Thursday, December 19, 2019
Definition Of Democracy And Governance - 1586 Words
According to M.P.Barbra, local government means authority to determine and to execute matters within a restricted area inside and smaller than the whole state. Every state in the world has been implementing local government system for the administrating services regarding peripheral society. Local government and democracy is most closed concept in theory as well as practice. Term â€Å"democracy and governance†are complicated and dynamic concepts in social sciences discipline. It has a long historical background and goes back to human history. Ancient Athens politics and their philosophy has provided main base for those concepts and practical perspectives. There is no a concrete definition or interpretation about democracy or governance. Many scholars have presented different kind of definitions and interpretations based on their own perspectives. But, modern conceptual meaning of democracy and governance mainly depends on liberal democratic principles such as equality, participation, freedom, liberty etc. Therefore, definition of democracy and governance are depends on the social and political context of the society. Local democracy is the most important aspect of the democratic governance, because it will give a holistic view of the nature of democratic practices and governance of the whole society. Further, it will be reflected form the local government and there governing process of the given country. On the other hand, governance, administration, policy initiation processShow MoreRelatedThe Good Society By Alan Draper And Ansil Ramsay1206 Words  | 5 PagesOur class has been focused since day one about â€Å"good governanceà ¢â‚¬ . There are many definitions as to what good governance could look like. It could change from country to country, all the way down to person to person. 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