highest priority. According to the old methods of waste disposal, municipal solid waste (MSW) is traditionally incinerated in Europe because it is self-combusting. The first dedicated waste incinerators are more than a century old, having been build in 1876 in Great Britain. It was intended to eliminate waste in order to avoid the deleterious effects of rotting organic matter. While technological advances have greatly improved this method of waste disposal today, it is less prioritized in the hierarchy of methods articulated in the European waste management strategy when compared to prevention and material recycling. Among disposal systems, landfilling is the much more preferred option rather than incineration. 70% of MSW is relegated to landfills, while less than 20% is incinerated. Even then, landfilling is increasingly becoming a less viable option, because of decreasing availability of land, dangers of groundwater contamination, aesthetic and public health issues. (Bontoux, 1999) The problem is not limited to Europe alone. In the United States, for instance, MSW generation has engendered problems in landfilling that threatens to quickly overtake capacities for accommodating the volumes created. In a study conducted by the Earth Sciences Division, under the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and sponsored by the US Department of Energy, it was determined that as much as 214,000,000 tons of municipal solid waste is generated every year. According to data gathered
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Fair Trading Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Fair Trading - Assignment Example The Office of Fair Trading is the most important government body in this connection. It has the power to impose penalties on those found breaching the law. The amendments made to this Act in May 2004 assigned greater powers to OFT so it can now conduct investigations in case a business is suspected of violating the prohibitions. Apart from Chapter 1 and II prohibitions, business need to be mindful of the anti-competitive activities outlined in Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty. These prohibitions are similar to those contained in Chapter I and II but contain some additional information. Company directors are under increased pressure from the government now with amendments to Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 under the Enterprise Act 2002 whereby individuals found of breaching the law may face Competition Disqualification Orders. This can prevent them from managing a company for 15 years. Some key implications to remember include the power of OFT officials to demand documents that can establish the status of a firm and its trade practices. Any breach of fair trade practices can result in 10 percent fine for your business on an annual basis. Third parties can claim damages. The Enterprise Act 2002 has given additional force to compliance laws by making some anti-competitive activities criminal. The cartel offence clause can make some monopolistic activities liable to criminal prosecution. OFT gives priorities to cases of cartel offence and if found involved in a cartel, your business can face serious charges. The Fair Trading Act had initially granted power to Competition Commission for making monopoly references. However under Enterprise Act 2002 those powers have been assigned to Office of Fair Trading, which can now work as a statutory body in tandem with a Board. The Competition Commission is still an important body in this connection as it had the power to investigate monopolies on direction of Director of Fair Trade agency. However most of those powers have now been granted to Office of Fair Trading. It can still make investigations when appeal is registered on some decision taken by OFT. The Director General of Fair Trading has the power to investigate alleged breaches and if it finds that prohibitions have been violated, companies can be charged 10 percent of their annual revenue for 3 years. This is something that you will have to be very careful of since these charges can erode your profits for many years. That will consequently affect your share price and might result in a takeover. With the agencies and bodies that would try to control your monopolistic activities, there are some safeguards available which you should be aware of. If your company is concerned about possible monopolistic charges, you can instantly notify the Office of Fair Trading of agreements and any other activities that might constitute anti-competitive behavior. This can help you in seeking exemption by explaining how it might help and benefit other players. Secondly some agreements may actually not be in the jurisdiction of the agency and notification can help you understand where
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